
Need a better way to manage database schema changes

Currently, we manage database (SQL Server) changes with a series of numbered scripts. One folder holds scripts that can only be run once (table alters, data initialization, etc). Another holds all scripts that can be run multiple times without fear of them destroying anything (stored procedures, functions, etc). Typically, when we need ...

DBCC CHECKIDENT -- Schema aware???

I've got a different schema (besides dbo) that I've created a table in, schema "Chemical". I've tried 4 different variations of this DBCC CHECKIDENT, and they all bring back the same error: "Incorrect syntax near '.'" I've tried: DBCC CHECKIDENT (Chemical.[Products], RESEED, 0) DBCC CHECKIDENT (Chemical.Products) DBCC CHECKIDENT ([...

Php Db schema diagram creator

Hello, Wondering if there is any php script out there which takes an sql db and diagramatically shows the entire thing (along with relationships)? Similar to what most mysql tools offer for desktop. Thank you very much. ...

how do I make an element a child of itself in XML Schema?

I'd like the ability to have an arbitrary level of nesting children of the same parent element, e.g.: <path expr="/"> <path expr="usr"> <path expr="bin"> <path expr="X11" /> </path> </path> <path expr="var" /> </path> I'm writing the XML Schema file, and I'm at a loss as to how to represent this parent/child relati...

trouble resolving location in <xs:import > element in C#

I'm using an XML schema document to validate incoming data documents, however the schema appears be failing during compilation at run time because it refers to a complex type which part of an external schema. The external schema is specified in a element at the top of the document. I had thought it might be an access problem, so I moved...

How do I migrate table schemas from one DB to another without damaging the data in the destination DB?

How do I migrate table schemas from one DB to another without damaging the data in the destination DB? I want to move my data from my deployed development copy to the live database and would like to run some scripts to do it. I need to upgrade the schema for some tables and create others. I figure right now that I'll have to check eac...

MySQL primary key column type for large tables

I'm working on the project with relatively big DB table(700K rows). Mistake, I've made while designing DB schema. When rows were increasing, I had to increase ID's column type bigint(x). Now it is bigint(44). I afraid of setting high x value because I thought that it can significantly slows down performance. Maybe I'm wrong.. Please h...

Simple way to create an ERD for a database design review.

I am working on a new application that uses a jet (MS Access) database. I have built the database using FluentNHibernate's AutoMapping feature from my C# objects. I need to present this database for an on-line WebEx design review on Tuesday and am looking for a tool to create ERD's for my database that I can group onto slides. The dia...

Why so few full database schemas sample online?

It is a bit strange to me about database schemas sample which I think most of the projects will need to design a database for it. but when I try to find sample online, it is really rare (eg. full database schema for Inventory Management, School Management, HumanResource management). I know that each database design is depends on the proj...

What standard does BDE use for .sch schema files?

I was wondering - is there a standard (like a RFC) for the .sch schema file format the BDE uses? The format is described here and here. It seems based on this Microsoft format, but it's not quite the same. Example 1 - VARYING format file CUSTOMER.SCH: [CUSTOMER] Filetype=VARYING Delimiter=" Separator=, CharSet=ascii Field1=Customer ...

using multiple Schema with NHibernate

hello every one i using NHibernate with PostgreSQL, My database has many Schema, so i must retrieve data from multiple schema: I have a Sql Query like this: in this case i have two Schema: medibv0409 and medibv select a.mabn,1 as loaiba,e.nhantu,b.maql,to_number(to_char(a.ngay,'yyyy'))-to_number(c.namsinh) as tuoi,c.phai,b.sonao,

convert database table into XML schema file

Hello everyone, I am using SQL Server 2005. Is there any command or GUI tool (e.g. any menu/function from SQL Server management studio) to convert database table into XML schema file (.xsd)? thanks in advance, George ...

why I cannot drop procedure from different schema using drop procedure statement in sql server 2005

As simple as it is : drop procedure schemaName.procName Gets the following error msg: Msg 3701, Level 11, State 5, Line 2 Cannot drop the procedure 'procName', because it does not exist or you do not have permission. Edit: I tried also using Sql based authentication - still does not work Strange that I am able to drop the proced...

Schema validation difference between BizTalk IDE and XmlReader

I'm trying to get into unit tests for a BizTalk application I'm working on, following the example in Michael Stephensons blog post and seemed to be getting somewhere Then I got an error down the line, which I tracked back to a "invalid" XML test file I was using, but this was passing my validation against schema unit test ... - reason ...

How to create a schema where there can be multiple user-defined attributes per customer?

I'm going to be working on an application that allows our client to define fields that will be shown to users in sort of a feedback/survey environment. For example, a pizzeria might have a field asking for your favorite topping, a bar might have your favorite brand of beer. The system needs to be able to handle letting our customers cr...

Convert a XML Schema (XSD) document to a tree like structure

Hi Guys, I am in real trouble. I want to convert an XML schema (XSD) document into a tree like structure. Is there any straight way of doing it? I used XMLBeans to parse the XSD document and tried to traverse the parsed document. But, handling the gory details of XSD was not easy. Thereby, I left that and searching for a much cleaner wa...

Is rake db:migrate the correct command to re-sync schema.rb with your database schema?

I ran "rake db:migrate" to re-sync schema.db with my database schema. But it failed, saying that one of my tables already exists. I think it was trying to re-create the table. If you just want to get schema.rb updated to reflected any changes you made in the database independently of Rails, what command should you use if not "rake db:mig...

Banner Impressions Tracking - Database Design

Hi Folks Looking for some good advice on db design for tracking multiple banner impressions. IE I have 5 Banners over x Domains I would like to build data on each banner on how many impressions per day per banner etc. So also be able to do lookups for other date ranges. Would it be best to have a date per day per row or just track ea...

PLSQL - Drop all database objects of a user

I'm trying to use a procedure (no parameters) to drop all of the user-created database objects located within the schema from where the procedure is launched, but I'm really not sure on how to go about this. Here's what I have so far, but I think I'm going about this the wrong way. create or replace procedure CLEAN_SCHEMA is cursor sc...

Is this good membership payment database schema?

I'm doing a project to manage membership and other kind of payments, but mainly membership so I created a polymorphic schema. any idea, improvement, for some reason I don't fully convinced about the schema. as you will see, the idea of having month, year NULL-ABLE is allow save record of any other payment CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `o...