
rails scaffolding help

say I want to scaffold generate university but university should eventually be related to state. as in each university has one state and one state has many universities. in my scaffold command should I include state_id?? script/generate scaffold university name:string address:string state_id:int ... I know I will have to update my m...

Subsonic 3 and Scaffold

In Subsonic 2 I played around with the Scaffold controls to build some quick and dirty admin pages. I need to do the same again but am using Subsonic 3 where I don't see Scaffold anywhere. Is Scaffolding in Subsonic dead? Any other recommendations to get admin pages for db tables (ms sql) up as fast as possible using Subsonic? ...

PHP admin screens for Flex objects

I am creating Flex application that will call PHP via Zend_Amf. It's basically CRUD operations with file uploads sometimes. This will require to create admin screens for PHP side (for editing various records on server) automatically, using scuffolding. It seems that CakePHP would do well at generating admin screens. How well does Cake...

Edit text box in ASP.Net MVC application not working?

For reasons currently unknown, in a strongly typed partial view that handles editing which was created using the auto-scaffold for an "Edit" template, refuses to display any data in the textbox. But, the test titletext string displays the relevent content. <% using (Html.BeginForm()) { try { %> <fieldset> <legend>Fields</legend> <p>...

Having trouble getting started with Ruby on Rails

I'm wondering if someone can address some of the issues I am having? I create a rails app: rails myapp -d mysql cd myapp haml --rails . rake db:create:all Then I want to use a mysql client to create tables. Lets say users and customers. A customer is also a user so you have schema like this: users ---------------- id int, not...

Can I Change Look / Feel Of Scaffolded Pages With Mostly CSS?

I am using a web framework (Grails, similar to Rails) that has abilities to auto-generate a lot of code through scaffolding. As a result, all of my CRUD pages are currently automatically generated, and I even have ability to inject additional HTML code whenever I want to to further customize the content of those pages. I can control t...

Customizing SubSonic 2.2 Scaffolding

I'm using SubSonic 2.2. I am able to customize my class generation with templates like described here for example. However I would like to customize the Scaffold control also, but I have trouble figuring out how it is done. Editing the scaffold templates in the template directory seems to have no effect. If anyone has done this, any ...

Ruby on Rails - generating column for textarea and pics

I am new to rails so excuse the simple questions. I am creating a website for a company. That company wants to display it's clients on the site. I would like to allow the client to manage this themselves. I am generating a table for the 'clients' and the three columns I would like to have are: Company Name, Company Description and logo...

view from scaffold in cakephp

I'm new to CakePHP. I'm keen to use the scaffolding feature to quickly generate views, and then to use bake to generate views that I can edit. I have created custom scaffold views in app/views/scaffolds so that my scaffolded views fit in with the layout of my application. Is there any way that, when I bake views, they are based on the c...

how to create scaffolding for model that is already in place

I have a model already in place. I just want some admin screens created for it which will do the add/edit/update/delete functionality. My model name is User and it has properties user_id, first_name, last_name, user_status, created_at, updated_at, updated_by Is it possible to use the script/generate scaffold on this model so that cr...

Templating Html.DisplayFor() in ASP.NET MVC 2

It appears that if you just use Html.DisplayFor(model => model) with no templates for a Details view, the resulting markup will look something like this: <div class="display-label">first name</div> <div class="display-field">Dan</div> <div class="display-label">last name</div> <div class="display-field">M</div> <div class="display-label...

use reserved rails word in scaffolding

Hi all, I'm new to rails, but not to programming. I'm trying to create a Case Management app, I'm running the command ruby script/generate scaffold Case casename:string caseid:string This works fine, however because Case is a reserved word I'm getting errors when trying to view localhost:3000/Cases Is there anyway around this or do ...

Struggling with SelectList in ASP.NET MVC 2

I have a model that looks something like this: public class SampleModel { public static SampleModel Create() { return new SampleModel { Boolean = true, // set several more properties... Colors = new SelectList(new[] { "Red", "Green", "Blue" }, "Green") }; } pub...

CakePHP HABTM: Editing one item casuses HABTM row to get recreated, destroys extra data

I'm having trouble with my HABTM relationship in CakePHP. I have two models like so: Department HABTM Location. One large company has many buildings, and each building provides a limited number of services. Each building also has its own webpage, so in addition to the HABTM relationship itself, each HABTM row also has a url field where ...

RoR - Scaffolding - unedfined method 'to_sym' for nil:NilClass only an error in the edit method

undefined method `to_sym' for nil:NilClass I have this error only in my edit page of my nifty_scaffold. This is _form.html.erb <% form_for @progress do |f| %> <%= f.error_messages %> <p> <%= f.label :date %><br /> <%= f.date_select :date %> </p> <p> <%= f.label :description %><br /> <%= f.text_area :descriptio...

How to use Scaffoling from SS2 in SubSonic 3.0?

Hi, I just started using SubSonic ver 3.0 and I am not able to find sufficient info on the scaffolding feature. I understand scaffolding is included in version 2.x but can be used with 3.x also. My question is, what do I have to include in my SunSonic 3.x ActiveRecord project, what to reference and what to add to the web.config /

Ruby On Rails Scaffold LoadError

I am learning Ruby on Rails using a book I picked up called "Head First Rails" I am in the first chapter and it tells me to create my CRUD procedures using the following command: ruby script/generate scaffold ticket name:string seat_id_seq:string address:text price_paid:decimal email_address:string the error I am getting is: ruby: N...

RoR - undefined method `title' for #<Product:0x596c148>

i am new to RoR and following AWDwR book... all was well till i started the Depot project.... created the products model using ruby script/generate scaffold product title:string description:text image_url:string now when i view the page http://localhost:3000/products it shows a generic page with nothing in the list and a link to add...

Grails scaffolding link reference problem

Hi, I'm using scaffolding for a couple of Controllers for two Domain Classes: 1 Sector to N Items: class Item { String name static belongsTo = [sector:Sector] .... } class Sector { String name static hasMany = [items:Item] .... } When I generated the corresponding scaffolding controllers I used the pattern (class)mgr: Sectorm...

Is Django's admin panel intended to just be temporary scaffolding?

I've been successfully using Django's admin panel for internal users for a while but I recently hit a brick wall while trying to customize it and I'm curious if I'm spending too much time on it. So, my question is: Is Django's admin panel intended to just be temporary scaffolding, that is, to be used only during the initial development ...