
How to backup tcsh history periodically to a single file in chronological manner ?

I use tcsh at work - one of the features I use extensively is command-line history completion at the shell prompt. Currently, I've limited the size of my history file to 2000 (as I don't want to slow down the shell too much). However at times I need a command I know I've used a month or two back , but by now has been erased. So I want a ...

Help me to understand <script src="some.js?param1=one;param2=two" />

I observed chunks like below sometimes on web pages. So i am curious to know what this really does? or why its written in such a way? <script src="somefile.js?param1=one&param2=two" /> i can only make out following few intentions behind it Its not page URL (i mean .aspx/.php/.jsp etc.) so its not hacking kind of code where user can ...

Extending a sequence statistically in MATLAB

Is there any built-in functions in MATLAB that would statistically extend a sequence of real numbers so that the resulting sequence is extended to any size I want. I have a sequence of 499 elements and I want to extend it to 4096 elements. Thanks in advance. ...

Vim Script to hightlight end of a tag like braces

I need a Vim script to highlight end of a tag when cursor is at the beginning of the tag. For example in html tags, when cursor is in start of tag, it should highlight the end of the tag. The interface should be generic, so that more tags can be added ...

inline markup / templating engine for customer facing CMS

There are many hosted CMS applications that provide you with some sort of inline markup/ templating engine that lets you output things into a page. for example, a hosted cms application lets you edit your templates to custome html/css, but they also let you do some basic inline code on the page to do this like inject the article title, ...

Python freezes after computer sleep/hibernate

I have a python script that is running in the background with pythonw. If I close my laptop, it goes into sleep mode. and when I open my laptop, my program has little functionality and freezes after a couple of seconds. Is there any way that my script can tell if my computer is going into sleep mode, so that it can lie dormant and restar...

Using gsub to replace double slashes in Ruby

Hi, I am having some issues using gsub to replace double slashes. The problem is this: I built a small script to parse YAML files for a directory location, and then to use that to glob the files in that directory. Say this is the directory it finds: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS3\en\Configuration\ActionScript 3.0\Classes Thi...

JWPlayer playing video

I am currently using JWPlayer to play FLV video on a web page. How do I seek to specific parts of the video: (a) While it is playing? (b) Before it has loaded? Generally speaking - what is the best method for frame-by-frame manipulation of FLV files? Any help greatly appreciated. Max. ...

How to substitute a string in bash script

Note: Bash 3.00 How to substitute this example string 123456789, to look like 123-456-789 #!/bin/sh # trivial example read number; # monotically substitute '-' into string after first three and dix digits ...

Why does my process counting script give false positives?

I have the following bash script, that lists the current number of httpd processes, and if it is over 60, it should email me. This works 80% of the time but for some reason sometimes it emails me anyways when it is not over 60. Any ideas? #!/bin/bash lines=`ps -ef|grep httpd| wc -l` if [ "$lines" -gt "60" ] then mailx -s "Over 6...

Decoding File Format (Norton .FBF)

Hey there, I currently have a norton ghost backup of the 'My Documents' folder, however norton ghost does not allow me to restore 'all' my files at once, and only has the functionality to search for specific files and restore them. This is a problem as I have nearly 100GB of important documents and such, that are locked away in these .f...

Script URL cross site confusion

If i have a script that uses an absolute URL for a script on another website, on which the script say clicked a link what would happen? would a referrer be sent to the destination of the link, and if so would it be from the original site, or from the site where the absolute Url of the script is located? Im sorry if this is confusing, as ...

create iTunes playlist with scripting bridge

hey i am trying to create a new user playlist using the cocoa scripting bridge, but cannot seem to get it to work. i have so far: iTunesApplication *iTunes = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@""]; SBElementArray *iSources = [iTunes sources]; iTunesSource *library = nil; for (i...

Visual studio isolated shell, how do i add my custom project type..?

I have extended visual studio 2010 beta2 (Isolated shell) to create a custom wpf grpahic designer with c# scription support. Could anybody help about the scope of this approch in extending VS for this purpose.. Thanks, Subin. ...

Shell Scripting error

Hi, I'm very new to shell scripting and i've been struggling with the following shell script. I'm posting the script and the commands i used below for your consideration please help me with the mistake i made. # # # DBG=0 RLS=0 ALL=0 CLN=0 print_help_uu() { echo "Usage: $0 -D -R -A -C "; echo "Where -C clean the deb...

Allowing users to script inline, what inline scripting engines are there for either .net or java?

Are there any open source scripting engines that allow you to give your users the ability to perform light scripting on pages via a web based interface? (some objects/collections would be pre-populated, and have security in place so users can't hack into the web application's inner workings etc.) Examples:

Bash Script - Read Binary File

I'm new to scripting, but I have a lot of experience programming in languages such as C# and Java. I have a file that contains binary data. I want to write a Bash script that reads the year, month, and day contained in that file so I can sort the associated MOD files into folders according to the date they were recorded. I'm having trou...

Backup DNS Server/s

Hi guys, I have a problem with this script here for /f "tokens=3" %%a in ('netsh interface ip show config ^| find /i "DHCP Enabled"') do set DHCP=%%a If /i "%dhcp%" == "Yes" ( REM do command here ) Else ( REM script to backup DNS servers to environment variables ) I've tried numerous ways using the first for /f example to tr...

MySQL Include a script within script.

I'm involved is a project to migrate a project from Oracle to MySQL. In Oracle I have the ability to create a SQL script that references or inlcudes other external SQL script files when the batch is run via command line. I Have a script called CreateAllTables.sql that looks like this internally: @tables\Site.sql @tables\Language.sql @ta...

File upload with the ability to resume (preferably in Ruby on Rails)

Hi all - this is quite a difficult topic by all accounts. I am building a website that requires users to upload large (multi-GB). What is the best way allow users to upload a file on a website and allow the file upload to be resumed should it fail? What is the way to write this in rails? Any ideas greatly appreciated. Max. ...