
Scriptaculous vs JQuery for rich client side effects

Scriptaculous vs JQuery for rich client side effects. What would you use and why? ...

Dragging objects out of an IFrame

I have an IFrame on my page pointing to a page containing list of <li /> elements. The <li /> elements are Draggables created using Scriptaculous library. The question is how do I drag the elements OUT of the IFrame, and drop them on the page containing the IFrame? Is there any library available which supports cross frame dragging & dr...

Extending prototypejs toggle() for effects

Is there a way to extend the toggle method in prorotypejs to allow for injection of an effect function, eg, scriptaculous effects or FBJS ...

Make a scriptaculous item no longer draggable?

I have a user interface that makes use of scriptaculous draggables and droppables, and it works quite well, except that in IE6 performance of draggables is horrible when you have too many. I am thinking a potential way to resolve this is to have some javascript that ononmouseover or onmousedown will make the element draggable, but onmou...

Best book for learning in depth

Most of the Rails books I have touch on and prototype, but because the Rails framework is so large, they don't spend a lot of time going in depth on the two packages. I really like Agile Web Development with Rails (3rd Ed.), so I was leaning towards picking up another book from Pragmatic Bookshelf specifically on script....

lightbox 2 website

I'm coding a website that will display images of this person's animals. I want to be able to click the thumbnail image on the site and have a larger size preview appear. I used lightbox 2 but for some reason I cannot get it to work. I've tried everything I can think of. Am I missing something really obvious. The url is http://theoew.uu...

Moving elements to top/bottom in sortable_element

Hi! I,m using sortable_element to sort some list with dragging and dropping, but I would like to have also some top/bottom buttons to move elements. Is there any javascript function that would act as if I dragged some element to the top/bottom of the list? ...

JavaScript Array Iteration returning more than values

Hello, This is so simple I am baffled. I have the following: var x = 'shrimp'; var stypes = new Array('shrimp', 'crabs', 'oysters', 'fin_fish', 'crawfish', 'alligator'); for (t in stypes) { if (stypes[t] != x) { alert(stypes[t]); } } Once the values have iterated it starts returning a dozen functions like functi... Events in Rapid Succession results in display error...?

Using the Effect.Highlight on an onMouseOver event works perfectly - if the user only mouses over the DIV once. If they mouse back over the DIV during the execution of the effect, another Effect gets scheduled (or runs in parallel, depending on whether or not {queue: 'end'} is enabled). Does have a ...

What's the downside of using too much JavaScript?

I would like to know what are some downsides using too much JavaScript code in a web page? For example, I will use a jQuery framework for my dropdown menus, tabs and accordion. And other JavaScripts for my calendar (even-though there is available calendar that uses jQuery) and other JavaScript for other stuff? What is the effect? (My o...

Simple tooltip plugin/js for rails

I really don't want to use prototip or prototip2 because I have to pay for them and I only need to do one very simple alert. The user will submit a remote form and then a small alert will come up and fade out after 5 seconds or so. It doesn't even need any fancy styling. I'd ideally like to use scriptaculuos over jquery. I just have no i...

Ruby on Rails drag and drop won't work

Hi, I am trying to create a Ruby on rails application using the integrated scriptaculous drag and drop effect. Since I'm new to the ruby language I ended up with this code while viewing many documentation but can't understand why the controller code is not executed. In the html.erb page the origin div <% for therm in @therms %> ...

Not all items sortable with Scriptaculous, Sortables, scroll and overflow

I'd like to have a scrollable container with overflow:scroll in which a sortable list is contained, like so: <div id="container" style="overflow: scroll; width: 200px; height: 100px;"> <ul id="fruit"> <li>Apple</li> <li>Banana</li> <li>Peach</li> <li>Strawberry</li> <li>Cherry</li> <li>Pear</li> <li...

Writing a JavaScript abstraction abstraction - is this sane?

I've written a JavaScript application that runs off Prototype & Scriptaculous. I'm thinking of rolling it out in as an open source product & would like it to be able to run on jQuery as well — I typically use jQuery for most of my other apps, except the site this app was originally built for. I was originally thinking about building two...

IE8 whines about Prototype, "'undefined' is null or not an object"

I have an element that is dynamically created with new Element('div') and is then faded in, moved, and faded out. In every browser, my code works as expected – every browser but IE. Internet Explorer complains that 'undefined' is null or not an object exactly as documented on Prototype's Lighthouse. To get the error, I write, new Mess...

how to get the highest resolution timeout from prototype (like scriptaculous)

What is the timing method and interval that scriptaculous uses in prototype for its smooth tweening? PeriodicalExecuter? ...

Drag Drop using scriptaculous

Hi, I am using scriptaculous drag drop in my project. While dragging i have to clone the element which is draggable and i want to drop only the element which is cloned, but not the original draggable element, into one cart. I tried with ghosting. But wat happens is, draggable element has been cloned for dragging, leaving the origin...

What is the jQuery equivalent of Scriptaculous ?

Is it jQuery animate? ...

Ajax not firing on prototype - I think I need to unset or remove a javascript method - causing havoc help!

Hi guys, I'm working using scriptaculous library. However I'm facing some issues with inclusion of the JSON library for the prototype library. It adds a toJSONSTring and parseJSONSTRING method to all objects automatically and frankly this is causing havoc in places. Like I can't seem to use the Ajax Updater function and I suspect its bec...

mouseover and mouseout events firing on children

The code: <div id="Navigation" onmouseover="new Effect.toggle('Drop_Down','slide',{duration: 0.8});" onmouseout="new Effect.toggle('Drop_Down','slide',{duration: 0.8});"> <div id="Drop_Down"> <% include Navigation %> </div> </div> If I mouseover the Navigation the Drop_Down div slides down, and if I mouseout ...