
Help with 'Missing these required gems: error'

I get this error with gems that I install from github. I am on a XP machine. This time I installed, giraffesoft-is_taggable gem. gem list says it's there. I created a sample rails app and added config.gem "giraffesoft-is_taggable" to the environment.rb file. Start the app and I get the error: Missing these required gems: giraff...

How to parse days/hours/minutes/seconds in ruby?

Is there a gem or something to parse strings like "4h 30m" "1d 4h" -- sort of like the estimates in JIRA or task planners, maybe, with internationalization? ...

Can you install documentation for existing gems?

Rubyinside mentioned a blog post on how to speed up gem installation by not installing RI or RDoc. Is it possible to install a gem and subsequently install documentation at a later date, so you can hack in haste and RTFM at leisure? ...

How do you get a ruby gem into the include path for "require"

Hi all, I am creating what I expect to be ruby gem. Anyone have a good link to a tutorial on converting a simple library or plugin to a gem? Also, especially, what is the process that Ruby uses to allow the require to find gems? It seems to be something more than putting the files in the gem path (or is my configuration screwed up?). ...

How do I get an installed ruby gem included in rails?

I am attempting to get a gem I've just installed working in a rails application. I can require the gem just fine in a ruby program that I run from the command line using: require 'nokogiri' But when I attempt to do the same in one of my rails controllers it errors saying "no such file to load -- nokogiri". I tried using the full pat...

Getting started with Ruby Gem Development

Recently I started using a gem called blackbook. The gem has a few issues that I would like to fix. I cloned the git repo and installed the gem locally, hoping I could mess with the source code. When I edit the source code nothing happens, so now I am thinking that I must rebuild the gem every time I make a change. My question is thi...

Merb having issues requiring gems

I have merb setup but when I try to run it I get issue with any gems I try to include, e.g. I have the following: require 'RMagick' The rmagick gem is installed, and doing the above in irb (after requiring rubygems works as expected) even putting require 'rubygems' before I require RMagick doesn't fix the issue. ...

How do you know what Gem is the right one?

It seems like there are no guidelines on Ruby Gem package submission. There's no way to tell what is the definitive package for your needs. At least not within the Gem framework itself. Or am I missing something? For example: I found out about "ActiveLDAP". I did gem search ldap --remote and got back *** REMOTE GEMS *** activ...

Validating a finite state machine (using AASM) on Rails.

I'm using AASM by Rubyist to build a 4-step wizard for an AR object. According to the state of the object, there are different validations that need to be done. What is the smartest way to validate an object according to it's state on a certain transition? ...

Testing Ruby Gems under Rails

I'm creating some gems that can be used within Rails controllers and views. I'd like to be able to test the gems independently. But I've not been able to figure out how to create an instance of Rails inside the gem to test that the gem will work inside a Rails app. I strongly prefer to use RSpec, but could probably adapt a Test::Unit so...

AASM Gem broken by Rails 2.3.2?

Has anyone had any problems using the AASM state machine Gem with Rails 2.3.2? It was working fine for me but is now giving a NoMethodError: NoMethodError (undefined method `state' for #<Comment:0x25cb8ac>): /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rubyist-aasm-2.0.5/lib/persistence/active_record_persistence.rb:231:in `send' /usr/local/lib...

Cannot upgrade RubyGems

Why is the following happening, and how can I sort it? On OS X Leopard (v10.5.6): $ ./script/server Rails requires RubyGems >= 1.3.1 (you have 1.2.0). Please `gem update --system` and try again. $ sudo gem update --system Updating RubyGems Nothing to update ...

Gem Loading Error, installed from Github

Update: This gem DOES install with sudo rake gems:install. The problem is with loading. For instance, when I run script/console, it throws: no such file to load -- outoftime-noaa ... Even though sudo rake gems:install just installed it. I'm not sure if this matter, probably does, but it throws this error twice. -=-=- I'm looking...

Rails can't find image_magick gem

I am trying to use image_magick gem to process image uploads, but rails can't locate it. I have installed the gem successfully using: gem install mini_magick-1.2.3.gem --local gem update system gem cleanup and my model has require 'rubygems' require 'mini_magick' However, I still get the error: no such file to load -- mini_magic...

Looking for ruby gem that determines programming language by reading the code?

A couple of months ago I read a blog post about a ruby gem that could determine the programming language by reading the code itself. For the life of me I can't recall the blog or the name of the gem. And googling for "ruby programming language guess" and variations thereof aren't helping. Anyone happen to know the name of the gem in q...

Recommendations for Open Source Ruby Encyrption Gem

I need a gem to perform simple string encryption and decryption in Ruby for values I want to store in the database. Can anyone suggest a good open source gem to use for this? ...

Making RDoc Ruby Gem Default on Mac OS X

Hey all, I've recently installed RDoc version (2.4.3) through Ruby gems to replace the one shipped with Mac OS X (version 1.0.1). Unfortunately, I can still only use RDoc 1.0.1 when I call run "rdoc" at the command line. rdoc -v returns: RDoc V1.0.1 - 20041108 I tried amending the $PATH variable to point the first entry to the RDoc 2....

Problem installing googlecharts gem?

I am trying to use the googlecharts gem to create some quick charts. Here are the rubyforge and github sites: After installing, I keep getting an error saying "no such file to load -- googlecharts" even though when I do a "gem list", the gem is list...

Why does the sqlite 1.2.3 gem install correctly for MRI but not for JRuby?

If I call: gem install sqlite3-ruby --v 1.2.3 it works for MRI but if I call: jruby -S gem install sqlite3-ruby --v 1.2.3 it says it's trying to build a native extension (for Windows) and fails. Why are JRuby and MRI different in the way they treat gems? ...

Is it valid to make Ruby Gems an analogy to Java JARs?

I believe I have put the question quite clearly and in a concise manner. Why do I ask? I am to explain Ruby on Rails framework to students and this requires me to make some analogies to the Java world (as the course is quite Java-centric). I have no hands-on experience with Ruby on Rails but I sense the Gem/Jar analogy is a valid one. ...