
Why does this Ruby statement throw an exception? (Arrays/Bools)

I'm not a Ruby guy, I just play one on television. I have to modify someone's old Cron job to pull down some JSON and convert it into objects. Here's the code raw_json = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse("url removed to protect the innocent")) tags = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(raw_json) puts tags.count tags.count will accurately trace as 5, ...

Using ruby to find frames in a binary protocol and store each frame in an array

I have a binary file, inside of which has multiple frames. Each frame starts with FF FF FF followed by random data of varying length. For example: FF FF FF XX XX XX XX ......... FF FF FF XX XX XX XX XX XX ......... FF FF FF XX XX XX .... FF FF FF XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX ........ It's safe to assume that FF FF FF will only appear in ...

Regex to match last occurrence

Hey there, as i don't want to spend another hour googling forthe right regex: I want to remove the last backslash of a given string with gsub: "C:\Program Files\".gsub(fancy_regex_here, '') # => "C:\Program Files" Thanks in advance for any help ...

How to pass parameters to a proc when calling it by a method? (ruby)

proc = do |name| puts "Thank you #{name}!" end def thank yield end # output nothing, just fine'God') # => Thank you God! thank &proc # output nothing, too. Fine; thank &proc('God') # Error! thank &'God') # Error! thank'God') # Error! # So, what should I do if I have to pass the ...

`-': nil can't be coerced into Fixnum (TypeError)

In my program Im getting an error which says ./ruby_camping.rb:91:in `-': nil can't be coerced into Fixnum (TypeError). What I would like to do is to checkout a guest that I have just checked in. Here is the block of code for the checkout part: def self.check_out puts "Welcome to checkout!" puts $camping.current_guests puts " Her...

Upgrading Ruby broke Rails?

So, I upgraded Ruby to 1.8.7 to make a particular gem work. Hooray, it works now! rails doesn't. I tried reinstalling rails through gem, but that hasn't helped, either. Rake is no longer recognized by my windows box as a valid command, and I can't even start the server without a whole string of errors. My only thought is that...

Appropriate way to handle settings in Rails3 Plugin?

I'm working on a plugin for Rails3. I'd like to allow users to override some settings. At the moment I'm doing this inside my plugin's Rails::Engine class like: config.my_setting = :default_value unless config.respond_to? :my_setting This seems like the wrong way to handle this. Is there a better method or convention most plugins use ...

F-connect all of sudden not working

As of the other day everything was working with Facebook Connect. Now I have to click "Connect" twice for it log me in. ...

How to get datepicker in jqGrid search toolbar ?

I want to have datepicker in search text fields and eventually also in edit fields of jqgrid on a Ruby on Rails application. Is there any way ? Has any one used such combination ? Datepicker with jqGrid ? ...

Using Ruby to Find Common Lines in X files

Right now I have 3 files, but I'd like to do this in a way that I can add more later. Each file is a list of IDs, like this. 174535945 174538045 160515924 81712260 25241494 I'd like the output to be the items that appear in list 1 and list 2, list 2 and list 3, and those that occur in list 1 and list 2 and list 3. Would the most ruby...

How to implement cookies in Ruby Net::HTTP

That's my code. Now I need to SEND a cookie to the host but I can't find a solution. def get_network_file(url=nil) begin http = @service_server, 80 ) resp, data = http.get( url, { "Accept-Language" => @locale } ) if resp.code.to_i != 200 RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.error "*** return code != 200. code = #{...

How to read image metadata from a URL?

I want to read metadata of already uploaded JPEGs on S3. Is there a way to do that in Ruby without downloading the file locally? The problem I am facing is that Image(Mini)Magick doesn't take a URL as a source (or at least I didn't find the right command). Update: This is working: >> image = MiniMagick::Image.from_file -path_to_file...

Bundler puts my gems in my project directory

I have a Rails 3rc app on Ruby 1.9.2 that works fine, but Bundler keeps making a folder named "bandsintown" (bandsintown is a gem I use) in my project directory. From what I can tell, the folder has all my gems in it. I'm pretty sure that this never happened before. Is it normal behavior? I think this might be interfering with running t...

How do you rename a folder in a bucket on S3?

As simple as it sounds, it seems like an extraordinarily complicated task. ...

Usage Tracking / analytics software for widget and bookmarklet/plugin

Launching a summary technology and looking to generate analytics on the performance and usage of the different products offered. We have a widget, a bookmarklet, and soon a plugin. Need to see individual usage details and manipulate stats for meaningful performance analytics to make intelligent decisions on ux optimizing. ...

Connecting Ruby to MSSQL server without DBI.

Is there a way to connect ruby to mssql without using DBI? Is there any native Ruby TDS lib that handles that? ...

Create plugins or gems for Rails 3?

I have features I would like to be portable between my own Rails applications. I wonder if I should create a gem or a plugin for each feature I want to be portable (sharable). They are just for Rails (for now) because they include css, html, js and image files. But I have been wondering, the things provided with plugins could be provi...

Why can you not declare constants, in methods with Ruby?

Consider the following, StubFoo is a stub of Foo, which I wish to stub out for some tests. class Runner def run Foo = StubFoo foo = # using Foo... end end This generates the following error message: Dynamic constant assignment Yet, in RSpec I can do the following, which works and is perfectly legal: i...

exec the cd command in a ruby script

I'd like to change the pwd of the current shell from within a ruby script. So: > pwd /tmp > ruby cdscript.rb > pwd /usr/bin This is the code I have right now: exec('cd /usr/bin') Unfortunately, cd is a builtin command. So: `exec': No such file or directory - cd (Errno:ENOENT) Any workaround for this? No way to get it working ...

Does Django has testing tools comparable to what Rails has?

Hey, Ruby/Rails enjoy some really nice and powerful testing frameworks like Cucumber and RSpec. Does Python/Django enjoy the same thing (I'm not talking about simple unit testing like PyUnit)? Thanks for help and time. ...