
Emailing large lists in SharePoint fails regularly

I have a list that contains roughly 4500 items in it. The default view is set to return 25 items at a time. The list is a discussion board set up to receive email updates, receiving approximately 30 per day. I have an issue where every week or so the email stops working. Anyone who emails the list gets an Undeliverable message. Disa...

How to write a scalable Tcp/Ip based server

I am in the design phase of writing a new Windows Service application that accepts TCP/IP connections for long running connections (i.e. this is not like HTTP where there are many short connections, but rather a client connects and stays connected for hours or days or even weeks). I'm looking for ideas for the best way to design the net...

Planning Scalable Web Application Development

What language, framework, and hosting considerations should one make before starting development of a scalable web application? ...

ASP.NET web application - 5000 lines of code in 1 page - acceptable?

I'm building an ASP .NET 2.0 (C#) based web application, which is primarily intended for intra-net use, i.e. to be used inside an organization's Local Area Network. With respect to the User Interface, there are 2 approaches which I need to choose from. Build a 1 page web app, with lots of ASP .NET AJAX 1.0 controls (modal popups) to s...

Does Django Scale?

Hello, I'm building a web application with Django. The reasons I chose Django were: I wanted to work with free/open-source tools I like Python and feel it's a "long term" language, whereas regarding Ruby I wasn't sure, and PHP seemed like a huge hassle to learn. I'm building a prototype for an idea and wasn't thinking too much about t...

Examples of production Erlang deployments

Hello everyone! I am currently learning Erlang Can SO users give interesting examples of any of their Erlang application deployments? I want to gain some insight into common Erlang uses past telecomms, and any problems or unexpected benefits Erlang brought during development/deployment. I hope this will give some broader context and ...

How to design scalable applications?

How to design/architect a scalable application? Any suggestion of books or websites that could help to understand how to scale out application? Thanks ...

Should I host Website and REST API on the same server or split ?

I have a web application that consists of Website and REST API. Should I host them on the same server or should I host them on different servers? By "server" I mean a server cluster - several servers behind load balancer. API is mostly inbound traffic, website - mostly outbound. If it matters - hosted on Rackspace and/or AWS. Here is...

NHibernate open source POC

Are there any open source projects that use NHibernate and which serve as a proof of concept for NHibernate. I'm looking for concrete proof of NHibernate's ability to meet enterprise standards in terms of performance and scalability mainly. Especially interesting would be use of batching. I'm not sure how synched NHibernate and Hibernat...

Scalable web application with lot of image servings

I started working on a web application. This application needs lot of image handling. I started off with PHP as it was the easiest and cheapest to host. I have used the .NET framework for some of my previous applications and I'm very comfortable with Python. But I'm not at all comfortable using PHP now, so I have decided to use somethi...

How to improve performance of MySQL query with frequent insert rate?

I'm having approx. 200K rows in a table tb_post, and every 5 minutes it has approx. 10 new inserts. I'm using following query to fetch the rows - SELECT tb_post.ID, tb_post.USER_ID, tb_post.TEXT, tb_post.RATING, tb_post.CREATED_AT, tb_user.ID, tb_user.NAME FROM tb_post, tb_user WHERE tb_post.USER_ID=tb_user.ID ORDER BY tb_po...

Are there well-identified patterns for software scalability testing?

I've recently become quite interested in identifying patterns for software scalability testing. Due to the variable nature of different software solutions, it seems to like there are as many good solutions to the problem of scalability testing software as there are to designing and implementing software. To me, that means that we can p...

How to scale the Quartz scheduler?

I plan to use the Quartz scheduler as I read many good opinions about it. My problem is as follows: I will have thousands of triggers living in the system at any given time. Most of the triggers will fire just one event and die. In addition, it is very likely I will have to cancel many jobs after their allocation (based on new input). ...

Scale Out Application (Split User Data) - How to establish single point of login?

Hello Ladies & Gentlemen. I have to make an architectural decision for an application and would like to know the best way to achieve the following, hopefully without having to keep information duplicated or in multiple places. Scenario: Application instances with separated, autonomous parts of the entire user data are split across mu...

How to do performance and scalability testing without clear requirements?

Any idea how to do performance and scalability testing if no clear performance requirements have been defined? More information about my application. The application has 3 components. One component can only run on Linux, the other two components are Java programs so they can run on Linux/Windows/Mac... The 3 components can be deployed ...

Does Scala scale better then other JVM languages?

Here is the only way I know to ask it at the moment. As Understand it Scala uses the Java Virtual Machine. I thought Jruby did also. Twitter switched its middleware to Scala. Could they have done the same thing and used Jruby? Could they have started with Jruby to start with and not had their scaling problems that caused them to mo...

Scaleability of TCP keep-alive

Consider a large scale, heterogeneous network of various devices. These devices are providing services to others on the network in a peer-to-peer fashion. The mechanism used to track service availabilty across all nodes is currently using TCP sockets marked as keep-alive, usually for the duration the node is online. This leads to ever...

How do you efficiently implement the observer pattern if the subject is a huge container?

We all know the observer pattern: You have a subject which is able to notify and update a list of observers of its state changes. Now suppose that the subject you would like to observe is a container, and you would like to observe the container itself, i.e. element addition and deletion of elements, and also the contained elements, i.e. ...

program for optimal performance and scalability from the start?

First question on stackoverflow. I have no previous experience of running a high traffic website and I would consider myself somewhere in between a novice and an intermediate programmer....please be gentle :) I am trying to make a social website that I ultimately hope will handle a lot of traffic and users. However, I don't know if the...

How do I create a Load Balancer sort of logic using PHP?

Hello all, I wish to make use of my unlimited shared hosting to create several small shared hosting accounts that I can offload processing to. So I need to create some logic in PHP to create the basics of a Load Balancer. I have 4 shared accounts, one is the main site and the other 3 is the processing server accounts. Please see image....