
how safe are PDO prepared statements

Started using PDO prepared statements not too long ago, and, as i understand, it does all the escaping/security for you. for example, assuming $_POST['title'] is a form field. $title = $_POST['title']; $query = "insert into blog(userID, title) values (?, ?)" $st = $sql->prepare($query); $st->bindParam(1, $_SESSION['user']['userID'], PD...

File Exists Safe?

if (file_exists("pages/$page.php")) { include($page.'.php'); } Is this safe? With Safe i mean that you cant include remote scripts etc ...

Implications to software development of safety level SIL 1

I have to develop a system with very little safety related issues. We would like to be compliant with SIL 1 safety level. What implications does it have to software development? Which techniques of QA (including documentation to be generated) must be considered? ...

Echo/print a jpg-image with php, for safety?

Because of safety (check if user are logged in), I call a php-document when showing images. <html>... <img src="showImage.php?id=455" /> ...</html> showImage.php: <?php... if($_SESSION['user']){ //Get the src to the image $_GET[$id] = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']); $result = mysql_query(" SELECT src ...

How to make my software safer from using without purchasing?

Consider I have created software and want to make that soft to be activated via internet if it is being purchased (more precisely, if a license has been purchased). What is the contemporary way of making software safe from using without purchasing a license (from hacking)? How the software and license database should interact to make a r...

C# - Executables decompilable (can be reverse engineered)?

Is that right that C# can be reverse engineered? How is easy to do that? Can we say the C# is not enough good from safety aspect? And what about C++ compared with C# against decompiling? ...

MySQL shell/client: Read-only access, or "safe history" option?

Yesterday I was working on a shell script to perform some moderately complex table insertions to a MySQL database. Naturally I was keeping a mysql client shell window open to for running describe commands, sample queries, and to remove my test rows between test cycles. Yes this was on a live, production database. At the point where I ...

is this ok? salting

Hey i would like do have your input on this I use this to generate unique salts to each of my users when they register (random letters and numbers). how big is the chance that salts will colide? uniqid(mt_rand()); I then use md5 to hash salt, password and email(in that order) together as password and rehash when they log-in. md5($sa...

Int-UserID and Session in ASP.Net unsafe?

Hi, I am developing my login for my new homepage. Now I found out, that I must save something like the userID (or another value that i can recognize my user) in the session variable of the browser. At the moment I use INT for the userID. So isn't it unsafe to put the userID in the session? E.g. when I edit my session variable manual...

what is best possible way of salting and storing salt?

Hi guys I have read about password salting, but this might sound a little odd. But how do I store and secure the salt. For example in a multi tire architecture say I use the client machine’s GUID to generate my salt then the user gets restricted to a single machine but if I use random salt it has to be stored somewhere. Few days back I ...

What browsers support Alpha channel in colors?

Since I'm always sticking to CSS 2, it was a (pleasant) surprise for me today to find out that CSS 3 supports alpha channels in colors. That allows for a nice range of effects. But - which browsers (and from what version) support this? Is it safe to use this today, or are we better off by still making a 1x1px png image and adding the IE6...

Connection between different Web-Services? (eg: Twitter-Feeds on Facebook)

Hi, does anybody know agood way in granting a connection from one service to another, so that both services benefits fromeach other? I would like to have an easy but never the less safe way to do a connection between my server and another server, but I don't know how to do that. It should be ... easy, so that neither the user nor the ...

API for real world safety

I have been looking for free for commercial use way to get information on police, fire, hospitals etc.. near an arbitrary location. (middle of a large city, or a desert). What are some good sources for this kind of information that I may have missed? free or not. ...

Singleton's stateless instance method thread safety (C#)

Is it thread safe to make Converter a singleton? public interface IConverter<TFoo, TBar> where TFoo : class, new() where TBar : class, new() { TFoo ToFoo(TBar q); TBar ToBar(TFoo q); } public class Converter : IConverter<Foo, Bar> { public Foo ToFoo(Bar b) {return new Foo(b);} public Bar ToBar(Foo f) {return new...

In C++, are static initializations of primitive types to constant values thread-safe?

i.e., would the following be expected to execute correctly even in a multithreaded environment? int dostuff(void) { static int somevalue = 12345; return somevalue; } Or is it possible for multiple threads to call this, and one call to return whatever garbage was at &somevalue before execution began? ...

Is there a safe check I can do before calling DateTime.AddMonths(int months) ?

If I call AddMonths on a DateTime object using an int that is too large, I get an ArgumentException thrown in my face with a polite message that says, "The added or subtracted value results in an un-representable DateTime. Parameter name: months" What check should I do on the months argument before calling this method? ...

How to prevent SQL Injection attack in applications programmed in Zend Framework ?

I don't have any concept about ZF safety. Do I have to use Filter when operating on database? Maybe binding is enough ? How about this: $users->update($data, 'id=1'); Should $data array be filtered somehow ? Feel free to write anything you know about the issue. Could you give some links to good articles about safety in ZF (mainly abo...

Safety using $_SERVER variables

Hi all, I'm working on a system that relies in $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] to get the user address and check it against a white list of addresses. Is this approach safe? Or is there a way of forcing values in superglobal variables? Thank you, Diogo ...

Dealing with SMS Spoofing

Hello, I'm working on a web service that would use an SMS gateway to receive instructions from customers. Since this would be a commercial product I would like to implement a safeguard to protect our system from SMS spoofs. I don't want people impersonating others by spoofing their number. I've noticed that Twitter allows people to tw...

jquery ajax calls with scope safety

My gut tells me that if i am on a laggy server and the user fires two events fast enough on the success function c will be the value of the most recent event causing func1 to use the wrong value. <--- This is a guess, i haven't proved it. Its a feeling. How do i ensure that i use the right value when calling func1? I prefer not to send ...