
Safari input file styling with css?

How does one style a form input field of type 'file' for Safari/Chrome and other Webkit based browsers? Right now, all i get is the 'Choose File' button displayed on top of the usual text type box. I've looked around a bit on Google, but havent really seen anything helpful any help? ...

How to embed a link in a UITextView for the iphone

Hello, I'm wondering if it is possible to put a hyperlink in a UITextView that will open up safari and take the user to a web page. And if so how can I accomplish this. Thanks in advance for your help. ...

safari browser fails to handle cookie based sessions

any ideas why my SESSION code works with IE+Firefox+chrome but fails with safari.. page1.aspx has code: Session("sessioncreated") = Now.Ticks page2.aspx : problem is here( when user comes to page2:) If Session("sessioncreated") Is Nothing Then ' critical error - SAFARI comes here, data is lost else ' all other browsers come...

get viewport position in javascript in iphone safari

Hi everyone, I'm trying to prevent element from scrolling in safari on iphone. I've tried solutions mentioned here: But my list is large and it doesn't work so smoothly. What I have in mind is to detect onscroll event and reposition the elemen...

Django App CSS working in Safari 3, not in Firefox 3.

I'm working my way through a Django book and I just noticed something strange the other day. The CSS code works just fine in Safari 3 (on Mac and Windows) but not in Firefox 3 (Windows). I'm running the django dev web server and I can see the css file being called in the console when in Safari but not when using Firefox. Any idea on w...

FLVPlayback fullscreen button not working

In my flash video using FLVPlayback, clicking the fullscreen button doesn't do anything, either in the html-loaded version or (more troublingly) when running locally. I've set "allowFullscreen" to true in the object and the embed tags in the html version. There are no errors in the flash console when running locally. Example. Any ide...

Objective-C Safari Fails - Too Many Redirects - LinkSynergy - iPhone

So, I'm working on an iPhone application that I hope to make my money off of via redirects to iPhone games using Apple's link synergy program. Problem is, the links are generating too many redirects and safari is saying "Safari can't open the page because too many redirects occurred". My code is quite simple: NSURL *toOpen=[NSURL URLW...

sifr not working in safari on mac ?

Hi, I have a problem with sifr on safari (version 3.1.2) It just don't display... Unfortunately I don't have a mac to test it in safari , So I tested on Safari 3.1.2 under Windows , where it displays correct this is an print screen that client sent to me : site is located here :

How do you remove a breakpoint from Safari 4's Javascript debugger?

How do you remove a breakpoint from Safari 4's Javascript debugger? ...

Embed WAVE-files in iPhones' Mobile Safari

Hi, I host a WAVE-file, which plays fine, it's URL is entered in Mobile Safari directly. Trying to embed it in a simple HTML page shows me a "can't play" icon. What's wrong with my embed code? <embed href="http://localhost/test.wav" type="audio/wav"/> ...

Is it possible to browse Safari bookmarks from within another iPhone application?

I hope I overlooked something, but I haven't been able to find anything about reading/loading Safari bookmarks while using another application.. Is that possible? I want users to be able to copy existing bookmarks to a list in my application. Thank you very much ...

why does this javascript crash safari but not firefox?

I have a pane with a set of javascript-generated tables, each with a unique ID and 4 cells, and I use the following Javascript code to set the background color for one of these tables. It works fine in Firefox, but it crashes Safari the first time it tries to set the background color (in the if statement). Any ideas why? <script languag...

location.hash oddness in Safari 4

location.hash seems to be utterly broken in Safari 4: It can be set initially, but cannot be set in any event as far as I can tell, whether that event is triggered by a user action or a timer. Here's an example (I use jQuery here for brevity, but I can't imagine that this problem is jQuery-specific): <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD ...

Safari 4: How to profile the code running when the page loads

In Safari 4, I am trying to use the profiler to see how the time is spent in the code that runs when the page loads. I enabled the profiler ("Start profiling JavaScript") I load the page. I stop the profiler. At this point, this doesn't create a "profile" snapshot (while it does if I start the profiler after the page is loaded). Any ...

jQuery and Safari

Is it possible to turn off (or hide) the jQuery elements if the user's browser is Safari? Basically I'm using jquery drop shadow and it doesn't play nice in Safari, but it works well on the other browsers. I'd like to keep the effect, but have it turned off (or hidden) in Safari.. Is this possible? ...

How do I remove the border theme colors from safari text inputs in CSS?

Check out with firefox and safari. I am trying to hack a rounded corner text input solution but safari displays a "theme color" when you click on the text input. Any thoughts on how to remove this in CSS? Maybe I don't know the name of this attribute because I cannot find anything search...

jQuery and Safari 4.0.1 - ToggleClass effect

Hi I am currently developing a webpage where I want to use the ToggleClass function from jQuery. I went on to the jQuery UI website, as I think this is an extension of the original jQuery. When I click the 'Run Effect' button, nothing happens. Is it just my browser or slow computer or do any of y...

Why is IE7 so slow compared to Safari?

I have a large "grid" of data that takes about 40 seconds to generate and dump as plain text. If I wrap the text with html table formatting (with fixed td widths) it takes over 200 seconds to completely display in IE7, and under a minute to display in Safari. Small "grids" display in under 5 seconds in either browser, so I don't think ...

What features does Firebug have that Safari 4's web inspector does not?

I'm always hearing that Firebug is the best for web dev. I prefer to use a webkit based browser, and I use Safari 4, or Webkit. I don't mind the web inspector. That's the background. I'm wondering what features does firebug have that Safari 4 does not? If it's compelling, sure i'll give it a shot, but i've been working with it today...

Problem with jquery handling checkboxes in IE8

I am using jquery to locate all the checkboxes in a table column that are checked. For that purpose I am using the following code: $("input[type=checkbox][checked]").each(function() { //Do Stuff }); This works fine in Firefox 3 but does not work in IE8 or Safari. Can anyone explain why and/or provide a...