
ignore before_update when save

some case I don't want execute before_update. please help me. case A: in case I want used before_update obj = Object.find(id) but case B I don't want used before_update obj = Object.find(id) # in case I want used before_update ...

Save Text From UITextVIEW ????

Hi Guys! I'm having a problem : i can' find a way to save properly my UITextView in a NSString. I have created 4 UITextViews and i want them to be saved in the same file. Heres the code : -(void)destinataireTextView { self.destiView = [[[UITextView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(200, 160, 150, 120)] autorelease]; [self.view a...

Grails: How do I eliminate the create.gsp and save.gsp and move it to the first line of the list in list.gsp?

I want to get rid of the create.gsp and save.gsp and have everything on the same page. What I did is move all those fields into the first row of my list in list.gsp But now I don't know how to connect it with the rest of the data and make it work. I got to make the create button work. But then I cannot make the update button work. Her...

Saving Core Data database to sqlite file loses some recursive/circular relationship information

I have very simple circular (or self-reflecting) relationship core data model in my iPhone word game. Entity Word has one-to-many relationship to/with itself which points to related words: I use NSPersistentDocument Core Data Mac OS X template application to import words to Core Data sqlite database. After importing data I can see al...

Save current webpage in Watin

I'm trying to save the full content of the current static web page, using the code from So here it is: IE ie = new IE("http://localhost"); // more code //I expect out.html is the output file FileDownloadHandler fileDownloadHandler = new FileDo...

Saving multiple models in CakePHP with saveAll()

Hello, I'm trying to build an invitation system with CakePHP. I have Invitation model which hasMany People, and Person hasOne and belongsTo Invitation. I believe the relationships are working, since my Invitation index view can properly access and display its associated People through the Invitation model. But heres what the relationship...

facing Problems in working with android in built camera

Hi friends... i am using android inbuilt camera to take picture and then saving them using code, it working well in the device but is showing error every time in the emulator, i just want know is there way to use inbuilt camera in emulator with out giving error. because i don't want test every time on device. is there any tool like...

How save the DirectionsResult object in Google Maps

Hello, I want to be able to plot a route in Google Maps, modify that route by dragging it, save the changes and reload it at some later time and edit it further. In the same manner as Google's MyMap. Simply saving the origin and destination locations wont work as it wont reload the same route. I can save all of the points in the via_...

Retrieving MS Word Document from Database and Saving Locally

I have used AsyncFileUpload AJAX control to upload a file to a column in a SQL Server database using LINQ to SQL. How do I retrieve the document from the database and allow the user to save to local drive using a Save As Dialog box using LINQ to SQL? This is ASP.NET web application. The DocumentFileContent database column is a Image S...

Strange Core Data Crash

I am experiencing a strange crash that is related to setting properties (typically bools) for a NSManagedObject. The method that this code is being run on is on a background thread. It is being called from a [NSURLConnection connectionDidFinishLoading] delegate method. Here is the code. { // Create a new MOC because we are working on...

How to save locally user data in AS3, and then read it/export it?

Hey there, i was wondering what the AS3 experts would do to perform this task: save user data (registry form) locally, and then be able to read it or export it into something client can read. Thanks in advance, i am quite new to the AS3 approach to this things, thing to notice is this project is pure AS3, and deployed in Adobe AIR, so n...

problem with saving image i get Zero kb

I'm having a problem, when I save my image I can't open it because it's empty and the size is zero kb. I'm reading the image from a folder and then I change the size to 100x100 and save it but it's not working. Here's the code I've written so far: public BufferedImage resizeImageToPreview() { final String SOURCE ="/Library/glassfishv3...