I'm having a problem right now where I can't see where my child threads are spitting out error messages which is making it difficult to debug.
a = 1/0
Is there any way to have all thread errors print out at stderr?
RDT seems to be the preferred ruby plugin for adding ruby language support to Eclipse. However, I see that the main developer on that project has joined Aptana RadRails. Does this mean that project is no longer up-to-date for Ruby in Eclipse.
If so, which plugin is the preferred choice these days?
I'd like to provide a "log out" function in a Rails app. Should I do...
From reading the docs, both look like they could work. Does it matter? Or should I use something else?
how can I replace 2 strings in the same time? for example let's say I have string like this:
i want to replace every "AAAA" with "CCCC" and every "CCCC" with "AAAA" but if i did:
what I want str1 to be "C...
How do you search the Web Page Source in ruby
Hard to explain, but heres a the code for doing it in Python
import urllib2, re
word = "How to ask"
source = urllib2.urlopen("http://stackoverflow.com").read()
if re.search(word,source):
print "Found it "+word
I want to Extract the Members Home sites links from a site.
Looks like this
<a href="http://www.ptop.se" target="_blank">
i tested with it this site
<a href="(.*?)" target="_blank">
Shall output http://www.ptop.se,
Here comes the code
require 'open-uri'
url = "http://itproffs.se/forumv2/showprof...
How can I configure tomcat to handle .rhtml pages with jruby?
I guess I should mess around with the web.xml file, but I don't know how...
(ideally, without rails, just the necessary stuff to use erb for rendering rhtml pages...)
Just wondering what '!!' is in ruby.
Hi im learning Ruby Regex, but having once problem here.
I want to extract links from google.com
Code i shall extract from looks like this
<a href="http://www.test.com/" class="l"
I took me around 5min to found a regex that shall works. (with www.rubular.com)
It is
"(.*?)" class="l"
Heres Comes the code
require "open-uri"
Hi All,
I am using Ruby's Test::unit to compare the result of generated html with the expected result. (not using rails). I am not concerned with whitespace differences but these nearly always crop up during tests. Is there any testing mechanism to compare html while ignoring meaningless whitespace. I can see there's similar question f...
I'd like to embed 2 gems into my RubyCocoa app, so the user doesn't have to install them on the console on him-/herself. But I can't find any information on about how to do that.
Hi All,
Is it possible to execute a proc within the context of another object?
I know that normally you'd do proc.call(foo), and then the block should define a parameter. I was wondering though whether I could get "self" to bind to foo so that it's not necessary to have a block parameter.
proc = Proc.new { self.hello }
class Foo
I'm currently using test/unit, and I'm considering using rspec. However, I've noticed that rspec currently doesn't support heckle in ruby 1.9.1, and doesn't support passing any parameters to heckle apart from the target module/class/method.
Are there any other current problems with using heckle and rspec, or do they work well together a...
I'm running ruby 1.8.6.
I installed the minitest 1.3.1 gem, which is the new defacto replacement for the Test::Unit framework in Ruby 1.9 The API is supposed to be the same.
I wrote a small test to get things rolling
require 'rubygems'
gem 'minitest'
require 'minitest/unit'
class CategoryMiniTest < MiniTest::U...
So I am a long time .Net developer looking to branch into something new to further my professional development. I have reduced the next language to learn as one of c++, Python or Ruby and want to hear everyone's thoughts on what I should pick, and why?
What trials and tribulations have others found when moving from c# onto one of these...
My current question is what does the << operator do in Ruby? But my real question is how would I search Google to find the answer?
Does anyone use tuples in Ruby? If so, how may one implement a tuple? Ruby hashes are nice and work almost as well, but I'd really like to see something like the Tuple class in Python, where you can use . notation to find the value for which you are looking. I'm wanting this so that I can create an implementation of D, similar to Dee for...
Yet another argument with a friend of mine. Consider this code:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :groups
def in_group?(group)
class Group < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :members
def add_user(user)
members << user
My opinion is that these methods add extra unnecessar...
I've tried to use EventMachine etc., with JRuby. I get errors about native extensions. I believe this is due to Java limitations. I think the fact that I am on Windows further complicates the issue. Some clarification would be appreciated. What extensions can/can't be used with JRuby? How can I tell? Thanks.
As an example i want to run the following command under a rake.
robocopy C:\Media \\other\Media /mir
The rakefile i was able to get working was
def sh(str)
str.tr!('|', '\\')
IO.popen(str) do |pipe|
pipe.each do |line|
puts line
task :default do
sh 'robocopy C:|Media ||other|Media /mir'