
Swf object doesn't seem to work inside a Blogger post

Any ideas why? On the following link, where it says "So..." there should be an embedded swf. ...

How to tell if a <script> tag failed to load

I'm dynamically adding <script> tags to a page's <head>, and I'd like to be able to tell whether the loading failed in some way -- a 404, a script error in the loaded script, whatever. In Firefox, this works: var script_tag = document.createElement('script'); script_tag.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); script_tag.setAttribute('...

How can I know if a javascript file has already been included in a top-level page?

I have a user control (ascx), in this user control I wanna use a .js file. So I include on top of it. On the other hand, sometimes I use this user control in a webpage that this script has already been loaded on it before. How can I make a declaration and make it actual only if the page doesn't contain another tag for this script? ...

On what browsers does a <script> tag appended to the document get evaluated automatically?

On many browsers, if I do: var x = document.createElement("SPAN"); x.innerHTML = "<script>alert(1);</script>"; document.body.appendChild(x); no alert will happen. Are there any browsers for which it will happen? If so, which ones? ...

Why doesn't my <script> tag work from php file? (jQuery involved here too)

<!-- According to Meta-SO, editing is a way to politely bump, so I am trying this one more time to see if anyone has any more info. Thanks --> UPDATE: Still haven't solved this issue: Hello again: I have worked away at this issue, and still no luck. I am going to try and clarify what I am doing, and maybe that will bring something to...

double hyphen in script makes firefox render strangely

<!-- <script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/ c-- ;//]]></script> --> When I have the above line in the <head> section of a plain html page, Firefox 3.5.5 renders the trailing --> as text. If I change c-- to c- it doesn't. Any ideas what's going on here? I getting an artifact on my pages with this due to a very large script th...

How to insert <script> with Prototype?

I'm using Prototype insert function to appent some html which contains <script>...</script>. And within this script I'm defining a new function. And as I read here Prototype runs script that is inside <script> tags and then removes it, but all functions should remain accessible. But from that moment I can't run my new function. $('som...

How do I end script tags?

I'm pretty new to web programming, reading a book on ASP.NET, and I notice the author does this; <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"/> Instead of what Visual Studio does, which is this; <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"> </asp:ScriptManager> Is the first way of doing it an acceptable and multi-...

CodeIgniter's XSS Protection is removing <script> tags from user inputs... but I don't want it to!

Hey folks, CodeIgniter is brilliant but I'm using it to develop a site where users need to be able to share their code for websites. Unfortunately, CodeIgniter has been doing the "right" thing by removing <script> tags from my user's inputs into the database, so when it's returned data looks like this: [removed] User's data [removed] ...

how could javascript be partially disabled?

I am seeing something weird in some logs and I was wondering if someone could suggest how this could happen. I am looking at error logs sent from the client-side of a web application. The logging has information about the client-side data that would seem to indicate that a certain <script> block within the page has not ran. The client...

What language types are allowed in the HTML script tag?

I was looking at the W3C specs for the script tag, and I noticed you can specify VBScript and TCL as a language type. This is extremely new to me; I've only ever seen Javascript used with the script tag. Why aren't other languages more commonly used, and is there a complete list of languages you can use within this tag? ...

html script tag not using type javascript <script type="text/html"> ?

I was checking out the source on an html page and came across this <script id="searchItemTemplate" type="text/html"> <# var rows = Math.floor((Model.RecordsPerPage - 1) / 3 + 1); for (var i = 0; i < rows; ++i){ var startIdx = i * 3; var endIdx = startIdx + 3; #> //etc .... </script> I have never seen ...

Absolute path in JavaScript script tag

Is there an absolute path while declaring the tag? this will resolve if I have a aspx page in a folder (one level) script src="../Scripts/jquery-1.4.1.js" type="text/javascript"> this will resolve if I have a aspx page in a folder (two level) script src="../../Scripts/jquery-1.4.1.js" type="text/javascript"> this will resolve if I h...

How can I use runat="server" on a script tag in asp.Net

I don't necessarily need to run it at server, however, I would like to use the ~/js/somefile.js syntax. Previously, I had just set everything with Absolute paths and set my project to be at the root level. SO, I'd just declare all my stylesheets, background images and javascript files something like /css/somefile.css However, for this ...

Can I have <SCRIPT> tag inside <TABLE>?

I got to have a tag inside a table because PHP writes a code there that adds stuff to an earlier created Javascript array. However, I get a validation error (4.01 strict). Is there any way I can do this or is it simply forbidden to keep a script like this: <TABLE> <TR> <SCRIPT></SCRIPT> <TD> </TD> </TR> <...

Page not validating because of xml in a script tag

I'm trying to get a page to validate ( and it complains about some xml I have inside a script tag. How can I resolve this? Am I supposed to have something around the content of my script tag saying "don't look at me"? Line 68, column 114: end tag for element "STR_PROCESSING" which is not open >Proces...