
How to create a floating scrollbar like the one on the iPhone?

Hello everyone, I'm creating a finger friendly web app and am having issues with the scrollbar. Ideally I'm trying to recreate the iPhone's implementation where the scrollbar only appears when the user scrolls the content and disappears when the scrolling stops. Anyone got any pointers? ...

ScrolledForm does only show one bar and never both

i have created a View which contains 1 ScrolledForm only. All Children Composites of this ScrolledForm are instantiated with GridLayout and the depest children are created with a FormLayout. mForm = toolkit.createScrolledForm(this); mForm.setExpandHorizontal(true); mForm.setExpandVertical(true); mForm.set...

How to disable horizontal scrollbar for table panel in winforms

Hi I've a tablelayoutpanel and I'm binding controls to it dynamically. When the item count exceeds the height of panel obviously vertical scroll bar appearing there is no problem. But the same time horizontal scroll bar is also appearing even the items width is less than the width of panel. How can i prevent this? ...

How to add a scrollbar for a Boxee RSS App?

Hello, I have a RSS App with a grid display of the videos and vertical scrolling possibility. How to add a visible scrollbar? Regards, Pentium10 ...

Is it possible to paint on scrollbars?

Is it possible to paint on the scrollbars of standart controls like TMemo, TListbox, etc..? All I need is to draw some basic shapes on the scrollbars and I'm trying to avoid implementing whole scrolling stuff from stratch. Any pointers? TIA! ...

jQueryUI Dialog positioning after vertical scrolling

Hi, I have the following jqueryui dialog: $("#dialog").dialog({ bgiframe: true, autoOpen: false, height: 420, hide: 'slide', modal: true, buttons: { 'Annuler': function() { $(this).dialog('close'); }, 'Envoyer votr...

UITableView Custom Scrollbar

How can I create a custom scrollbar for a UITableView? I want to remove the default one that pops up when tracking begins and that disappears when tracking ends. I want, instead, to have one similar to that in a computer program: (a) it's on the right side of the screen and permanently visible; (b) manually scrolling the bar will scroll...

Clicking on scrollbar causes unintential firing of event

Morning - I'm having a little problem. I have an autocomplete extender textbox where a user types in words and suggestions are provide. Should the term be rather generic, a list appears and the user can scroll up or down using the mouse wheel with no problems at all. However, if the user attempts to click on the scroll bar and scroll t...

How do I create disabled scrollbar in TableLayoutPanel

Hi All I have a tablelayout panel with multiple columns. I have added another 2 tablelayout panels for header and footer since I don't want the vertical scrolling to affect the header and footer. However since there are 3 different tablelayout panels, I am unable to align the cell borders when we get vertical scrollbar in the center pane...

Flex - Changing the color of a Custom scrollbar using CSS properties

Hey everyone, Currently, I am implementing a scrollbar using a custom embedded image using my CSS stylesheet. This is a very simple, thin scrollbar. I would like to configure this scrollbar using CSS properties at runtime, but so far I have been unable to do so. I know it can be done because I've seen examples of it in the net, but no c...

How can I scroll a single frame in Perl Tk?

Hi everybody. I'm trying to create a GUI for a conversion program. I want to create a frame containing the log file, but I can't get it. I found some codes to make the entire window scrollable, but it's not what I want. I just want to scroll a frame containing a label with a chainging text-variable. I've even tried the following code: ...

Is there any way to access the control templates used by office 2007

In WPF, the default scrollbars are boring light blue controls, however I noticed that Office 2007 has some really nice scrollbars with animated color transitions. Does Microsoft provide these visually pleasing scrollbars in WPF? (Via a template or any other method) ...

HTML select element with fixed width and scrollbars

This is probably a basic CSS question, but I am not fluent in CSS and just seem to be going in circles. Here's what I have in English: I have a fixed width select element of 400px. The text for each of the options does not fit in that 400px width. I don't get a horizontal scroll bar, it just cuts off the text. How do I get the scroll b...

Form input loses focus on scroll bar click in IE

Hello everyone, I hope someone can help me. I know this has been discussed here before but the example is prototype and foreign to me. I'm looking for a strict javascript or jquery solution. I have an example setup here. Click on the scrollbar in FF and you don't get an alert but click on it in IE and you do. Please help me, thanks! ...

Customizing the UIScrollbar in Flash CS4

Are you able to customize the UIScrollbar component in Flash CS4? ...

Detect if window has scrollbar in IE using javascript (

When i call, I can include a list of parameters. One of these paramaters is scrollbars, which can be set to yes or no. When I put javascript in the child window, the javascript needs to detect if scrollbars were set to yes or no when the window was opened. I want to know if the window has scrollbars enabled by default or not...

Custom Control and Scrolling, Help?

I can't get scrolling working in my custom control. Currently it draws it's own content (at the moment just grid) and should be treated as having a large area to work in. However, I can't get scrolling to work. With AutoScroll on, I can't get it to start of at the center of the workable area. With AutoScroll off, I can't get the valu...

How can I get the maximum value of a richtextbox's vertical scrollbar?

I need to get the maximum value of a richtextbox's vertical scrollbar so that I can scroll to a percentage of the scrollbar's maximum value. ...

XAML WPF Vertical Scroll bar line by line instead of group by group when grouping

Hi! What I want to do is scrolling line by line instead of group by group when my items in listview are grouped and I press down/up arrow button of vertical scroll bar. Thanks! ...

How create WPF scrollbar to look like iTunes cover flow scrollbar?

I would like to create a scrollbar in WPF that looks like the one seen in iTunes cover flow. See scrollbar image below, which also shows the reflection of the album art underneath the scrollbar. Below is a basic scrollbar control in xaml. <ScrollBar Name="scrollBar1" Height="24" Width="Auto" Orientation="Horizontal" Smal...