
Creating a data migration from data already in a test database

I would like to create a migration to add test data to other developer's environments using the data that I have manually added to my own test environment over the past month or so. Is there a good plugin or gem to do this quickly? I started trying to create one manually yesterday and wanted to claw my eyes out after about 10 minutes, so...

unpacking/freezing gems into a non-rails ruby app

I'm writing a non-Rails ruby application (gasp!) and would like to be able to include all the gem dependencies which the application requires in a vendor subdirectory. This would be similar to how works for Rails apps. The goal here is to avoid the situation my team currently experiences when a new dep...

Determining which rubygem you're using

How can you determine which rubygem is being used in response to a "require" statement? gem which doesn't seem to help. Background: for the project hornsby-herbarium-parser, I'm using the gem roo. I used the github gem hmcgowan-roo , as at that time it was more recent than the rubyforge version of roo. I tried testing the code on runco...

Are github gems less stable than rubyforge gems?

In this question, I mentioned my assumption that rubyforge gems are more official, authoritative, and stable than github forks. One of the people replying to my question said that my assumption might not be accurate. What have you observed? Do people use github to release early and release often, only putting stable releases on rubyforg...

Using the newest gem version regardless of source

Can I ask ruby or rubygems to use the latest gem regardless of its source? As mentioned in the update to this question, it turns out that ruby is using an older github gem (hmcgowan-roo 1.3.5) over a newer rubyforge gem that was installed more recently (roo 1.3.6). My suspicion is that the magic pixy (either ruby or rubygems) looks und...

The Most Basic Nokogiri Program Fails -- Documentation Problem or Bug?

I decided to give Nokogiri a try, and copied the following program straight from (adding only the require 'rubygems' and the I_KNOW_I_AM_USING_AN_OLD_AND_BUGGY_VERSION_OF_LIBXML2 constant): require 'rubygems' I_KNOW_I_AM_USING_AN_OLD_AND_BUGGY_VERSION_OF_LIBXML2 = 1 require 'nokogiri'...

Ruby on Rails HTML-Table Generator

I am looking for a good RoR table generator (or an easy solution) that can give me a decent view of my records in a table (unstylized but proper strict XHTML). Let's say I have a User model and an Address model: - A User can have many Addresses - One address is also linked as the "primary_address" Let's say I have the following in my...

Most useful Rails plugins, Ruby libraries and Ruby gems?

I have seen many sites which provide the whole list of Rails plugins, Ruby libraries and Ruby gems, but we hardly use few of them and some may not suit our requirement and we spend a whole lot of time searching for useful plugins which suits our requirement. I have created this poll, people can post useful libraries, gems and plugins wh...

Best Rails Tagging Plugin/Gem

Hello, what plugin or gem do you recommened for tagging? There are many of them, acts_as_taggable, acts_as_taggable_on_steroids, acts_as_taggable_on,... What do you say? ...

Best practice: Multiple categories - best plugin for it (acts as taggable, acts as tree,...)

Hello, I'm trying to find the best solution: I have a usermodel and the user should be able to save the keywords (multiple contexts) which he is interested at. F.e. User-interessts: Sports: Checkbox(CB) fishing, CB Skyying, CB Tennis, CB Soccer Music: CB Metal, CB Techno, CB Folk, CB Charts, ... and so on... After the user saves...

How do I compile and build the taf2-curb Ruby gem on Windows XP with MinGW?

How do I compile and build the taf2-curb Ruby gem on Windows XP with MinGW? I tried this, but I'm kinda fishing, unsuccessfully. C:\Documents and Settings\Me>gem install taf2-curb -- --with-curl-include=C:/curl-7.19.5-devel-mingw32/include --with-curl-dir=C:/curl-7.19.5 --with-curl-lib=C:/curl-7.19.5-devel-mingw32/lib --prefix=C:/MinGW...

Where are required gems defined?

In my rails application I once used authlogic-oid and ruby-openid. Now I want to get rid of them and I removed both gems and also their config.gem lines from my environment.rb. Although my application works, I can't do any database migrations because I get a "Missing these required gems" error. Also if I run rake gems:install these gem...

Can't install gems that depend on hoe

I can't seem to install the twitter gem in my shoes app. When I try... Shoes.setup do gem 'twitter' end require 'twitter' I get hoe requires RubyGems version >= 1.3.1 Is this a bug in Shoes or Hoe? Any ideas on a work-around? ...

Unpacked gem in vendor/gems not in a versioned directory

I unpacked a gem into my vendor/gems directory and tried to run my Rails app. I got this message: Unpacked gem in vendor/gems not in a versioned directory I don't understand this error and judging by the Google search results for this error there are not many people who have experienced this problem. Could this mean I also need to v...

jRails Alternative

Hello, do you know an alternative to jrails? It's more or less outdated (uses jQuery 1.5 - now 1.7 is the current release). Does anybody know an alternative? Thanks EDIT: I know how to build the rails helper with jquery allone - but I like the rails helpers, so I dont want to use jquery allone (without jrails) ...

Gem-idea: Automatic spam protection with captcha in before_filter when HTTP-method is post,put or delete

I'm thinking about writing an automatic spam protection system (maybe I will write a public gem) for rails. My concept is to include a helper method in application_controller f.e.: class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base automatic_captcha_redirect(:min_time => 30.seconds :limit => 50) ... end Then I want to include aut...

Where can I find a decent Ruby source beautifier?

Where can I find a decent Ruby source beautifier? I want something customizable and reliable. I found this but I'm not convinced. ...

Any good Ruby console application gems out there?

I'm digging around trying to find a good set of tools for creating console applications, as most of the settings I expect to be using Ruby in the coming months won't be webapps, but server-side scripts. I know of highline, and I do plan on using that for user and possible password prompts, but I know that the Console application world s...

How to use a ruby compiler inside VS08 (for LESS CSS)?

I've found so interesting! It is a good way to improve reuse of elements in css, but I don't know how to integrate it with Visual Studio 2008. (it would fit nicely with MVC, for sure) Do you have any idea for what I need to do in order to recognize and compile .less files inside VS? ...

Rails : Rake Test:functionals cannot access DB (Sqlite3 on winXP)

Hi, I am unable to run rake test:functionals with SQLite3, it gives me this error : rake aborted! Permission denied - db/test.sqlite (See full trace by running task with --trace) My setup is on Windows XP. Tests were working a few weeks ago. Rails 2.3.2, Rake 0.8.7, sqlite3-ruby 1.2.5 gems I am using Netbeans for development, but e...