
JavaScript: given a list of image URLs, how would one display the first non-broken image?

I receive a list of image URLs and currently I have several hidden img elements on my page (one for each URL in the list). When the page has finished loading, I use JavaScript to check the images and display (i.e., set"inline") the first one that is not broken. This is quite simple. However, it requires that I requ...

How to tell if a <script> tag failed to load

I'm dynamically adding <script> tags to a page's <head>, and I'd like to be able to tell whether the loading failed in some way -- a 404, a script error in the loaded script, whatever. In Firefox, this works: var script_tag = document.createElement('script'); script_tag.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); script_tag.setAttribute('...

onerror handling with VS2008

function testFun() { onerror = function() { log("caught the error"); return true; }; setTimeout(function() { throw "bad bad bad"; }, 300); }; This is sample, code, but it demonstrates a problem. If I run this in FF, or IE7, it prints the sensible "caught the error" message (assume a reasonable 'log' function). However if I deb...

window.onerror not firing in Firefox

I'm trying to create a javascript error logging infrastructure. I'm trying to set window.onerror to be my error handler. It works in IE 6, but when I run it in Firefox, it runs into some conflicting onerror method. var debug = true; MySite.Namespace.ErrorLogger.prototype = { //My error handling function. //If it's not in de...

.NET MVC - Default .onError handler for javascript?

Hi, is it possible to set a default .OnError handler for AjaxOptions in ActionLinks etc. ? ...

Why won't this code work?

Can anyone tell me why this code won't work? <?php $err=1; ?> <img src="334234234234234.gif" onError="<?php $err=0; ?>" /> <?php echo "<br />" . $err; ?> Even when the image exists, the onerror is still executed. Why? ...

SSIS Dataflow script task error handling

Hi I have a script task that is performing transformations in the middle of a SSIS dataflow. If the script fails (say it tries to convert alpha to numeric) I need it to stop with a 'failed' status and return to the main package and then utilise the Dataflow Task Event Handler OnError to exit gracefully. At the moment I find that the sc...

log errors with stack trace in javascript

I'm trying to log javascript errors on a productive site. So far it worked quite well with the following code included in the site: function catcherr(errorMessage, url, line) { var parameters = "msg=" + escape(errorMessage) + "&url=" + escape(url) + "&line=" + escape(line); new Image().src = "/error.gif?...

I want to implement fire-and-forget request for in img src in JavaScript

I'm trying to implement fire-and-forget on an img src=... call from a web page, and am looking for the most solid method. Why? In most Web tracking systems like Omniture or Coremetrics, there is a request for an img src which also happens to carry all the data for the tracking system to record. Like any other image request, the page tri...

Error is not caught by jquery start() function

[Update. I need to be more precise, I see...] See the following example in javascript: <html> <head> <script> window.onerror = function() { alert('error'); // this one works try {i.dont.exist += 0;} catch(e) { // do some stacktrace stuff, this does not trigger alert(e.stack); ...

AS2: LoadMovieClip.onError doesn't seem to catch some errors.

I have some AS2 code that opens a SWF file through an HttpHandler. I'm trying to get the program to recognize when a requested file is missing. My first attempt involved using LoadVars and "load", and only calling loadMovie if the file successfully loaded (found the technique somewhere out here). However, I found that the ProcessRequ...

Redirect to current view on error in mvc?

I use TempData["message"] which internally uses session.... It works for me but when i do a return RedirectToAction("Create"); my other values are not restored because i am redirecting to Create view... Any suggestion how to retain the values of textboxes in the view..... if (!regrep.registerUser(reg)) { TempData["mes...

When to override OnError?

I'm looking into re-working and simplifying our error handling in an application I support. We currently have all of our pages inheriting from a base class we created, which in turn obviously inherits from System.Web.UI.Page. Within this base class, the OnError method is currently being overridden, and in turn calling MyBase.OnError, a...

How to force SSIS PackageEnd after OnError handler?

I want my SSIS package to stop completely after handling the first error. I have tasks that run in the Package OnError event handler, but then I want the package to exit. Unfortunately, I have not been able to get this to happen. Even worse, when I get a warning, since I don't have an OnWarning handler, it propagates up to OnError, wh...

CompleteRequest in HTTPModule's OnError event

I have set up a HTTPModule that intercepts an ASP.NET applications OnError event, to log the error in a database. However, what I am finding is that if the exception occurs in a loop, the page seems to continue executing (with all the errors logged as well). This is the code for the HTTPModule's OnError event: ETILibConfiguration err ...

How can I iterate over all of my functions in JavaScript and add try catch blocks?

I'm trying to write to a global error handler that can work in Chrome and Safari. WebKit browsers don't support window.onerror, so I'd like to find a way to iterate through all of the functions in my code and encapsulate them in try - catch blocks, passing any exceptions to my custom error handling code. Does anyone know of an effective ...

Returning a response on error in AJAX call using ASP.NET MVC and jQuery?

Hi, In my controller's action method, I call a WCF service, which could return a FaultException containing a business rule violation message. I have a BaseController that overrides the OnException method as below. Since I call the controller action using AJAX, I check if the request is AJAX and only return a Content result. If it was n...

javascript onerror function doesn't execute in the normal sequential flow?

hello, my code is something like this: function func1() { document.getElementById("img").src="pic.jpg"; ---stament2---; } document.getElementById("img").onerror="func2()"; In other browser, if there is no pic.jpg, func2() is executed and AFTER that, stament2 is executed; in opera if there is an error loading the image, f...