
WebRequest Exception in .NET

I use this code snippet that verifies if the file specified in the URL exists and keep trying it every few seconds for every user. Sometimes (mostly when there are large number of users using the site) the code doesn't work. [WebMethod()] public static string GetStatus(string URL) { bool completed = false; H...

How To Simplified Application Structure ?

It is always a good idea to simlified the project relations and also writing code in projects. But as I am not a software analyzer and trying to start analyzing my personal project. I want to know that How To Simplified Project Structure ? ...

How do you rewrite/recode a website to be scalable?

How do you rewrite a website to be scalable?(traffic) I work with mainly PHP and some Ruby on rails and i know its a generic question. I'm just looking to increase my knowledge so any advice would be useful. Thank you in advance ;-) ...

ASP.NET applications scalability best pratices guide

Is there are a guide published by microsoft or somebody else about the best practices for creating scalable web applications? like patterns to use and how to do data access. ...

Application Engineering and Number of Users

Apart from performance concerns, should web-based applications be built differently according to the number of (concurrent) users? If so, what are the main differences for (say) 4, 40, 400 and 4000 users? I'm particularly interested in how logging, error handling, design patterns etc. would be be used according to the number of concurre...

Today's best approaches on scalable high-performance PHP-applications

Hi everybody! We are in the startup build phase of a new PHP webapp that will be placed onto a cloud server to allow fast and easy up/downscaling when customers will grow or decrease in numbers. Most probably, we will use a PHP framework (Codeigniter) to keep development speed high. Our next step is to implement features for increased ...

What is the Limit of IIS 6.0

What is the limit of IIS 6.0? like for example if i need to host 100,000 or 200,000 websites on IIS 6.0, how many machines would i need? or is IIS7 would be a better choice in this case for some reason? ...

Does anyone know what was/is used as the DBMS for the infamous NSA call database?

Another question on SO suddenly got me wondering what the largest database in the world is (and how big it could be). A quick Google search turned up this: the NSA call database, created by the U.S. National Security Agency. Supposedly this database contains over 1.9 trillion records containing details relating to phone calls placed thro...

How to efficiently store and serve lots of small images on the web site?

On my web site I want to serve user a page with a lot of small pictures on it, kind of like thumbnails in Windows. All pictures are files ranging in size from 1KB to over 300KB, but usually no bigger than 5KB. Currently all those images are located in a folder on the web server (linux+apache), but I don't think this is the best solution...

MySQL in AWS EC2 - How does it scale?

When you move beyond using one instance for your database, what is the best practice when using EC2? If the first instance is a master and you're spinning up slaves, they would need to scan the transaction log and bring themselves up to date before the slaves are useable correct? If the master had been running awhile and was busy, this...

What should be the considerations for choosing SQL/NoSQL?

Target application is a medium-sized website built to support several hundred to several thousand users an hour, with an option to scale above that. Data model is rather simple, and caching potential is pretty high (~10:1 ratio of read to edit actions). What should be the considerations when coming to choose between a relational, SQL-ba...

Scability of .NET webservices

Can anyone help me with a question about webservices and scalability? I have written a webservice as a facade into our document management system and need to think about scalability issues. What areas should I be looking at to ensure performance and availability? Thanks in advance ...

Scalable Ticketing / Festival Website

I've noticed major music festivals (at least in Australia) and other events that experience a peak in traffic when tickets go on sale have huge problems keeping their websites running well. I've seen a few different techniques used to try combat this such as short sessions and virtual queues but they dont seem to have much effect. If yo...

What is optimal hardware configuration for heavy load LAMP application

I need to run Linux-Apache-PHP-MySQL application (Moodle e-learning platform) for a large number of concurrent users - I am aiming 5000 users. By concurrent I mean that 5000 people should be able to work with the application at the same time. "Work" means not only do database reads but writes as well. The application is not very typical...

News Portals and database heaviness

What is database design solutions for news portals with high trrafic? Could file system be a good solution? mysql > File system Thanks in advance ...

JMX scalabilty: can it be used to manage 400+ instances?

I'm evaluating solutions for managing 400+ instances of a kiosk-like application. Each instance runs a custom Java application that displays information and interacts with users. We are pondering if we should develop a custom solution, try to include JMX support for it or find something else. The requirements are simple: It must be a ...

Articles about replication schemes/algorithms?

I'm designing a distributed system with a certain flow of data in it. I'd like to guarantee that at least N nodes have almost-current data at any given time. I do not need complete consistency, only eventual consistency (t.i. for any time instant, the current snapshot of data should eventually appear on at least N nodes. It is tricky to ...

High performance web (-services) applications

Hi, I'd like to become a guru in high performance (100k and more views/requests) web & web-services applications. What technologies/patterns/skills do you reccomend to look at? Basically, I have good skills at ASP.NET/.NET based web development, but I'd like to know how big things are built (on any platform, not depending on .net technol...

Distributed version control for HUGE projects - is it feasible?

We're pretty happy with SVN right now, but Joel's tutorial intrigued me. So I was wondering - would it be feasible in our situation too? The thing is - our SVN repository is HUGE. The software itself has a 15 years old legacy and has survived several different source control systems already. There are over 68,000 revisions (changesets),...

Delphi : Sorted List

I need to sort close to a 1,00,000 floating point entries in Delphi. I am new to Delphi and would like to know if there are any ready made solutions available. I tried a few language provided constructs and they take an inordinate amount of time to run to completion.(a 5-10 sec execution time is fine for the application) ...