
best way to prepare for digg effect

I have a web site which will be featured in a place which will send a large peak of one-time traffic in a couple of weeks. The server hosting the website also hosts the control panel my customers use. The website part is simple and mostly static. But it includes a wordpress blog. My question How and where can I put or cache the websi...

Gem that allows for data access using sharded mysql databases while maintaining the usage of Activerecord

This is a relatively complex problem that I am thinking of, so please suggest edits or comment on parts where you are not clear about. I will update and iterate based on your comments I am thinking of a developing a rails gem that simplifies the usage of sharded tables, even when most of your data is stored in relational databases. I be...

CMS and high traffic sites : PHP and MySQL

Hi; Is there any difference between CMS and hight traffic websites (like news portals) in logic and database design and optimization (PHP and MySQL)? I have searched for php site scalability in stackoverflow and memcached is in a majority. Is there techniques for MySQL optimization? (Im looking for a book for this issue. I have searched...

GAE Datastore - Is there a next page / Are there x+1 entities?

Hi. Currently, to determine whether or not there is a next page of entities I'm using the following code: q = Entity.all().fetch(10) cursor = q.cursor() extra = q.fetch(1) has_next_page = False if extra: has_next_page = True However, this is very expensive in terms of the time it takes to execute the 'extra' query. I need to extra...

Can I enable and disable sticky sessions on a load balancer from the website behind it?

My challenge is the following. I'd like to uphold the Post/Redirect/Get pattern for posted forms, but after the redirect I still want to show the state of the form in case of invalid fields. This information can be passed by storing it in session quite easily. However these sites usually run on multiple webservers behind a load balancer...

Is JMS (or any messaging solution) appropriate for a follower/following model

For the sake of simplicity, let's assume I'm cloning twitter (I'm not). So every user can follow other users, and be followed by other users. For each user you follow, you receive all tweets he sends. Everything is stored in a data storage (be it a NoSQL solution or a sharded relational database). However, when users are online, do you ...

This framework cannot be suitable for large scale project?

Hello there, I have developed a project using Symfony that on average takes circa 500ms to load one page on my laptop locally. I am worried. This laptop is at the minute only serving me, but what happens when this becomes a large scale project same size as facebook and mySpace? Surely, Symfony cannot be suitable for a large scale proje...

Scaling an hosted ASP.NET application

Dear all! We are currently finishing a web-based time-tracking software built on ASP.NET and WCF (for different desktop-clients). Our customers can register an account and add an unlimited number of users to their account. Pricing is tied to the number of active users in the companys account. To keep things simple and easily scalable ...

Developing a Scalable Website using Php

I am going to develop a social + professional networking website using Php (Zend or Yii framework). We are targeting over 5000 requests per minute. I have experience in developing advanced websites, using MVC frameworks. But, this is the first time, I am going to develop something keeping scalability in mind. So, I will really appreciat...

efficient way to store sitewide user activity

Hi, I tried searching through on stackoverflow as well as googling around a lot, but am not able to find answers to my problem (I guess I'm searching for the wrong keywords / terms). We are in the process of building a recommendation engine, and while we are initially logging all user activity in custom logs (we use ruby / rails), we ne...

Why aren't my scala futures more efficient ?

I'm running this scala code on a 32-bit quad-core Core2 system: def job(i:Int,s:Int):Long = { val r=(i to 500000000 by s).map(_.toLong).foldLeft(0L)(_+_) println("Job "+i+" done") r } import scala.actors.Future import scala.actors.Futures._ val JOBS=4 val jobs=(0 until JOBS)>future {job(i,JOBS)}) println("Running....

WebSphere - Horizontal Scalability

Does WebSphere 6.1 (not the ND edition) support the creation of a server group/cluster with multiple nodes possibility spanning across multiple machines. The idea is to create a horizontal cluster for load-balancing and fail-over support. The Base Edition of WAS allows the creation of multiple WAS instances but what about the creation ...

Large MySQL Table Update Slow

Hi this is my table structure CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sms_report` ( `R_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `R_uid` int(11) NOT NULL, `R_smppid` varchar(100) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `R_from` varchar(10) collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `R_status` longtext collate utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `R_message` text collate ut...

How to shard existing key-value storage?

Hello, Let's suppose that we have 3Gb key-value storage on server A. I'm starting to feel that we need another server (server B). So, I have to separate server A data over shards (server A, server B), but... All keys on server A currently represented as is (for example, comment_ids:user_id:10). Question #1: What is the best practice to...

How to connect to a slave if master goes down -- Replication

Hi. I'm playing around with data replication in MongoDb, and I currently have a master and several slave nodes. All of these are running on different ports, but they could just as well be on different machines (I'm testing atm). My question is, how would I go about connecting to these from my code? Currently, I just have one instance o...

Enterprise OSGi vs. EJB

Hello, i have an application server (JBoss) with some EJBs deployed. Now i must develop an OSGi application which i would like to reuse with my application server. I know that new application servers allows to deploy OSGi bundles in the application server itself. These are my questions: Could i simple deploy my OSGi bundles into the a...

Does anyone have a Ruby on Rails application with 500+ tables?

I am working on developing a large SAAS application and I had planned to do so in Ruby On Rails. However, most of the threads that I have read here and there on the Net seem to indicate that 100 tables is considered to be a large RoR application. I would be very interested to hear about scalability/size issues that anyone has seen and ...

Scaling EhCache

Hi everyone, I'm currently building an application that needs to be scalable, and therefor I'm interested in distributed caching and not replicated caching. We will be using memcache for common cache use cases. However Hibernate and Spring Security ACL both rely on EhCache which doesn't seem to have the same replication scheme as memca...

Optimizing the data access layer

Hi, all. I have a web service (JAX-RS/Spring) that generates SQL queries which run against a temp table in Oracle. The data is then archived to another table (through 3 MERGE statements). The execution of each "job" (querying and merging) is done in the background through a JMS broker (ActiveMQ). The sequence of operations of each job i...

What's TOO BIG for a database?

I have a buddy who runs a web app for people listing cars for sale. There are a few thousand clients who use it, and each client has hundreds and sometimes thousands of rows in the database (some have been on for 5 years with hundreds of cars selling each month, and 10s of rows per sale (comments, messages, etc)). He has run this system ...