
Matlab's 'save' function - how to name the variable inside the .mat file same as file name?

I want to save the result of the q_yearly for each case_no in corresponding string of the q_cases_yearly as a .mat file. With my statement of save(q_cases_yearly{case_no},'q_yearly') even though the names of files are coming as the corresponding string of q_cases_yearly, however all those .mat files contain variable with the same name of...

How can I save div as image at client side where div contains one or more than one HTML5 canvas elements?

Div 'canvasesdiv' element contains three HTML5 canvases. <div style="position: relative; width: 400px; height: 300px;" id="canvasesdiv"> <canvas width="400" height="300px" style="z-index: 1; position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px;" id="layer1" /> <canvas width="400" height="300px" style="z-index: 2; position: absolute; left: 0p...

Save an Excel file as pdf on a path

Hi all, I would like to save an excel file as a .pdf file on a specific location and send the file in a mail I'm using Office 2000 :| This is my code so far: Application.ActivePrinter = "PDF995 on Ne00:" ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = Range("A68").Value ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, ActivePrinter:= _ "PDF995 ...

iPhone - Store an array of Strings ???

What is the most simple and efficient way of saving an array of strings ? Store the Array in DISK ...

How to save a png from javascript variable

I have an image encoded in base64 in a javascript variable : data:image/png;base64, base64 data [EDIT] I need to save that file to disk without asking to the visitor to do a right click [/EDIT] Is it possible ? How ? Thanks in advance Best regards ...

Windows applicaton: CRUD operations using linq to entities on datagrid

How do i wrap the linq to entities using c# to a datagrid . I was working earlier on web, so windows is new to me. I have like first name, lastname, phone numbers from a person object i want to display list of persons in datagrid but phone numbers needs to be combo box. Phone numbers are from different table. I get a list of anonymo...

Grails: How to make a SAVE button inside the same table and make it work??

Hello there: I have the create inside the table/list that Grails provides. Here is a pictures of what I have As you can see, I create everything on the first row of my table, and then from the 2nd row and on is the actual list. In the last column of the 2nd row, you can see I have the UPDATE button and a delete button. The delete ...

Save and load a (Java) program's state

Suppose you're short on time and you're looking for a program with certain features, and you find one, except it lacks one feature - it cannot save and load its state. Is it possible to achieve this on OS level, or with another program, that can take the whole thing, write it to a file, and then at a later time, load it back into memory?...

How to save a Control Array

Hello I have this code that allow the user to create a button array, any were in a from. I can give 2 links so you guys can fallow what its done first MSDN and second HERE this one is a Simple sample of what I am doing (on Create an account now? Click NO and then download the zip file it takes 2 seconds and I am working on version 2010 ...

grails events and cascaded saves

Hi, do grails events like beforeInsert or afterInsert get invoked on cascaded saves? I wrote an integration test and i find that the events are getting invoked on an explict save and not on cacaded saves. Is there any way i can invoke the event on a cascaded save? ...

Image editing using Facebook API

Hi, I am developing an Facebook app that lists photos from user's Facebook account. My app also allows to edit the photos listed. Now, I want to sync the edited image to user's account. i.e. I do not want to upload the edited image as separate image; rather save it as edited image in his account. Is there any Facebook services availabl...

saving data for another model, and problems with redirection, in cakephp

When I save data in one model, I'd like to create some data in another model and save that too. Because I can't do this using beforeSave(), I eventually decided to use afterSave() to create new data items in my second model. I'm not writing a blog application, but to use the blog analogy it's equivalent to automatically creating a series...

content handling of UITextView between two navigation view

I have view a that has a table cell and a save button. If I touch the table cell, a new navigation view slides in (view b). In the view b, I have one UITextView where I type all the context I need save. And of course there is 'back' button on the top left side of the 'view b'. 'view a' has a save button, it wants save content of the t...

Saving masked UIImage to disk

Hi there, I'm trying to save a multiple masked image to disk. The code below explains How I do it. The maskImagewithStroke masks 2 times a picture : first time to provide an irregular stroke to a texture then I'm remasking it with a bigger mask to get a stroke from it. It's the bast way I found to get an irregular stroke around my text...

Add styled backgrounds to images in PHP

I am working on improving one of my Facebook apps by allowing the user to upload an image and apply a styled border, or frame to it (i.e. clouds, stars, sky etc). The user chould also be able to save the image, with the border after it has been applied. This explains a little better what I need:

Save an image Resized with PHP

I am working on improving my Facebook app. I need to be able to resize an image, then save it to a directory on the server. This is the code I have to resize: <?php // The file $filename = 'test.jpg'; $percent = 0.5; // Content type header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); // Get new dimensions list($width, $height) = getimagesize($filenam...

Save a set of integers iPhone

Hi In my game I want to save a set of integers as statistics players can view. E.g number of deaths. This is an int I simply increase by one each time they get a game over. How can I save this then have it at that number when I relaunch the game? Thanks. EDIT: Ok after reading a few answers Im thinking writing to a plist is the way ...

Have some way to save the REPL state of Common Lisp or Scheme?

Have some way to save the REPL state of Common Lisp or Scheme? Thanks ...

Downloading site content for a Flash site

A colleague of mine goes door-to-door selling "micro sites" to small businesses. He is looking to copy his site to his laptop for marketing purposes, while in the streets. We have contacted his provider and they have refused to be helpful with providing a exported version of his site. I have tried various flash downloaders to copy the...

XElement Save question

I have to create a backup XML file every few minutes, here's the current code: XElement xml = new XElement("Items", new XElement("Backup", new XElement("Console", consoleName), new XElement("Begin", beginTime), new XElement("End", endTime), new XElement("Time", tota...