
SAX Parser and XML Schema (XSD) validation

Which Java XML libraries can do SAX-based parsing and validation against an XML Schema (XSD) at the same time? I'm really looking for the most efficient solution for reading and validating large XML files. bonus points if you can provide sample code. ...

Difference in DocumentBuilder.parse when using JRE 1.5 and JDK 1.6

Recently at last we have switched our projects to Java 1.6. When executing the tests I found out that using 1.6 a SAXParseException is not thrown which has been thrown using 1.5. Below is my test code to demonstrate the problem. import; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBui...

Use of SAX parser in Android - OutOfMemory Issue

Hi everybody, I have been using a SAX parser for a while now to get data from various XML, but today i'm banging my head on a new problem with a hudge XML (compared to the previous ones . here around 12k lines) with a lot of repetitive items in it. Most of the time, the items are part of a block : <content> <item lbl="blabla"> ...

Java SAX ContentHandler to create new objects for every root node

Hello everyone, I am using SAX to parse some XML. Let's say I have the following XML document: <queue> <element A> 1 </element A> <element B> 2 </element B> </queue> <queue> <element A> 1 </element A> <element B> 2 </element B> </queue> <queue> <element A> 1 </element A> <element B> 2 </element B> </queue> And I als...

BlackBerry/J2ME - SAX parse collection of objects with attributes

I have a problem with using the SAX parser to parse a XML file. It is a complex XML file, it is like the following. <Objects> <Object no="1"> <field name="PID">ilives:87877</field> <field name="dc.coverage">Charlottetown</field> <field name="fgs.ownerId">fedoraAdmin</field> </Obj...

Can Nokogiri use a SAX parser to parse an HTML fragment?

I have this code. class MyParser < Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document def characters(string) LOG.debug("characters #{string}") end def start_element(name, attrs = []) LOG.debug("start_element #{name}") end def end_element(name) LOG.debug("end_element #{name}") end end parser =

XML parsing with SAX | how to handle special characters?

We have a JAVA application that pulls the data from SAP, parses it and renders to the users. The data is pulled using JCO connector. Recently we were thrown an exception: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Character reference "&#00" is an invalid XML character. So, we are planning to write a new level of indirection where ALL special/ill...

The markup must be well-formed

Hi, I am beginer in SAX and Java. I am tring to read Information from not well formed XML File. When I try to use SAX or DOM Parser then I have this error: The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed. My XML File looks like this: <format type="filename" t="13241">0;W650;004;AG-Erzgeb</format> <format t...

Why does my Sax Parser produce no results after using InputStream Read?

Hello, I have this piece of code which I'm hoping will be able to tell me how much data I have downloaded (and soon put it in a progress bar), and then parse the results through my Sax Parser. If I comment out basically everything above the //xr.parse(new InputSource(request.getInputStream())); line and swap the xr.parse's over, it wor...

Sax parsing from web service

Hey, I am trying to parse xml file using Sax parser. The file has variable number of same elements. I want to count the number of times the element is present. And i want this count before parsing, so that I can declare an array of appropriate size. One way is to count them in a separately class with another parser (clumsy) and other ...

Using Android SAXParser, one my my XML Elements is mysteriously breaking in half.

And its not '&' Im using the SAXParser object do parse the actual XML. This is normally done by passing a URL to the XMLReader.Parse method. Because my XML is coming from a POST request to a webservice, I am saving that result as a String and then employing StringReader / InputSource to feed this string back to the XMLReader.Parse meth...

python sax error "junk after document element"

Hi, I use python sax to parse xml file. The xml file is actually a combination of multiple xml files. It looks like as follows: <row name="abc" age="40" body="blalalala..." creationdate="03/10/10" /> <row name="bcd" age="50" body="blalalala..." creationdate="03/10/09" /> My python code is in the following. It show "junk after documen...

Sax Parser Character Array to Integer??

Hello, I am trying to get the contents of tags into variables in my java Sax parser. However, the Characters method only returns Char arrays. Is there anyway to get the Char array into an Int??? public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) { if(this.in_total_results) { // my INT varialble would be nice here! ...

Abort SAX parsing mid-document?

I'm parsing a very simple XML schema with a SAX parser in Android. An example file would be <Lists> <List name="foo"> <Note title="note 1" .../> <Note title="note 2" .../> </List> <List name="bar"> <Note title="note 3" .../> </List> </Lists> The ... represents more note data as attributes that aren't important to question. I use a S...

Validating XML using XSD with regex pattern

Hello, I am parsing a XML file against a XSD containing some regex patterns used for checking input data, but only this regex generates an error, even if it passes into the Eclipse XSD plugin: InvalidRegex: Pattern value '(((com|org)\.)+(\b[a-z]+[.]{1}\b)+)?[A-Z]{1}[A-Za-z]+' is not a valid regular expression. The reported e...

PHP Sax: Why might I use this for?

What is this for and why might I use it? ...

Parsing unicode XML with Python SAX on App Engine

I'm using xml.sax with unicode strings of XML as input, originally entered in from a web form. On my local machine (python 2.5, using the default xmlreader expat, running through app engine), it works fine. However, the exact same code and input strings on production app engine servers fail with "not well-formed". For example, it happ...

Parsing xml containing character reference

The XML im trying to parse contains a control character 0x2 inside CDATA. I tried to replace it with character reference which led to CDATA looking like: CDATA section----charcter reference----CDATA section Now if i try to parse it i get an error message saying: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in prolog. The ori...

Insert a doctype into an XML document (Java/ SAX)

Imagine you have an XML document and imagine you have the DTD but the document itself doesn't actually specify a DOCTYPE ... How would you insert the DOCTYPE declaration, preferably by specifying it on the parser (similar to how you can set the schema for a document that will be parsed) or by inserting the necessary SAX events via an XM...

Trouble parsing self closing XML tags using SAX parser

Hi, I am having trouble parsing self closing XML tags using SAX. I am trying to extract the link tag from the Google Base API.I am having reasonable success in parsing regular tags. Here is a snippet of the xml <entry> <id>;/id&gt; <published>2010-04-05T11:00:00.000Z...