
scroll vs. paint

I'm stuck on the following: I'd like to be able to paint into a view within a UIScrollView and still allow scrolling. I've seen it done in one program. Two fingers down and you can pinch zoom and scroll. One finger down and you draw. If delaysContentTouches=NO, I'm having a very difficult time detecting when two fingers are down reliabl...

Mouse to drag-and-scroll element with iPhone/Android effect

Hard to explain in a subject, I know... so I will help with a video: Skip to 00:12 and you get the idea. I would like to be able to click with the mouse, drag (left/right or up/down) and "pull" the element (can be text, an image, any kind of div, ...) with that kind of physical "slowing down" ...

jquery simplemodal plugin: popup that scroll with the page

Hi there, Is there a 'valid' solution for the dialog to scroll with the scrollbar instead of still being fixed from the center of the inner window bound ? There is some situation where the user may have a too small resolution to contain the dialog, and in that case part of the dialog maybe hidden. You may have a Ok or confirm button in...

Android WebView will not scroll (Loading an embedded Google Calendar)

I am working on an app for my company. One of the buttons loads a webview of a google calendar. This works pretty well and all of my other webviews scroll appropriately. However when loading this calendar it resizes to the screen size and will not scroll. I tried setting the webview in a linear layout and making the height of the web...

programmatically disable scrolling?

Hi there. Using jquery I would like to disable scrolling (of the body) my idea is to a: set body{ overflow: hidden;} b: capture current scrollTop();/scrollLeft() c: bind to the body scroll event, set scrollTop/scrollLeft to the captured value. is there a better way? Melodramatically = [auto spell check fail :/] Update Please see my...

How to show divs on browser scroll

My page layout has several group of divs repeating like <div--1> <div--2> <div--3> <div--4> Tthis structure repeats over several times. I would like to hide the contents of div--4 to be hidden untill the user scrolls to that element. How can we achieve that functionality? I found a plugin that works with images like...

Javscript draggable div does not trigger scroll

I have a simple Javascript drag function. You can see it here: The red #dragger div is draggable. It is nested in an overflow scroll div but it doesn't trigger a "scroll" when it gets over the limit. Probably due to the fact that it is positioned absolute. Is there a way yo fix this? Make the scroll happen...

[JQUERY] scroll from the bottom of the page to the top

hi all guys, i was wondering if is online any jquery plugin that help me to scroll page when i'm at bottom of this. i mean,when i scroll my page to bottom side ,i would like a button that appears and clicking it i can return to the top of page any suggestions? really thanks ;) ...

Android ListView Scroll issue

I have custom listview control, it scrolling on simulator but not working on phone ...

How to create large scroll web page ?

I will put 10.000 picture ordered like connected hexagons.But I can`t see pictures more than 140.They not fit in browser and also scroll bars not shows all elements.I want to make that on screen will be visible 100 image and if I will move mouse up,down,right or left and page will be scroll to that position. <div calss="userList"> ...

Jquery image scroll problem

Hi Im using a "image scroll jquery," script I found via Google (1st or 2nd result "nettuts) and I have hacked together the following.... When the image scroll begins it starts all the way to the right. Upon page load the aston martin image (1st image seen) should start the scroll o...

iPhone UIScrollView Speed Check

I know how to get the contentOffset on movement for a UIScrollView, can someone explain to me how I can get an actual number that represents the current speed of a UIScrollView while it is tracking, or decelerating? ...

jQuery draggable element disappears when scrolling

I have divs that are draggable using jQuery, but when I drag an element from the bottom of the page upward toward the top, as soon as the scroll starts to happen it seems like the element just flies away from the mouse cursor. If you keep the mouse button held down and release it where you wanted to drop the element, the drop works just ...

WPF How to Scroll ListView embedded in Grid

Hi There I am trying to scroll a listview control in WPF which is embedded in a Grid layout control. I can't seem to achieve this. Any ideas anyone? By the way i have set the following properties on the list view in the xaml markup: <Grid> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition></RowDefinition> <RowDefinition></RowDe...

Jquery SerialScroll: continuous both left and right

Hi! I was wondering if someone could help me.. I've been looking all over for a scroller that fits my needs. I want to be able to make a scroller that scroll continuously to both left and right, as long as the left or right button is hold down (using onmousedown). SerialScroll is the scroller nearest my widh.. However, my tries haven't ...

jquery vertical scroll with mousewheel

Hi I have div containing images that I want to scroll up and down using the jquery mousewheel plugin. Not sure how to do this, the documentation is not very helpful would be grateful for any suggestions. <div class="innerScroll" style="float:left;width:448px;height:500px; overflow:hidden;"> <div class="mediaPanel"><img src="media/poste...

Unordered List size scroll question

I have an UL with a lot of List items in it, I made a custom scroll to animate the DIV box so that you can see all the list items, i was the make an if else statement that says if your at the top you cant scroll past it and if you dont need to scroll to see anymore LI you cant go down any further. ...

Iphone image paging

I would like to create a photo paging/scroll control. The control will display three images with which the user can horizontally scroll left and right. The centre image needs to appear in the foreground with the other two (left and right) appearing to be in the background. So, to achieve this, the centre image will need to scale up a...

When to call ScrollTo on a WebView

I want to open a website in a WebView and then have it start a certain pixel distance down the page. I see the WebView has a scrollTo() method, but when is the soonest I can call this and how do I detect that? I would like to have it appear to the user, that the page opens up at the scroll position. So I don't want to wait until the e...

how to scroll page left and right with user touch iphone

Hi all, in an Iphone app, I am in need of building a page that scroll left and right by user touch. Much like the built-in weather application already existing in every iphone/ipod, but I am not interested in having a page control. The left and right scrolling is like a sort of history browsing. Moving the finger left and right, I can ...