
Ruby on rails gem for google map integration

Hi there, I would like to ask which is the best solution for integrating google maps into ruby on rails apps. Is a specific gem worth it or should we write our own views for it? Thanks for any input. ...

Gems and Ubuntu 9.04

Hi, I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 9.04 and I have issues using gems. I have installed ruby, ruby gems and rails using apt-get The rails command do work. I have then installed capistrano and other gems (such as heroku). In order to do that, I have used the command sudo gem install XXX When I want to use the cap command it does not w...

Using a gem without installing it

I need to run a bunch of ruby scripts that I have written on a server that I don't have sudo access to. On my own machine, I have installed a bunch of gems using 'sudo gem install ..' and used them in my code.. Is there any mechanism which would let me use these gems without formally installing them on a remote machine? ...

Looking for other sources for rubygem

I have been having issues getting gems from rubyforge on windows.The computer just hangs.Are there any other sources which I can use. thanks ...

How do you apply a patch to ruby on rails?

I'd like to apply the action_mailer patch mentioned in this thread but I have never applied a patch before and I'm not sure how these work: My action mailer gem is here: /opt/ruby-enterprise-1.8.6-20090421/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionmailer-2.3.2 I assume I need to go to that ...

Running gem server in passenger

I'm running a few rails/rake apps in Apache/passenger and I want to add the documentation app served by gem server to these apps, so I can easily give it a special (sub)domain, like, so it's easily available for all members of our team and nobody has to start the server himself or remember port numbers (like 8808, the de...

I get this error when installing a gem: "ERROR: While executing gem ... (Zlib::GzipFile::Error)"

When installing a gem on my system, I get the following error: gem install blackbook --version ">= 1.0.7" --source ERROR: While executing gem ... (Zlib::GzipFile::Error) not in gzip format Any ideas as to why this is happening? I built the gem so maybe it is something wrong with my...

Upgraded mysql from 5.0 to 5.1, now Rails 2.3 is broken (on Mac)

I upgraded mysql on my Mac from 5.0.x to 5.1.x (using a dmg package directly from, which broke Rails (2.3.2). Previously everything was working correctly. The error I get is this: !!! The bundled mysql.rb driver has been removed from Rails 2.2. Please install the mysql gem and try again: gem install mysql. So I tried re-inst...

Which gems can a Rails app survive without?

actionmailer actionpack activeresource activesupport I have a basic scaffolded CRUD app that uses ActiveRecord to connect to a SQLite database and I have frozen my Rails gems. Which of these gems could I delete without affecting my app? ...

Uploading image problem (Insoshi RoR framework)

Sorry if this problem might be a little too specific. I'm a RoR newbie still. I'm currently modifying an RoR app based on the Insoshi framework on windows vista. It uses Free Image and the image_science gem along with attachment _fu for uploading images to the application and resizing it. Every part of the application seems to be up and...

Do I have to manually uninstall all dependent gems?

I tried to uninstall datamapper using the command gem uninstall dm-core. But it seems that a whole bunch of dependent gems also need to be uninstalled. C:\>gem uninstall dm-core You have requested to uninstall the gem: dm-core-0.9.11 dm-migrations-0.9.11 depends on [dm-core (= 0.9.11)] dm-cli-0.9.11 depends on [dm-core (= 0.9...

Is there a risk of a Ruby gem acting like a trojan?

I was just about to install a Ruby gem by someone I hadn't heard of. But something made me think "Who is this guy?". Is there any risk of a Ruby gem accessing private data on your machine and transmitting it elsewhere - since the gem system has Internet access? Or are there protections against this? ...

gemsonrails failing with

Environment: Ubuntu. I have followed the instructions thusly: $ sudo gem install gemsonrails This runs successfully. It fails on this step: $ cd rails_app_folder $ gemsonrails This fails because gemsonrails is not on the path. However runnings gemsonrails like so: /blahblah/gemsonrails Yields the following error message: ...

What are "specs" for in Ruby gems?

I was looking through the Datamapper directories and opened up dm-core/tasks/dm.rb. Just generally speaking, what the heck is going on in this file? It looks like Greek to me. Particularly this thing about "specs" - what are those for? Is that similar to a software spec which defines what a project is supposed to encompass? require 'spe...

Is it possible to install a local plugin as a gem?

I have a directory called 'xmonroe' in the vendor/plugins folder of my Rails app. It doesn't have a gemspec, only various rake files. Would it be possible to install this as a gem or does this require a lot of tinkering? The reason I am considering this is because when I run the xmonroe_install script as described in the readme for th...

Error when adding github as a gem source

When I use the following: gem sources -a I get the error: Error fetching http : // timed out (http : // Can someone help me? ...

Flickr gem : how to access user details? I'm trying the example in the home page of the flickr gem. require 'flickr' flickr ='MY_KEY') user = flickr.users('[email protected]') user.location while I'm able to get the user object, I can't get any of the other attributes like...

openx 2.8.1 "Session ID is invalid" when using XMLRPC api + ruby openx gem

Occasionally when accessing OpenX 2.8.1 via its XMLRPC api (using the ruby 'openx' gem), I will get this error message: Session ID is invalid I cannot find anything in OpenX's forums about this, nor via some Google searching. I am starting to suspect that it is a bug or other issue in the ruby gem itself. Has anyone else encounte...

How do you get a list of commands available on a gem?

I just installed a gem but when I type gem_name --help It says: 'gem_name' is not recognized as an internal or external command However, when I type gem list --local the gem shows up in the list so I know it's there - I just don't know how to see what it does. Is there a different instruction to use to find out what commands ...

Timeframe for debian to package new rubygems

On average, how long does it take for Debian to package new versions of rubygem packages (assume the package doesn't have C code) into their package system? Is it more like weeks, months or years? ...