
How do I show text instead of id for selected value in show.html in Ruby on Rails?

I created a drop down box in my form using select_tag: <%= select_tag(:warning, options_for_select([['None', 1], ['Medium', 2], ['High', 3]], 1)) %> Now I want to display the corresponding text for the value they select rather than the id in my show.html.erb, so it displays 'None' instead of 1. I am new to this and can't quite figure...

Where can I find documentation on MvcScaffold package listed on nuPack?

I'm trying to find documentation on how to use the MvcScaffold package on nuPack, but I can't find anything anywhere. I know I have basic intellisense support in the Package Management Console, but I want to do something a little more complicated than your typical scaffolding. I was hoping there would be some documentation somewhere. ...

Scaffolding in Rails while defining nullable fields and foreign keys

I'm just figuring out my way around rails but I need a little help with the rails generate scaffold command. Here's the command that I'd like to use rails generate scaffold Expense user:??? name:string description:text I'd like the description field to be nullable and the users field to be linked to another Model — in this case I'd l...