
javascript: detect scroll end

I have div layer with overflow set to scroll. When scrolled to the bottom of the div, return function ...

JPanel within JScrollPane within JPanel ignoring horizontal wrap

I have a JPanel that holds a JScrollPane that holds a JPanel as such: masterPanel.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); inner.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); inner.add(infoPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); inner.add(writingPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); beholder = new JScrollPane(inner); masterPanel.add(beholder, BorderLayout.CENTER); I want ...

Android - Prevent ListView from shrinking child views

The Android ListView widget (2.2) has a default behavior that shrinks all the child views when the ListView scrolls. I want to disable this behavior and do no shrinking of the child views so that they always remain the same size -- how can I do this? ...

Android ListView Laggy and Child Views Shrinking

I am programatically building a ListView that does FILL_PARENT for width, and WRAP_CONTENT for height, then centering it in its parent view. The ListView is semi-transparent so the activity behind it is visible, so I use: list.setCacheColorHint(0); list.setBackgroundColor(Color.argb(200, 0, 0, 0)); Other than that, it is a completely ...

Having trouble getting Ariel Flesler's ScrollTo working

I've been trying to implement Ariel Flesler's ScrollTo plugin, but I can seem to figure out how to initiate it. This is his website: What I would like to do is have a static navigation, and when the user clicks a nav link, the content scrolls within a particular div. I have a pretty good understanding of jQ...

How to check if a scroll is currently visible in WPF DataGrid?

How to check if a scroll (vertical or horizontal) is currently shown in WPF DataGrid? HorizontalScrollBarVisibility and VerticalScrollBarVisibility are used to set the behaviour and they are set to Auto. ...

Android: Control ListView Scroll Animation Interval?

Is it possible to set up a ListView so when it scrolls it only scrolls in intervals related to the height of the List Item. In other words if my item height is a number h and a swipe of the list is given a number p to represent how hard the swipe is so it can go further if the swipe is harder is it possible to set the ListView so that it...

list inside scrollview

On my screen I have a list view and a button. my list has like 8 item. I would like my screen to scroll if both these items does not fit in. I don't want my list to have scroll but the complete layout including both list & button. If I use the below layout it only shows on item inside the list and I have to scroll within the list to go t...

Chrome resets the textarea scroll bar (scrollTop) when focus is called

Chrome (7.0.517.41 beta) (sometimes?) resets a textarea's scroll bar (scrollTop) when you call focus. Does anyone know if this behavior is deliberate, a known bug, or neither? It seems quite unintuitive; Firefox keeps it the same. A simple example is below: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHT...

Tbody scroll wont work in IE8 due to style.setExpression

My HTML and code: function ScrollableTable (tableEl, tableHeight, tableWidth) { tableHeight = tableHeight * screen.width * 0.01; this.initIEengine = function () { = 'auto'; if (this.tableEl.parentElement.clientHeight - this.tableEl.offsetHeight = (this.newHeight - (headHeight + footHe...

Glitching whilst using CSS transitions/translate on iPad when scrolling the page

Hi all, I've noticed whilst optimising animations for use on iPad using hardware acceleration, I seem to be coming across an issue that I haven't fully been able to resolve. If you are applying webkit transforms such as translate, although the animation runs great, if in the middle of an animation occuring the user scrolls the page, when...

Jquery DIV element Scroll top and down ?

I have a div and some buttons. I have fixed the div with a particular height, and i have hidden the scrollbar. By clicking on a button I need scroll the div to the end of the line. for that I used $("#divid").height() & $("#divid").offset().height functions to get the entire height of the div but it returns what I have specified in the c...

Unbound Data Repeater Scroll Issue

Hi, I Dragged a DataRepeater into my form. Added a TextBox to the DataRepeaterItem. Added A button to the form. Wrote these 2 Lines of Code : Private Sub Button1_Click(..) Handles Button1.Click DataRepeater1.VirtualMode = True DataRepeater1.AddNew() End Sub Run Project Press Add Button in the textBox Write "1" Press Add Butto...

jquery scroll and live - is there a workaround?

hello everyone, i write a messagesystem for a community, so imagine you have hundreds of items in a list. My idea was to load first of all 20 messages and while the user scrolls the next 20 messages. i use the following code to load content while scrolling $(window).scroll(function(){ if ($(window).scrollTop() == $(document)...

HTML DIV inner scroll

I need a DIV to have constant width, regardless showing the scroll bar. This is what I have so far: <div style="overflow: auto; width:100%; height: 100px;"> How should this be changed ? ...