
How do I create a variant array of BSTR in Euphoria using EuCOM?

So far I've figured out how to pass Unicode strings, bSTRs, to and from a Euphoria DLL using a Typelib. What I can't figure out, thus far, is how to create and pass back an array of BSTRs. The code I have thus far (along with includes for EuCOM itself and parts of Win32lib): global function REALARR() sequence seq atom psa atom va...

What is the correct syntax when passing CComSafeArray to a method expecting SAFEARRAY**

Hi guys, This most likely has a very simple answer, but I can't figure it out. I'm trying to refactor some code that looks like this: SAFEARRAY* psa; long* count; HRESULT hr = pSomeInterface->ListSomething(&psa, &count); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CComSafeArray<BSTR> sa; if (*count > 0) { sa.Attach(psa); } } // perf...

Passing a Safearray of custom types from C++ to C#

Hi, how can one use a Safearray to pass an array of custom types (a class containing only properties) from C++ to C#? Is using the VT_RECORD type the right way to do it? I am trying in the following way, but SafeArrayPutElement returns an error when trying to fill the safearray the reference to the array of classes gets to the managed ...

Properly accessing a SafeArray of VT_UNKNOWN with SafeArrayGetElement

We have a COM component who’s implementation and interface definition exist in managed code but is driven by a native component. The managed component is returning a SafeArray back to the native code via the following method declaration. interface IExample { <return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.SafeArray, SafeArraySubType=VarEnum.VT_UNKN...

How to return an array of .NET objects via a COM method

I have a .NET assembly. It happens to be written in C++/CLI. I am exposing a few objects via COM. Everything is working fine, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to return an array of my own objects from a method. Every time I do, I get a type mismatch error at runtime. I can return an array of ints or strings just fine. ...

How does one return a local CComSafeArray to a LPSAFEARRAY output parameter?

I have a COM function that should return a SafeArray via a LPSAFEARRAY* out parameter. The function creates the SafeArray using ATL's CComSafeArray template class. My naive implementation uses CComSafeArray<T>::Detach() in order to move ownership from the local variable to the output parameter: void foo(LPSAFEARRAY* psa) { CComSafeA...

How to build a SAFEARRAY of pointers to VARIANTs?

I'm trying to use a COM component with the following method: HRESULT _stdcall Run( [in] SAFEARRAY(BSTR) paramNames, [in] SAFEARRAY(VARIANT *) paramValues ); How can I create in C/C++ the paramValues array? ...

ATL, COM, Arrays

Hello! There is the function GetLinksFromPage. She have created a links array, then I wanna pass that array to COM-object (only URLs), thus I have to convert CAtlArray< CComPtr< IDispatch> > to CComSafeArray< BSTR>. How I can do it ? HRESULT myclass::GetLinksFromPage( const CComPtr<IHTMLDocument2>& pDoc, CAtlArray<CComPtr<IDispatch> > &...

Marshal safearray of struct inside struct

I have the following code in C++ which I need to be able to call from C#: struct Inner { double data1; double data2; }; struct Outer { double data3; SAFEARRAY innerData; }; int WINAPI ProcessData (Outer& outer ) { ... } I tried the following but it did not work What am I doing wrong? [StructLayoutAttribute(LayoutKind.Sequent...

Read Textfile into Safearray

Hi there, I need to read a textfile and store the data into a Safearray. I tried it with this function: bool Parse::LoadTxtFileIntoSafearray(string* strPath, SAFEARRAY** pByteArray) { bool bReturn = false; string line; int iOffset = 0; char* pcBuffer = NULL; std::ifstream infile ( strPath->data() ); if ( ! ) { infil...

How to pass SAFEARRAY of UDTs to unmaged code from C#.

I also used VT_RECORD. But didn't got success in passing safearray of UDTs. [ComVisible(true)] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public class MY_CLASS { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] public Int32 width; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] public Int32 height; ...

How do I pass an array of structs (containing std:string or BSTR) from ATL to C#. SafeArray? Variant? COM interface question.

Hi, I have an ATL COM object that I am using from C#. The interface currently looks like: interface ICHASCom : IDispatch{ [id(1), helpstring("method Start")] HRESULT Start([in] BSTR name, [out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL* result); ... [id(4), helpstring("method GetCount")] HRESULT GetCount([out,retval] LONG* numPorts); ... [id(7)...

How to call a .NET COM method with an array from delphi using PSafeArray?

Hello. I have an .NET (4.0) interface which is implemented with a ServicedComponent COM+ class: interface DotNetIface { void MethodRef(var System.Guid guid); void MethodArray(System.Guid[] guids, params object[] parameters); void MethodCStyle([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType=UnmanagedType.Struct, SizeConst=5)]S...

Pass multidimensional (safe)array from C# to COM

I have a COM object that takes a 0 bounded safearray of two dimensions. I need to pass this array into my C++ COM object. I can pass the VB6 multidim arrays into the C++ side without a problem, but I have no idea how to set this up in C# so that it will be marshalled correctly. Does anyone know the steps to set up a mulitidimensional arr...

Getting value from two dimensional Safearray in C++

Am relatively new to the world of C++. I wish to access the data from a multi-dimensional SAFEARRAY. However when I try to retrieve the value, I get the error 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x40e3e300. Attached below is my code and the marked line is where it errors out. Hopefully someone can shed some light as to how to a...

SafeArrayPutElement method throws System.AccessViolationException

I am trying to pass an array of ints from C# to C++/CLI. Here's my code: // SafeArrayTesting_PlusPlus.cpp #include "stdafx.h" #include <comdef.h> using namespace System; namespace SafeArrayTesting_PlusPlus { public ref class MyCppClass { public: MyCppClass(); ~MyCppClass(); ...

Passing an array of interfaces from C# to C++/CLI

I am trying to pass an array of interfaces from C# to C++/CLI. Here is the code: // *** SafeArrayTesting_PlusPlus.cpp *** #include "stdafx.h" #include <comdef.h> using namespace System; using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices; namespace SafeArrayTesting_PlusPlus { public ref class MyCppClass { public: M...

trouble using unmanaged c++ from c# using dllimport

Hi guys, i am having trouble importing c++ unmanaged dll into C# [winform]. Can someone help? Basically i am just trying to create a safearray of strings in c++ and trying to send it to C#. Here is my c++ code. extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) BOOL GetStringArr(SAFEARRAY* arr) { SAFEARRAY* myArray; SAFEARRAYBOUND rgsabound[1]; ...

How to create and initialize SAFEARRAY of doubles in C++ to pass to C#

My C# method needs to be invoked from C++ Originally my C# method takes a parameter of type double[], but when calling from C++ it becomes a SAFEARRAY In C++ I need to take data from an array of doubles, and populate a SAFEARRAY. I have not found any sample code to do this. Any help is appreciated ...

can safearrays be passed across process boundaries through com objects ?

can safearrays be passed across process boundaries through com objects ? ...