
Durable queue configuration in Terracotta

Does anyone know how to configure durable queue on Terracotta server properly? Terracotta stores clustered objects on server in files and writes data to them in append only fashion. I want to control how this internal data gets cleared somehow. I have multiple intensive applications that use common ehcache instance clustered by T...

scalable sites

facebook, skype, myspace etc... all have millions and millions of users, does anyone know what their architecture looks like. Is it distributed on different nodes or do they use massive clusters? ...

DistributedMap as cache clustered with Terracotta

When choosing suitable cache implementation to be clustered with Terracotta I've run into separate Terracotta Integration Module named DistributedMap wich provides basic caching abilities such as support for different eviction policies etc. This cache implementation seems to be easy configurable, but when it comes to production-ready clu...

Pattern for updating slave SQL Server 2008 databases from a master whilst minimising disruption

We have an ASP.NET web application hosted by a web farm of many instances using SQL Server 2008 in which we do aggregation and pre-processing of data from multiple sources into a format optimised for fast end user query performance (producing 5-10 million rows in some tables). The aggregation and optimisation is done by a service on a ba...

Ideas for build a document managment system

A customer need a document managment system and I'm building information about this. I know about sharepoint & alfresco, but in this case I'm evaluating the necesary info for build it from scratch, so please refrain to suggest the use of any of these (we are doing the evaluation of them separately, this is all about develop, not impleme...

Where can I find a system architecture for a site that will stream music for thousands of concurrent users?

Does anyone know where I can find a system architecture for a site that streams music for thousands of concurrent users and can also scale. Also I would prefer to use open source system components. ...

Python/Django or C#/ASP.NET for web development?

Hi, I am a .NET developer. I have no experience on Python. Which platform is more scalable? Which platform is more suitable for large-size high-traffic web sites? If you have any experience about scalability on these platforms, please inform us. Thank you. ...

Determine Number of Supported Users for a Web Application

I'm developing an web application targeted to business customers. Can anyone provide some guidelines on how I can determine the number of users my application can support? Also, the application uses session variables so its currently limited to one web server until that changes. ...

HAProxy and "sharding"

I was wondering if anyone has used HAProxy for sharding. Specifically, I would like to be able use a cookie I define w/a identifier and have any client that presents that cookie/identifier combination be directed to the same server. It seems possible and my preliminary tests seem to work but I am not a sure. My listen configuration look...

Improving scalability of the modified preorder tree traversal algorithm

I've been thinking about the modified preorder tree traversal algorithm for storing trees within a flat table (such as SQL). One property I dislike about the standard approach is that to insert a node you have to touch (on average) N/2 of the nodes (everything with left or right higher than the insert point). The implementations I've...

Engineering scalability into an application

What does it mean to say - Engineering scalability into applications. Are there design patterns that would make an application more scalable? This question is mainly in the context of web applications or SOA middleware based applications. ...

ASP.NET SqlMembership Provider Scalability

I've got an upcoming project that is going to be dealing with 70,000+ users (education). I was wondering if the ASP.NET SqlMembership Provider has been used at such large capacities? Assuming the hardware is there, is there anything special that needs to be done to make it work smoothly? We're doing all the obvious things like separat...

Is Google App Engine good for scalablity and portability?

I'm evaluating hosted production environments and currently have interest in Google App Engine. Currently I'm enjoying the free quotas. I'm concerned if it is efficient to scale up using Google App Engine. Portability is being analyzed as well. Please advise if Google App Engine is good for scalability and portability. Thank you in ...

Is it possible to quantify scalability as a requirement?

G'day, I was reading the item Quantify in the book "97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know" (sanitised Amazon link) and it got me wondering how to quantify scalability. I have designed two systems for a major British broadcasting corporation that are used to: detect the country of origin for incoming HTTP requests, or determi...

Using a remote, external web service instead of a database

I am building an ASP.NET web application that will be deployed to a 4-node web farm. My web application's farm is located in California. Instead of a database for back-end data, I plan to use a set of web services served from a data center in New York. I have a page /show-web-service-result.aspx that works like this: 1) User requests...

What databases do Web's biggest sites run on?

This question is meant to serve as a list of databases and their configurations that the major web-sites use and would be a great reference for anyone thinking of scaling their web-site to the size of Twitter, Facebook or even Google. Please keep your answers to a minimum and be sure to cite any sources used. EDIT: Also, please bold b...

Techniques for writing a scalable website.

I am new in the website scalability realm. Can you suggest to me some the techniques for making a website scalable to a large number of users? ...

Scalable one to many table (MySQL)

I have a MySQL database, and a particular table in that database will need to be self-referencing, in a one-to-many fashion. For scalability, I need to find the most efficient solution possible. The two ways most evident to me are: 1) Add a text field to the table, and store a serialized list of primary keys there 2) Keep a linker ta...

Comment post scalability: Top n per user, 1 update, heavy read

Here's the situation. Multi-million user website. Each user's page has a message section. Anyone can visit a user's page, where they can leave a message or view the last 100 messages. Messages are short pieces of txt with some extra meta-data. Every message has to be stored permanently, the only thing that must be real-time quick is th...

What interesting links do you have on Meebo?

What interesting links do you have on Meebo's architecture? From Meebo's Wikipedia entry: Meebo is an Ajax-based in-browser instant messaging program which supports multiple IM services, including Yahoo! Messenger, .NET Messenger Service, AIM, ICQ, MySpaceIM, Facebook Chat and Jabber; it is based on the free and open ...