
XPath query: How to refer to the 'current node' (Java/Saxon)

Hello, I'm using a Java application based on Saxon for the XPath parser. Please consider the following: <import> <record ref="abc"> <id>123</id> <data>Value<data> </record> <record ref="def"> <parent>123</parent> <data>Value2</data> </record> </import> My use case is, I'm looping through the...

Debugger for XQuery that uses Saxon

Can anyone suggest a debugger for XQuery? I would prefer one that is either online or works within Eclipse, and I prefer something that uses Saxon. So far, all I've found is XQDT (which has little documentation and does not work with Saxon) and a few stand-alone commercial apps. All I want to do is understand why my XQuery isn't selecti...

XQuery in the free version of Saxon

I'd like to know whether someone has any experience with XQuery as it is supported in the free version of Saxon. Can it generally be presumed to be complete and usable? ...

JSF 2.0 and TransformerFactory

Hi, I'm going to use Saxon-B 9 in my JSF 2.0 project. But after adding dependency to Saxon & Saxon-dom exceptions began to appear at startup: Sep 25, 2010 6:05:45 PM info INFO: Logging to JettyLogger(null) via Sep 25, 2010 6:05:45 PM...

XSLT 2.0 replace function behaves wrong

The XSLT 2.0 template <xsl:template match="/"> <xsl:value-of select="replace('aba', 'a', 'b')" /> </xsl:template> is expected to return 'bbb', which it does correctly when processed using saxonb-xslt on my Ubuntu 10.04 system. But when I issue exactly the same command on my Debian 5.0 system the output is 'abb'. In other words, th...

how to load multiple xml files with saxon

I want to use saxon for xpath queries but i don't know to load multiple xml files. I'm trying to use saxon with command line from windows I read in saxon manual that i can use the command: Query.exe -s:myDataFile.xml -q:myQueryFile -o:myOutputFile but i don't know how to load multiple xml files and not just one edit: I have many...

Saxon XSLT 2.0 and RFC 822 date format

Hi, What is the right way to format xs:dateTime to RFC 822? ...

How to simplify this xproc pipeline?

I've just started digging into XProc (using Calabash). I have a series of XSLT transformations I want to apply to a single input document to produce a single output document. I was previously using a simple Python script to drive the transformations, but it seemed like XProc might be a good fit. The pipeline below seems to work for me...

XSLT help running in java.

Im new to the XSLT world, I am basically trying to run the JSON convertion from HERE However if I use this method: TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer(new StreamSource("src\\json\\xml-to-json.xsl")); transformer.transform(new StreamSource("src...

Saxon and character encoding: experiences and errors

Recently I ran some tests on xslt transformations with Saxon. My main focus was file encoding and character sets. But I was interested also in impact of different Saxon versions and Java VM x86 vs. x64. The insights are not spectacular still I'd like to share them and ask for comments. On xml file encoding: In general, you have to disti...