
Install Ruby support for VIM on Mac OS X

Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) has VIM pre-installed (version 7.2), which is great. It also has Ruby pre-installed (version 1.8.7) which is great too. However, I want Ruby autocompletion in VIM. Looking up the VIM version (vim --version) shows -ruby (i.e. ruby support isn't enabled). How to enable ruby for my VIM installation? ...

Easily create a Ruby on Rails partial from an existing block of markup using vim

Is there currently a plugin that you ruby on rails developers that are also using macvim/gvim/vim that allows you to take a quick block of code and create a partial from it? I know that TextMate does this, figured someone has ported it by now to vim also. ...

Managing Ruby dependencies for a project

Hi all, I'm switching to Ruby for a project due to its excellent meta-programming support. As a Scala guy, I'd use buildr or Maven to manage my project. I could have it generate a skeleton directory structure, add my dependencies, then when I build, the dependencies are downloaded automagically. How would I use this workflow in Ruby? T...

How do I get cucumber and pickle working with mongo_mapper, machinist, and machinist_mongo?

I would like to get machinist, machinist_mongo, mongo_mapper, cucumber and pickle to play nice together. Currently I have machinist with all my blueprints configured and am using cucumber to do BDD. So far so good. My problem is I am having to write custom cucumber steps for all of my machinist blueprints. It is not really a problem per...

ActionMailer Doubt in Rails

My Application has a lot of modules like profiles, places, comments etc. So Inorder to send a mail when something interesting happens like a new comment, a new place, do I need to create many mailer classes(ProfileMailer, PlaceMailer, CommentMailer) and also corresponding observer classes to implement mail? ...

Searching an XML and getting a subset of the nodes as an XML

Given a search term, how to search the attributes of nodes in an XML and return the XML which contains only those nodes that match the term along with their parents all the way tracing to the root node. Here is an example of the input XML: <root> <node name = "Amaths"> <node name = "Bangles"/> </node> <node name = "C"> ...

Ruby search and replace across files

Hey, I am trying to write a ruby script which will look in a directory and its subdirectories for HTML files, open those HTML files and insert the following line just above the closing head tag: <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" type="text/css" /> I am trying to do this with Ruby because its the only language I am familar with...

How do I freeze a Ruby reference?

I use Object#freeze to freeze the value of an object. I can write a function to deep-freeze a complex object structure. But neither will prevent me from assigning a new value to an object. $O=cl() $O.thorough_freeze $O[:file] = "makefile" # => TypeError $O[:commands][0] = "clean" # => TypeError $O = "reticulate" # => Typ...

Ruby Program Error: NoMethodError

I typed up a simple Ruby code for a tutorial question, as shown below. #Grandma is deaf! puts "Hey Sonny! It's your lovely Grandmother! How are you?" response = gets.chomp while response != "BYE" if response != response.upcase puts "Huh?! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" else puts "NO! NOT SINCE " + (1930 + rand(21)).to_s +...

working with ruby gems (rgrove's 'sanitize')

I would like to use Sanitize in my ruby app. I'm working with a few friends on this project, so making sure the code works when they git it is important too. Anyways, on the console I did >gem install nokogiri Building native extensions. This could take a while... Successfully installed nokogiri-1.4.2 1 gem installed Installi...

Remove an element's class attribute with Hpricot

How do I do it? E.g., <span class="selected" id="hi">HELLO</span> should become <span id="hi">HELLO</span> ...

Block binding in Ruby

Hi, I've been confused by the definition of block binding in ruby. Here are two samples: def redfine_a(&block) a = 2 puts eval("a", block.binding) end a = "hello" puts redfine_a {a} This one could run with the expected result, while the second one: def redefine_a(&block) a= 2 puts eval("a", block.binding) block...

How do I copy files from a gem to the local directory

I'm authoring a gem and would like to copy template files that are packaged in my gem into the local directory that the gem is being called from. ...

ruby rails converting params to int array

Hi, I am sending data via get and I need to put it into a int array to be used in a find. here is my code : @found = params['candidate'].each do |c| @found << c.to_i end My url looks like this http://localhost:3000/export/candidate?candidate[]=3&amp;candidate[]=4&amp;commit=Export If it makes any difference I am u...

Can I use Hpricot to find the main article text of any/most websites?

I need a way of extracting the main text from any webpage that displays an article. Similar to the way that Readability can find the main text on any website that it's run on. I'm using Ruby on Rails, so I think Hpricot is my best bet. Is what I'm looking for possible in Hpricot? Is there an example somewhere? Thanks for reading. ...

Debugging rspec with ruby1.9 and netbeans

Hi, How can I debug rspec specs with an IDE? specifically I'm using the following: * Ubuntu 10.04 * ruby 1.9.2-dev built with rvm * rails3-beta4 * NetBeans 6.9 I have installed the ruby-debug19 and the ruby-debug-ide91 gems, but NetBeans doesn't recognize my fast-debugger. Besides trying to debug a spec in NetBeans gives the follow...

Why does rails generate object instance variables in controllers

Why does rails use @poop object instance variables instead of just a local poop variable in the generated code? Is there some foreseen common situation where it's useful rather than simply using a local variable here? I would think it makes sense to use a local variable and not attach something to the object namespace unless you need it ...

When to use Struct instead of Hash in Ruby?

I don't have much programming experience. But to me, Struct seems somewhat similar to Hash. What tasks does Struct do very good? Is there anything Struct can do, but Hash cannot do? After googling, the concept of Struct is important in C, but I don't know much about C. ...

Representing time differences in Ruby

Does Ruby stdlib have any objects that represent difference between two timestamps? Subtracting two Time object from each other returns a float number of seconds - is there any object for that, with methods like hours, minutes etc., and most of all decent to_s? I've coded half-assed methods for that far too many time, am I doing it wron...

acts_as_tree with conditions

Hello again, This time I have problem with access control tables. I have 2 tables like these: Menu Table ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | id | parent | caption | link | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | mc_tra...