
Queueing Effect.Parallels in Scriptaculous doesn't work

Each block of animations, grouped in an Effect.Parallel, runs simultaneously. That works fine. Then, I want each of the Effect.Parallels to trigger sequentially, with a delay. The second block doesn't wait its turn. It fires when the function is run. Why?! ///// FIRST BLOCK ///// new Effect.Parallel([ new Effe...

Need to execute an ajax call incrementally after fixed time periods in javascript?

HI guys, I need to be able to make an ajax call to be made after every few minutes. Basically the ajax call would be to check on new emails in an inbox. If there are new emails it would download the emails to a database. I got all the server side code set up fine. I just need to know how do I set up on the front end the part where the aj...

Problem with adjacent function in prototype

Hi, I have this code: <input name="rz" class="required validate-string" style="margin-left:17px" id="rz" title="Input rz value" size="23" /> <p class="msg" style="display:none;">Input rz value</p> In the head I have: Event.observe(window, 'load', function() { $$("input").each(function(field){ Event.observe(field, "focus", fun...

How can I stop the flickering in Scriptaculous?

I'm running this script on a page which shows a box with more information when you roll over it. site for review The script works fine, except theres a flicker of the box before it actually scales. What is causing this? I use the same thing in the main navigation with the same flicking. Any ideas whats causing this? //work page sprin...

Prototype/Scriptaculous Cycle (Slideshow) Plugin

I've got a bunch of websites that use a few Prototype/Scriptaculous plugins such as lightbox and modalbox, hence include references to these two libraries on various pages. I now need to implement a slideshow on every page, and to follow suit, I need a Prototype cycle or slideshow plugin. The requirements are fairly simple: images sho...

Sortable_element with RJS does not working

I have a list of images where user can arrange their orders. When user uploaded an image, I want the list to still be sortable. I am using a similar upload that was described here: Please help. Here are the code for upload in view file: <% form_for [:admin, ...

How do I stop the scriptaculous blind-down effect from flickering when element has padding?

Hi all, it seems that when the blind down effect is used on an element with padding it looks a bit awkward. It seems to blind down too far and then jumps back. It's a very subtle thing but is really annoying. I don't have an online example but if you go to the demo on github and give the element a padding-top or bottom with firebug or ...

Sciptaculous number spinner

Hi, does anybody know of the existence of a number spinner component compatible with prototype/scriptaculous ? Something like jquery's spinner ( I'm looking for nothing fancy, just numbers. Thanks! ...

Scriptaculous Shaking Effect Problem

The scriptaculous shaking effect somehow produce some bugs for Webkit browsers, including Chrome and Safari. When shaking, the element will shift to the top left of the screen covering everything. An example code is given as below, are there any ways of solving this? <html> <head> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://ajax.googleap...

How to set different width for INPUT and DIV elements with Scriptaculous Ajax.Autocompleter?

Hello, I am working on autocompleter box based on Scriptaculous Ajax.Autocompleter. It works in general, but I need to have list of choices wider (see image -- green line -- 320px) then input box (see image -- red line -- 155px). My first try was to set various width with CSS classes (like above), but it didn't work -- list of choices...

Using sortable_element in Rails on a list generated by a find()

Hey all, I'm trying to use the scriptaculous helper method sortable_element to implement a drag-and-drop sortable list in my Rails application. While the code for the view looks pretty simple, I'm really not quite sure what to write in the controller to update the "position" column. Here's what I've got in my view, "_show_related_pgs.e...

Drag and drop: jQuery UI or Scriptaculous?

Dear all, I am in the middle of the road whether to use jQuery UI or Scriptaculous for drag and drop. I am using Ruby on Rails, and Scriptaculous support in Ruby on Rails is superb with the existence of scriptaculous_helper.rb. But I have already use jQuery for the ajax and DOM manipulation. I do not mind to use scriptaculous since we c...

Rails - how to serialize a tree not in a form

I started with the standard scriptaculous drag and drop tree, and that all works fine. Then started implementing this: which gives a good drag and drop tree Where I am stuck is how to get serialize the tree (unordered list)? It's not in a form, and I can't find a way to s...

Rails - dynamically adding to sortable_element

Am adding to a sortable list using Ajax, and to get the Scriptaculous effects to kick in after the add, the only way I have found is by re-executing sortable_element. Can anyone suggest a better way of doing this, at the complete code is a hack: <%= link_to_remote "Add", :url => { :controller => "pages", :action => "add_fragme...

Scriptaculous and IE 6?

I develop a public-facing survey website. We get heavy IE6 usage, and it's not going away any time soon. Since we're dealing with the public, we can't tell people to use something else. I wanted to start using selenium to do automated web testing, but it can't handle javascript alert boxes, which we use for error messages. I was think...

How to scroll whole visible page down to an anchor with a smooth effect (Scriptaculous or jQuery)?

Hey community, I want to create an navigation with anchors. By clicking on a navigation link, the whole visible page should scroll down to the clicked anchor. The most important is the following structure of the page. --------------- (Begin visible browser area) NAV1 nav2 nav3 content --------------- (Begin/end visible browser area) ...

Scriptaculous Autocomplete to activate when the page is loaded.

Is there a way to fire up Scriptaculous's Autocomplete to search with the default word from the inputfield when the page is loaded? Something like this? <input type="text" id="autocomplete" class="autocomplete_input" name="autocomplete_parameter" value="friends"/> <span id="indicator1" style="display: none"> loading </span> <div id="au...

Sliding and fading effects

How do I come up with this, the sidebar and the top sliding bit: Apple iPad Page Scriptaculous or jQuery, etc. I'd like this for one of my pages on my website to do the effects on load. Thanks :) ...

Style / Replace a select box using prototype / scriptactulous

Hey everyone, I'm trying to style my select box, I assume I need some type of javascript method. I'm using rails - and sticking with prototype/scriptactulous. Does anyone know of any solutions? EDIT: CSS doesn't do nearly what I'm trying to accomplish: ...

Effect.toggle and AJAX Calls

Hi, I am using the following code to capture all the AJAX calls being made from my app, in order to show a busy spinner till the call is completed. It works well when the requests are well spaced out. However, when the request are made in quick successions, some of the AJAX calls do not get registered, or the onCreate and onComplete act...