
Scaffold or django-admin without Auth app

I created my own Auth app, and now Admin is not working, what can you suggest? Exception now is: 'User' object has no attribute 'is_authenticated' I know my User really have no such method. So I have 2 ways: - change admin - adapt my user system My question was: is there possibility to easily off admin bound to auth ...

Is scaffold no longer valid in the Controller definition?

class AdminController < ApplicationController scaffold :album end In a Rails 1.1.6 tutorial I was instructed to put the code "scaffold :album" inside my admin controller. This is a music application containing a model called "Album". This generated an error saying that scaffold is not a valid method. Is this a deprecated/obsole...

Rails doesn't like this anymore? "script/generate scaffold Album" for Album model

script/generate scaffold Album used to generate the scaffolding for a model called Album (pre-Rails 2). Is it correct that these days (post-Rails 2), you need to specify all of the required fields: script/generate scaffold Album artist:String title:String I've been following along with a tutorial on Rails 1.1.6 and have been puzzle...

Nicer alternative to the default Rails scaffolding stylesheet: scaffold.css?

I'm looking for a more attractive alternative to the standard scaffold.css? Has anyone come across a stylesheet that was specifically designed as a more attractive, less sparse alternative to the built-in scaffold.css? ...

Scaffolding Web Services in Grails

I need to implement a web app, but instead of using relational database I need to use different SOAP Web Services as a back-end. An important part of application only calls web services and displays the result. Since Web Services are clearly defined in form of Operation: In parameters and Return Type it seems to me that basic GUI could b...

Referencing controller methods in my index page in a scaffold-ed rails app

Hi, rails newbie here. I've started making a value based to-do list. So far I've scaffolded my app like this: dir> rails --database=mysql test1 dir> cd test1 test> ruby script/generate scaffold list item:string done:boolean value:int [Changed default value of done to false in the migration file] test> rake db:migrate All is working ...

Adding mvc to existing web app how to get scaffold options

I followed the guidance in the Professional 1.0 Wrox book for adding the MVC references to an exisiting web application and it works well except for the scaffolding options. When i right click a controller i do not get the scaffold view options that you get in a new mvc app. I am sure there is a .csproj hack that is neede...

undo scaffolding in rails

Is their anyway to 'undo' the effects of a scaffold command in rails? ...

How can I rename the column table name inside of the SubSonic Scaffolding control?

Hi, I would like that someone explain me how is the easy and simple way to change the HeaderText of the GridView control using the SubSonic Scaffolding ? Also, I would like to rename the text of every label control in the Add and Edit Form that is generated with the SubSonic Scaffold. I got my Scaffolding Form in English idiom but I wan...

How can you configure Rails to use blueprint-css instead of the default scaffolding css?

What changes do you need to make to a Rails project to configure blueprintcss as the default stylesheet to be used when you generate scaffolding instead of scaffold.css? ...

Ruby on rails scaffolding in Netbeans 6.5

I am playing with the scaffold feature of rails in Netbeans 6.5. Right click->Generate gives me a menu that allows me to create the scaffold but asks for "attribute pairs". I have some tables with quite a few columns and would rather have the scaffolded pages include them all instead of specifying each one individually. Does anyone know...

Dynamic Data with Entity Framework... using [ScaffoldColumn(true)] to show a public property via metadata ...

... it just doesn't work, at all. I've tried for days, with all different combinations of frick'n stuff and it won't budge. There are certainly people out there who seem to be blogging about breezing through this sort of thing without seeing a glimpse of an issue saying things like "We all know that you can show public properties of ex...

Is it wrong to not implement all REST actions in Rails controller?

Let's say I have a SessionsController, which controls user login and logout, but the only actions I really need are new (for displaying login form), create (for authentication and login) and destroy for logging out the user. Is there any problem if I just have these three actions in my controller, or do I have to implement them all to m...

How to edit a SQL Server XML data field with Dynamic Data

I have a site based around 3.5's Dynamic Data feature. Everything's working great, but I would like to add a tagging feature via a column with an XML data type. I've made the column and added an appropriate schema, but it is showing up as read-only and the scaffold will not display or modify the field. So, I have a few question...

Adding an autoincrementing SNO column in Rails Scaffolding?

Is there a way in which I can create a serial number (SNO) column through scaffolding in Rails which increases on adding a record, decreases on deleting a record and cannot be modified manually? ...

Problem in Rails scaffold for DATE fields

When I use Rails scaffold, I can't access the page to edit fields. It shows me some kind of problem with all DATE fields. Here's the error: can't convert Symbol into String Extracted source (around line #124): 121: </p> 122: <p> 123: <%= f.label :dataDeCadastro %><br /> 124: <%= f.date_select :dataDeCadastr...

Ruby On Rails Scaffold without respond_to

ROR scaffold is useful, but I always find myself removing the respond_to part in the generated controllers. Is it possible to tell Rails not to generate that part? ...

ASP.NET MVC cannot scaffold with types from a referenced assembly

I am building my very first MVC project and I would like to use scaffold a new view using custom types that exist in a referenced assembly. Is scaffolding only available for locally declared types? I add a new view via the "Add View" dialog, I choose to "Create a strongly-typed view" and I pick my class type in the "View data class" d...

NoMethodError in basic scaffolded View?

I created a basic scaffold for a Foo model with a single property - bar:String foos/new.html.erb: <h1>New foo</h1> <% form_for(@foo) do |f| %> <%= f.error_messages %> <p> <%= f.label :bar %><br /> <%= f.text_field :bar %> </p> <p> <%= f.submit 'Create' %> </p> <% end %> <%= link_to 'Back', foos_path %> But I ...

How to create a nifty_scaffold without worrying with the migrations?

I need to use the nifty_scaffold to generate all the views and controller for my model, but I already have the model, the migration and the table in database, so I don't need it to generate the migrations. The problem is that when it founds an old migration, it says Another migration is already named your_table: db/migrate/2009090421220...