
Save remote img-file to server, with php

Hi, I want to save a remote img-file to my server, but I don't know how to do. The image url is and 1.jpg is to be saved and renamed to imgfolder/imgID.jpg ...

Save email after modification

Hi All, I have code, similar to the following, that I would like to modify: Sub SendEmail() Dim myOlApp As Outlook.Application Dim myItem As Outlook.MailItem 'Create an Outlook application object Set myOlApp = New Outlook.Application 'Create a new MailItem form Set myItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olMailItem) ...

How to save data with Python?

I am working on a program in Python and want users to be able to save data they are working on. I have looked into cPickle; it seems like it would be a fast and easy way to save data, it seems insecure. Since entire functions, classes, etc can be pickled, I am worried that a rogue save file could inject harmful code into the program. ...

CakePHP saveAll- Updating a row in mysql instead of saving as a new row

Hi, I'm trying to duplicate a particular entry in the form. I get all the column values by their form id, and trying to save it as a new row using saveAll. But instead of creating a new row, it is updating the existing entry. Here is my code: function duplicateForm($data) { $this->data['Form']['id']=$data['Form']['id']; ...

How to save and load a C++ application state in a modular way

I have a distributed C++ application, which is composed of 4 processes spread on 2 machines. One of the applications serves as "control center" for the rest of the applications. I want to be able to save the current state to a file and load it again later. What exactly is a "state" is defined separately by each module in the system. Wh...

Why is IB changing the object IDs when opening a xib file?

Hi, I have the same problem with some xib files in different projects on different macs. IB is changing the Object IDs of some views in my xib file. I need only to double click the xib file from Xcode to open it in IB and then try to close the xib file again without changing anything and IB marks the xib file as dirty so that I have to ...

Save File to Desktop - Feasibility?

We have a part of our program which can save a diagnostic file for the user to email to us so we can help them with problems. We have the option of saving it to the desktop, and it seems to be the prevailing idea at the time. However, I have these two questions: Is there any instance where we WON'T be able to save to the desktop? I ...

How do you preserve the updated_at date field when saving the the database in Symfony?

This has to be simple... I'm trying to preserve the current date that is already stored in an updated_at field in the DB. I'm updating a single field value in the same row and then saving but I don't want it to update the updated_at field. I want to preserve the existing updated_at value. I only want to do this in one, maybe two situa...

SQL save data to file

I'd like to save data from a SQL Server database table to a file, then load it into another database that has the same table already created in it How can I do this? I know there should be some simple way of doing it, but stackoverflowsearch and google aren't yielding good answers (or I'm not asking a good question). ...

How to save a snapshot of a SWF to the server with AS3?

I am facing the task of having to upload a snapshot to the server. But I don't want the user to download the image to their computer. I have explored a few solutions of generating an image serverside with PHP, but they all seem to use a method where the server sends the image to the user. See for instance:

Saving 'global' data as a standard user?

Hello, in my application I need to store settings that are 'global' (i.e. not user specific) in a known and predictable location. I want the application to be able to be run from anywhere (as a standard user, NOT administrator), including multiple copies from different locations and be able to read and write the saved config files. The...

Saving form elements properties to XML (Save control state)

Hello, I have been using in some projects a xml library for my settings saving, how it worked was like this : saveSettings(Control control, XmlConfig config, string controlName) It would then search all the controls inside that one (recursively), calling itself each time it found a new control, etc, and saving all their info to a xml ...

Auto save of form

I have form in ASP.NET 3.5. Where lot of data elements and where i have Save and Submit buttions. I need to auto save my form every 2 min. What is the best way to implement this kind of functionility in ASP.NET. ...

What is the best way to deal with a django model object?

I need some clear thinking on how to handle a save function on a django model. As you'll see below I am at a loss on how to do this elegantly. I'd like to pass the entire object to another module and analyze it there. My motivation for having the analysis broken out and not in is that I will be frequently refining the analy...

save (postgre) sql output to csv file

hi there, what is the easiest way to save PL/pgSQL output from a PostgreSQL database to a csv file? I'm using PostgreSQL 8.4 with pgAdmin III and psql plugin where I run queries from... thanks! martin ...

Configuration.Save() in .Net 3.5 does not work in Deploy/Release mode

Hi, As suggested on msdn social forum, I turned off the the Visual Studio hosting process and verified that the changes are saved to MyApp.exe.config file instead of MyApp.vhost.exe.config file when still running under Debug...

Flex 3.4 - imageSnapshot question, linking images~

After some lovely help here earlier Ive almost finished the project Im working on. I thought i had it completed but Ive gone and ran into one final issue. My program takes a screenshot of the final output of my file, and the final output of my file has some linked images from URLs inside of it. Now when the images are excluded, it saves ...

Firefox 3.x extensions: dialog "Save As" - choice opener, how open?

Is it possible to call Firefox Save As dialog ( chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/unknownContentType.xul ) with specifying URL? I found that class for this dialog stored in "nsHelperAppDlg.js" and called "nsUnknownContentTypeDialog", but i don't understand how to use it :( I want to create extension, that show firefox "save as" dialog...

Quaqua problem with JFileChooser save file dialog

Hi all! I just started using Quaqua 6.1.1 with Snow Leopard - and it is SOOOOO!!! much better than the regular JFileChooser (with Apple's Aqua) or awt.FileDialog. However I noticed a couple of minor glitches when I tried to present a JFileChooser.showSaveDialog(). One or both of these effects happen: - even though I had set "fc.setFileSe...

Why I got black background when I save file as JPG

I set the JPanel background color as white. However when I save it into JPG or other image format, the background are all in black. I have put this code TYPE_INT_ARGB but it doesnt work. How can I set the background to other color? e.g. blue, white etc. public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { int width = getWidth(); i...