
When we should use <dl> over <ul>?

In what scenarios we should go for <dl> not <ul>? Does it matter for screen reader user <ul> or <dl>? does screen reader software notify user about content is in <ul> or <dl>? ...

Why WCAG made 3 level "A", "AA" and "AAA"?

What is the purpose of making 3 priority level by WCAG? is it like? If client not paying extra or if we don't have much time then go for A If client paying then or if we have time to make site compatible go for at least AA If client paying and needed according to govt. rules then go for AAA If we are making site then which level we ...

Is there any free CMS for screen reader compatibility for admin?

Is there any free CMS to operate a small business website/blog with screen reader compatibility where a blind person can update the content and other things via CMS administration using screen reader software and keyboard? ...

Non-SEO anti-spoofing external link redirect: Status code?

I've read several documents on the merits of the different HTTP redirect status codes, but those've all been very SEO-centric. I've now got a problem where search-engines don't factor in, because the section of the site in question is not publicly viewable. However, we do want our website to be as accurate / helpful with meta-data as po...

Which alt text is best for screen readers for example "smiling kid"?

Which would be good write ALT text for a photo of kid which is smiling and sitting in garden? This alt="Photo of smiling kid sitting in the garden" or this alt="Photo of smiling kid" or this alt="Smiling kid sitting in the garden" or this alt="Smiling kid" my purpose is to ask this question, I want to know should we include ...

What is preferred accessible and semantically correct method to code this type of data design?

What is preferred accessible and semantically correct method to code this type of data design? Table UL, LI DIV,SPAN For icons should i use for each place or i should is icon from CSS sprites? If we use css sprite here then how to code, and what will happen when images will be disabled ? Every link will open in new window and I hav...

Is use of position:absolute inside relative can create problems in Print ,screen-readers and for mobile users?

Is use of position:absolute inside relative can create problems in Print ,screen-readers and for mobile users? or float + margin + Padding is still best if we need good compatibility at Screen, Printing and for screen reader and mobile users, Should i less use Position? ...

How to make this effect accessible for screen-reader and without JS

Today i found a good example to make whole div clickable in coolway. Is there a way to make this effect compatible with Screen-reader and keyboard user and even at least accessible if JS disabled (using css hover). Atleast link should be shown somewhere if JS is disabled. ...

How to show javascript warning , if user click on link which will open in new window?

How to show this type of reminder warning to user (mainly i need this for screen reader user), if user click on link which will open in new window? Is my wording ok, please suggest if it can be better ? I want to show this message for any link of website or file like PDF, DOC etc. which is opening in new window? Sometime user clicks mi...

Are inline style bad for screen readers?

Example <span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffd700">Background color</span> How screen reader handle inline css ? is there any other cons of inline CSS except css management? Inline styles are valid also . i tested with W3C Validator and with XHTML 1.0 Strict doctype? <p><span style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">Left indent</span></p> ...

What is prefered to use in alt text "&" or "&amp;" for screenreader users?

Services &amp; Products or Services & Products Update: How popular screen readers and text only browsers will handle &amp;? ...

Is it necessary to have at least one `H1` in any webpage?

Is it necessary to have at least one H1 in any web page? in terms of accessibility, semantics and SEO. ...

How to hide any text from sighted user and search engine but not from screen reader?

What is the best tested way to hide any text from sighted user but not from popular screen readers? and without affecting SEO. for example if i adding any hidden text only for screen-reader users then that text should not be crawl by search engine when search engine will crawl that page. ...

need help with markup for nested table data. needs to be semantic and accessible.

see image here: How should I write the code for the section entitled "Retiree and Employee On Demand Community" so that screen readers don't get confused on it? A nested table doesn't seem to be the best solution, it doesn't seem semantic either. The data in th...

Should I repeat label text in for="...." and id=".."?

Is there any cons of 2nd method? Why decided to use 2nd method Is first method better than first for screen reader users? First <label for="name">Name</label> <input id="name" /> Second <label for="n">Name</label> <input id="n" /> ...

Should we put <input> inside <label>?

I saw 2 different method on same form example: on why they are using 2 method in first fieldset they are keeping input after labeland in 2nd fieldset they are keeping input after label. Why? <fieldset> <legend>Delivery Details</legend> <ol> <li> <label for="name">N...

Should we use <label> for every <input>?

Should we use <label> for every input? , even for submit button and keep hidden thorough css if we don't want to show label. or no need of label for submit button? .hide {display:none} <fieldset> <legend>Search</legend> <label for="Search">Search...</label> <input value="" id="Search" name="Search"> <label for="Submit"...

When is it OK to use Javascript and when not?

Is it good practice not to use much javascript/jquery? Should we avoid it as much as possible (for good accessibility)? When is it OK to use JavaScript and when is it not in web design and development? In what scenarios and with what conditions? Update: I'm asking regarding public websites. ...

How to detect for screenreaders/MSAA without focusing the flash movie?

I am trying to detect for the presence of assistive technology using flash. When a Flash movie holding the actionscript below on frame 1 is loaded (and screenreader chatting to IE or Firefox over MSAA is active -- JAWS or NVDA), Accessibility.isActive() does not return "true" until the movie is focused. Well, actually not until some "e...

How can i implement a PDF reader not using UIWebView in iPad

Haii... How can we implement a pdf reader for iPad without usin UIWebView. It needs the option for adding gestures for changing the page with a hand touch. How does I can do that?. What are the classes that need to be implemented for the purpose. Give sample codes if possible. Thanking yo...