
A CSS string – select everything up to third comma

I'm writing a custom highlight animation with Scriptaculous that includes a CSS3 glow. I get the box-shadow style and need to split it at the rgba alpha value, then vary that value to get the shadow to fade. $('fresh').style.MozBoxShadow would return 0 0 20px rgba(163, 238, 71, 1.0) 1.0 is the alpha value. I need to split it so tha...

Prototype / Scriptaculous intellisense in Visual Studio

Hello, How do I get intellisense for Prototype / Scriptaculous like we get for jQuery in Visual Studio?? Thanks... ...

Javascript - Prototype/Scriptaculous Pause on MouseOver

I'm using this simple slideshow and wondered if anyone knew how to make it pause when I moved my mouse over it and then start again if I move my mouse off the image? There is a demo of the slideshow here: This is the main code: <script> setInterval(function(){ var imgs = $$('.fadein i...

Trigger effect after changing src attribute of img tag

Im using this code to change the src attribute of an image tag (using prototype and scriptaculous): new Effect.Fade("images",{afterFinish: function() { $("detail").setAttribute("src", "img/02.jpg"); new Effect.Appear("images",{duration:0.8}); } }); Where "images" is the container (a div) and "detail" is the img tag The result ...

making a rotating or swing effect with scriptaculous shake?

I am trying to have an effect when moused over, the item does not shake from side to side, but slides sort of like a clock pendulum rotating from 180-90 degreeds (or whatever, I can't remember the exact numbers right now). Is this possible with scriptaculous or another js library? ...

ruby "each do" and scriptaculous Effect.BlindDown/Up

I have a list of items with some details that I would like to reveal upon clicking a show/hide details link. after some experimenting, I've come across two issues. I'm having trouble making it so that the show/hide link only reveals the div of a specific item. right now, it is revealing all of the divs when clicking any of the show/h...

scriptaculous slideshow.

I am trying to make a scriptaculous slideshow but I have no idea how to loop over all the images in the div tag and then check if it is the last image and assign it to the first img. I can add the fading and whatnot myself but I have no idea how to loop through them. ...

Scriptaculous / Prototype modal window

I would like to make a modal window using prototype and scriptaculous. I was wondering if there is any site that has a tutorial or if anyone could kinda give me some idea where to start. (I don't want a prebuilt one) ...

How to change this from prototype to jquery?

I want to convert the following prototype js to jquery js. Can anyone help me please? Thanks in advance. window.onload = function () { new Ajax.Autocompleter("function_name", "autocomplete_choices", base_url+"application/ajaxsearch/", {}); $('function_search_form').onsubmit = function () { inline_results(); ...

Long page of divs: Use Effect.toggle to expand a div at bottom: Page scrolls back to top

I have a page of things that looks like this (and yes, I have included the scriptaculous javascripts, because the toggle actually does work): <html> <div id="container"> <div id="thing1" class="thing" > <p>Some visible stuff 1</p><a href="#" onclick="Effect.toggle('extra1');">More1</a> <div id="extra1" style="display:...

how to change these lines of javascript from scriptaculous to jQuery syntax

I am rewriting a helper class which was originally built on top of Scriptaculous. I am moving to jQuery - however, I am stuck on a couple of lines, that I need help with (see below): Note: the javascript code is interpersed with php variables (the sigils being a dead give away) Statement 1 'new Insertion.Before(\'' . $updateContainer ....

Update autoselect value option dynamically using Ajax.InPlaceCollectionEditor

I'm using Scripaculous' in place collection editor to present the user a with list of customers to assign to a contact dynamically. I am passing a value parameter as detailed in the documentation so when the select is generated it will auto-select the current associated customer (if there is not one already the default is provided.) Th...

Scripty2 : how to close dialog

Heya, I am looking for a way to close a scripty2 dialog like this : From outside of the dialog (i.e. with firebug command line) but my javascript mojo is a bit limited and after 30 min of going around the DOM I cannot find a way. Any hints ? NB : scripty2 is a ...

Drag and drop to <div> to the right (or left)?

Hi, I have two div's. When they are under eachother and I try to drag and drop items it's no problem! When I (with css) alter them so they appear next to eachother I can't drag an item from the left box to the right... Maybe an options I'm missing I have to change? Can someone help me? Here is my code: <script language="JavaScript"> ...

How do I have something happen *after* the scriptaculous highlight effect

render :update do |page| page.visual_effect :highlight, row_id, :duration => 20, :startcolor => "#FFCC33", :restorecolor =>"" page << "alert('hi');" end In the above code, I have a highlight effect that occurs and lasts for 20 seconds, after the highlight effect completes, I want to have an alert popup. Currently, the alert immedia...

Javascript slideshow bug (Scriptaculous based)

Hi, In the slide show code below, there's a function to press "previous" and "next" links. The "next" one works fine, and if you keep pressing it, it cycles through all the slides. The "previous" one is a bit messed up, for some reason - it will go back a slide or two but then it will just go blank! Could you please help? Thank you! ...

Ruby on Rails interactive spreadsheet via prototype/

Houston we have a problem: I have a table with drop_receiving divs inside cells. And i have set of draggable widgets - divs also. I need to call methods of my controller onDrop with sending drop_receiving div id and widget id to it. P.S. I think in future only ids of divs are not enough, but now i want to understand how to make Ajax req...

Effect is not defined when using Scriptaculous

It seems I've installed Scriptaculous incorrectly, but I can't figure out what's wrong. Here's a sample to show the problem: <html> <body> <script src="js/prototype.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/scriptaculous.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <p id="hello">Hello, World!</p> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick...

Can I incorporate prototype.js into an FBML facebook application?

we have a lot of existing code in a web application that we want to use in a facebook application. Much of it on the client side depends on prototype.js. Can I incorporate prototype.js into my FB application without difficulty, and am I going to have to make a choice about iFrame vs FBML early on? ...

iframe as scriptaculous droppable

I have a sortable list and an iframe on the same page. What I'm trying to do is define the <iframe> as a Droppable. Everything works with out errors but when I try to drag a sortable item across the Iframe it stops at the edge. ( if I move it slowly it seems works in firefox) The Iframe is set to DesignMode ="on" so covering it wit...