I'm trying to use Formtastic to create a payment form, since I'd like to use the inline errors. I'm using ActiveMerchant to handle the billing. I have the following form:
<%= semantic_form_for @payment do %>
<%= form.inputs do %>
<%= form.input :email, :label => "Email Address" %>
<%= form.semantic_fields_for :credit_card_at...
i am using nested_attributes for an association of products back to a transaction.
I need to add a date to the products model. I would like to add a link to set the date_select to today.
here is the view:
<% f.fields_for :trans_products do |builder| %>
<%= render 'trans_product_fields', :f => builder %>
Im getting this error when I try and make an object. Here is my routine:
service = S3::Service.new(
:access_key_id => S3_ACCESS_KEY,
:secret_access_key => S3_SECRET
puts "connection established with s3"
puts "finding bucket"
bucket = service.buckets.find("test")
puts "building object"
object = bucket.objects.build("jso...
Before I read this article, I thought access control in Ruby worked like this:
public - can be accessed by any object (e.g. Obj.new.public_method)
protected - can only be accessed from within the object itself, as well as any subclasses
private - same as protected, but the method doesn't exist in subclasses
However, it appears that p...
I have a Google Checkout account and have been using it to sign up for classes. I currently just use a Buy Now button but would like to grab more information about the user than simply an email address and credit card information. Is there a way to integrate Google Checkout Buy Now Buttons with Google Doc Forms?
I'm trying to find a ...
this is coming up on my save, not when I try and sign in. Here is my code:
service = S3::Service.new(
:access_key_id => S3_ACCESS_KEY,
:secret_access_key => S3_SECRET
puts "connection established with s3"
puts "finding bucket"
bucket = service.buckets.find("")
puts "building object"
object = bucket.objects.build("#{RAIL...
Hello all,
I have a DB field that is integer type and values are always 0 or 1. How do I grab the equivalent boolean value in ruby? such that when i do the following the check box is set appropriately:
<%= check_box_tag 'resend', @system_config.resend %>
I would like to be able to run ruby and perl scripts from build.xml in ant.
Hi, I need to get user, channel & video insight data (views, ratings, subscribers etc) from youtube using ruby.
which tool/gem/framework to use:
I know this is asked before, but this is specific to my problem, I dont want to upload videos etc, most of the frameworks seem geared to this.
None of these seem to be a great fit to me, am ...
I'm rewriting my rails application to work with rails 3 and when I migrate the acts_as_taggable_on migration I get this error:
== CreatePosts: migrating ====================================================
-- create_table(:posts)
rake aborted!
An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled:
SQLite3::SQLException: table ...
This is my date 20100816 and it integer date.
I want to display it like 08/16/2010.
What's the best way to do it?
Hi All,
I have the following scenario
I want to add methods dynamically to a controller. All my method names are in a table . Please refer the following example
-table (method_names)-
1 - Walk
2 - Speek
3 - Run
and I have a controller
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def index
Inside this index act...
How do you update rubygems under rvm when ree is your default vm (on Snow Leopard)? I am doing:
$ rvm ree gem update --system
This results in things looking like everything went fine:
Updating RubyGems
Updating rubygems-update
Successfully installed rubygems-update-1.3.7
Updating RubyGems to 1.3.7
Installing RubyGems 1.3.7
I am using a YAML file for configuration in my rails app and a few entries in the file are subsets of future entries, eg -
domain: domain.com
name: jack
email: [email protected]
To make this more efficient, is something like this possible in YAML ?
domain: domain.com
name: jack
email: jack@${domain}
What is the recommended approach for finding multiple, unique associated models for a subset of another model? As an example, for a subset of users, determine unique artist models they have favorited.
One approach is to grab the users from the database, then iterate them all quering for favorites and building a unique array, but this se...
I am on a tight timeline with minimum resources for a project.
I would like to practice test driven development for this project, but realistically, i would not have time to learn any of the more sophisticated frameworks like Cucumber, Rspec, etc. And it would probably be counter-productive at this point anyway
What do you recommend i...
I'm adding data to a db and I only need to check for duplicated data within the last 30 minuets or so.
Data is getting added at about 10 entries per minuet so I only need search about 300 records. How can I get this in conditions with rails Model.find(:all, :conditions => [])?
I was trying to get familiarize myself with matrices in Ruby. I am trying to initialize a matrix with a input in string format. I tried the following code, but its not working. Please help me what I'm doing wrong.
input =
'08 02 22 97
49 49 99 40
81 49 31 73
52 70 95 23'
x = Matrix.rows(input.lines() { |substr| substr.strip.spl...
isn't + an operator? why would it not be defined?
here's my code:
Class Song
@@plays = 0
def initialize(name, artist, duration)
@name = name
@artist = artist
@duration = duration
@plays = 0
attr_reader :name, :artist, :duration,
attr_writer :name, :aritist, :duration
def play
@plays += 1
Read about this one:
Look at the pictures!
Unfortunately, it's very outdated and not actively maintained.
I wonder, are there any other tools similar to this one that can show me what code was just executed, in what file, what the output was and what the return valu...