
creating dynamic textboxes with 'paging'

based on the solution here: i could successfully create dynamic controls at runtime. so if the user enters 10, it displays 10 textboxes and if the user enters 50 it displays 50. so far it's good. but 50 textboxes would make th...

Any pointers to smallest CLI runtime?

I'm looking for smallest CLI subset implementation possible. For now, even an interpreter will do, but I am really looking for a JITted runtime. I do not even need anything from the standard runtime apart from core classes like System.Object and Enum etc. It also needs to be portable and least dependent on underlying system. I hav...

Microsoft Access 2007 accdr extension an Vista 64 bit OS

Has anyone ever tested a Microsoft Access 2007 .accdr application on Windows Vista 64 bit version? I sell a shareware program using the Access 2007 runtime, and, for one customer with that setup, there's some kind of problem. According the user ". When I try to execute the program, it opens IE and then brings up the dialog box to either...

Runtime vs Compile time

Can anyone please give me a good understanding of whats the difference between run-time and compile-time? ...

Understanding Threads

Is it possible to create a complete fork of a 'PROGRAM' in execution into two sub-programs from a single execution sequence ? The sub-programs produced are completely identical. They have the same execution sequences and values but now they are two different programs. It is like creating a clone of an Object, thus giving us two differe...

Setting properties of an object through reflection with different properties types

Hi, I am using reflection to populate the properties of an object. These properties have different types: String, Nullable(double) and Nullable(long) (don't know how to escape the angle brackets here ...). The values for these properties are coming from a dictionary of (string, object) pairs. So, for example my class has the followin...

How to place text through parameters in a video at different position

I am asked to create a video where texts are inserted dynamically at various points in the video. Its kinda like creating personalized video. For example a person's name is given as a parameter to the swf file, then that name is inserted inside the video at runtime. I am new to video editing and it will be of great help if anyone could...

Spring frame work Wraps Checked Exceptions inside RuntimeExceptions

have this method call -> simpleJdbcTemplate.queryForInt(sql,null); -> queryForInt() method in the springs SimpleJdbcTemplate throws a DataAccessException which is a runtime exception. i want to propegate exceptions to the view tier of the application since Spring frame work Wraps Checked Exceptions inside RuntimeExceptions i ...

Drag & Drop in VB/ASP Using Controls Created During Runtime

Hello all, This is my first time posting on Stackoverflow, but I've been reading through many questions & answers for a couple months now! Now, I'm stuck and I desperately need help. Background info: Site is located at and the section in question is the "configurator" button on my top row navigation. Everything...

Extending JPA entity data at runtime

I need to allow client users to extend the data contained by a JPA entity at runtime. In other words I need to add a virtual column to the entity table at runtime. This virtual column will only be applicable to certain data rows and there could possibly be quite a few of these virtual columns. As such I don't want to create an actual add...

Capturing stdout when calling Runtime.exec

When experiencing networking problems on client machines, I'd like to be able to run a few command lines and email the results of them to myself. I've found Runtime.exec will allow me to execute arbitrary commands, but Collecting the results in a String is more interesting. I realize I could redirect output to a file, and then read fro...

Safe Python Environment in Linux

Is it possible to create an environment to safely run arbitrary Python scripts under Linux? Those scripts are supposed to be received from untrusted people and may be too large to check them manually. A very brute-force solution is to create a virtual machine and restore its initial state after every launch of an untrusted script. (Too ...

How do I find out out the fundamental operation when calculating run-time complexity?

Hi, I am trying to get the worst run-time complexity order on a couple of algorithms created. However I have run into a problem that I keep tending to select the wrong or wrong amount of fundamental operations for an algorithm. To me it appears to be that the selection of the fundamental operation is more of an art than a science. Afte...

Getting template metaprogramming compile-time constants at runtime

Background Consider the following: template <unsigned N> struct Fibonacci { enum { value = Fibonacci<N-1>::value + Fibonacci<N-2>::value }; }; template <> struct Fibonacci<1> { enum { value = 1 }; }; template <> struct Fibonacci<0> { enum { value = 0 }; }; This is a common example ...

Do I have any method to override System Properties in Java?

I am getting a practical issue and the issue can be dascribed as follows. We are developing a component (Say a plugin) to do some task when an event is triggered within an external CMS using the API provided by them. They have provided some jar libraries, So what we are doing is implementing an Interface provided by them. Then an intern...

How do Plugins/Flash Runtime work on IE

How does any PlugIn work on a web browser ? In which language is the Flash run time programmed ? The PlugIns are a part of IE or any web browser, why can't they make system calls ? Are they not security threats ? ...

Instrumentation (diagnostic) library for C++

I'm thinking about adding code to my application that would gather diagnostic information for later examination. Is there any C++ library created for such purpose? What I'm trying to do is similar to profiling, but it's not the same, because gathered data will be used more for debugging than profiling. EDIT: Platform: Linux Diagnostic i...

Testing a visual c exe on a test vanilla machine don't start

This Application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. This is what I get when i try my debug file on a system without visual studio installed. I tried to copy the Debug_NonRedist\x86\Microsoft.VC90.DebugCRT in the same folder as my exe, wi...

C# Create objects with Generics at runtime.

In the following example i can create an object dynamically via a string; however, i have no way to get at the public methods of BASE class. i can't cast obj to a BASE because i don't know what generic will be used at design time. any suggestings on doing so at runtime would be nice. Project A contains Class A{T,J> : BASE{T,J> Proje...

How to check existence of a program in the path

I'm writing a program in scala which call: Runtime.getRuntime().exec( "svn ..." ) I want to check if "svn" is available from the commandline (ie. it is reachable in the PATH). How can I do this ? PS: My program is designed to be run on windows ...