
Best way to avoid scope creep as a developer with no project management

I'm a s/w developer in a small internal IT department within a financial firm and have worked on a number of small-medium sized projects that have had little or no project management throughout. This seems to always result in scope creep and therefore not meeting deadlines and having to sacrifice good design/code to satisfy users/manage...

What is Scope Creep?

This is going to be the noobist of all noob questions, but what exactly is scope creep, what does it entail? ...

How to tell a project manager "NO" to scope creep

While project managers may each have their own personality and management style, it seems that many of them have a pernicious love of sneaking in "scope creep" when they can (whether anyone is watching or not). While they usually mean well (bless their hearts), what's the best way that you've found to say "NO" to project managers? ...

when a bug for client is really a new feature

I read what-payment-structure-do-you-use-for-small-projects and I wonder how you guys are dealing with bug vs. feature. I once had a situation where a client wanted static reports. Then near the end of the project after most of the work on reports had been done he said he had always wanted dynamic reports. That change was not easy, beca...

When do you blow the scope creep whistle?

Most people have been here at some point or another - in your project, you get really small requests along the way that you're happy to take care of, but at some point the little things add up. Sometimes it takes less time to implement something than it does to re-negotiate the project plan. Providing the spec/requirements plan is decen...

What can I do to not worry about always having perfect code and having future scope creep?

I find it an issue nowadays where I spend a lot of time worrying about small details and spending lots of time thinking about whether or not certain things will be an issue in the future. Is there some sort of strategy or technique that I can use to mentally just not worry about it? ...

Should I always store a string of HTML instead of printing out portions of it at time?

I've come across dozens of scripts in which html is echo'd out instead of being stored. I'm wondering if it's generally a good practice of always storing the html in a string due to the flexible nature? A random example would be that I have a function that returns the html for a dynamic subnavigation. I'm printing the opening div tag, p...