
Looping an animation made with

I've created an animation using However, when the animation is finished, I want to have it reset all the objects and perform the animation again. I plan to just reset the positions of the objects manually, but how can I make the animations loop? If I put the effect declarations inside a for or while loop, it just cras...

Form tips with jquery or other library

This is a form validation for jquery: I need something like that but the tips has to appear when I select the input text form by clicking on it and has to dissapear when I select another input text form. Is there a way to do this with jq...

Getting 'sections.each is not a function' with javascript / scriptaculous

Hi all Trying an example piece of code for scriptaculous for doing some drag and drop. It works fine in IE8 but Firefox and Chrome generate an error of 'sections.each is not a function' Here is the code: function getGroupOrder() { var sections = document.getElementsByClassName('section'); var alerttext = ''; sections.each(...

Alternative to position: relative; for overflow: auto; bug in IE7.

I have content arranged thusly: <div id="thumbnails" style="width: 40px; overflow: auto;"> <div style="float:left; width: 20px;">content</div> <div style="float:left; width: 20px;">content</div> <div style="float:left; width: 20px;">content</div> <div style="float:left; width: 20px;">content</div> <div style="float:left; width...

My fade in goes to all opaque for it goes to transparent

So, I'm trying to fade in a transparent div, kinda like hulu does when you click dim lights... here is what i have: //show the bg new Effect.Appear('darkBackgroundLayer', {duration: 0.3}); then when my pop up is initialized // create the div for background dimming if($('darkBackgroundLayer')){ Element.remove('darkBackground...

Observing 'click' event on <a> tag generated by scriptaculous Builder

I'm using scriptaculous Builder to generate some DOM elements dynamically, and one of them is a link tag. I wasn't sure how to generate this with the click callback inline along with the rest of the Builder code, so I'm generating the link tag ahead of time and then inserting it with the rest of the Builder phase. The problem is that t...

IE issues with drag/drop (

I have a page with a left and a right div. Inside each of these there are several divs. I can drag&drop them inside the left/right divs or move from one to the other So the page is something like ........ ........ ........ ........ I am using scriptaculous and prototype for the drag&drop If I drag in Firefox thing...

Sortable with scriptaculous problems

hello, Im following a few tutorials to sort a list, but i can't get the DB to update. The drag drop side of things is working, also, i javascript alert() the serialize list onUpdate and the order is printed out as follows: images_list[]=20&images_list[]=19 etc... So the sorting and dragging is working fine, i just cant get the databas...

Ajax.request not working

Hi, I am sorting a list using scriptaculous, i can't get the ajax request part to work. This is my code: <script type="text/javascript"> Sortable.create("images_list", { onUpdate: function() { var list = Sortable.serialize("images_list"); alert(list); new Ajax.Request('processor.php', { meth...

Scriptaculous problem in IE

Hi there. We've got this very annoying problem with Scriptaculous and Internet Explorer 7/8. We have two Effect.toggles on the same page, but only one of them is ever working (the first one). I hope it's some simple mistake in my implementation, but I can't seem to find any decent documentation. Hopefully somebody here can help. The HTM...

Prototype/Scriptaculous/JavaScript Data Picker control

Hi All, In a current project we need a calendar control that can display 2 months at a time rather than the standard 1 month. Unfortunately the project is heavily tied to the Prototype API and Scriptaculous, so the option of using jQuery or any other framework is unavailable. So the control needs to be written in Prototype, Scriptaculou...

Submit button doesnt submit form but checks the validations! Coding is in ruby+js

the submit button works only for validating the javascript in the question.js file, but it doesnt do the basic function, which is submiting the form itself! Your help is very appreciated. `Ruby page code containing the form element <script type="text/javascript"> loadScript("/javascripts/questions.js",function() {}); </script> <h1...

Submit Button is not working but checks validations.

Hi, The following code works when I submit the form with valid content. But When I submit the form with invalid content, It validates and shows there is an error and reloads the page. But then the form does not gets submitted. Can you please help me with this? Thanks. View Code <h1 class="hdr1">Ask question</h1> <%= link_to Profi...

Scriptaculous Effect Queue Not Working

Hi, I've used Scriptaculous before (including effect queues). For some reason, I can not get two images to animate one after the other. Here is the html code: <img id=redDot src='images/home_img_icon1.jpg'> <br> <br> <img id=text55 style="display:none" src='images/home_img_icon2.jpg'> and my scriptaculous code: <script language=...

How to access an instance variable inside a Javascript function in Ruby on Rails application?

I have a form for editing profiles. Rails automatically generates the form id as 'edit_profile_##' where ## is the profile id of the current user(instance variable-@profile_id). I need to use this form id for my javascript functions. Is there a way to get the current user's profile id inside js? Or is there a way I can override the autom...

Javascript (prototype) plugin to cycle through images

Can anyone recommend a javascript plugin that rotates some small images on a card. For an example of the functionality I want check out Would prefer Prototype implementation, but JQuery could work also if necessary. I'm curious to see if there are any other cool implementations of this too (such as just hovering t...

jQuery conflicts with Scriptaculous

WHY is it that i cannot use Scriptaculous and jQuery in the same page without calling: jQuery.noConflict() ? ...

What is the preferred way to enqueue just a function in scriptaculous?

I have an application, that uses scriptaculous' effects queue to render the view of a game. Ajax-requests read events from a server, from these events, effects are generated and enqueued. Some events have nothing to animate, only code to execute. It is possible, by creating a Dummy-effect, and use the afterFinish option. Is there a be...

Scriptaculous Slider for iphone

Hi, I working with scriptaculous in my web solution and use one slider for range selection. I have ported to iphone and changed event listeners to touchstart, touchmove, touchend in place of mousevents but nothing is working as need. I have moved to some others to click events but same issue. Click event is starting but later is not cor...

Is there a jQuery version of Scriptaculous?

Scriptaculous is built on Prototype. Is there an effects library similar to Scriptaculous, but built on jQuery? There are many questions discussing jQuery and Scriptaculous, but none that directly address this question. Thanks. ...