
YUI Panel and scrolling

I have a draggable YUI Panel defined like this new YAHOO.widget.Panel("parameters", { fixedcenter: true, constraintoviewport: true, underlay: "shadow", visible: false, close: true, draggable: tr...

change div based on how far down the page you have scrolled

I am trying to change the text inside a div based on how far down a page you have scrolled. I've been tinkering with jQuery's scrollTop and document height but have so far failed to produce the desired results. How would I get the position of an element on the page and then get jQuery to do something once you have scrolled to that eleme...

Mouse scrollwheel in Flash/Flex application

I'm building an application in Flex and I have few windows with scroll. When I'm trying to use mouse scrollwheel the window does not scroll up/down. Plus if it is possible to make the window to scroll up/down then is it possible to make to scroll right/left. ...

Can you make vi "advance" the screen when opened?

I often work in vi, suspend vi, run something on the cli, and then fg back into vi to work on the results. For instance, fixing errors that showed up when I ran the cli command. However, when I fg vi, vi "wipes" the current terminal buffer and I can't see the "last screenful" of terminal output in the scrollback buffer. Is there some s...

keeping JTable selection in viewport

I'm using GlazedLists to autogenerate an EventTableModel from an EventList, for use with a JTable in a JScrollbarPane. I'm using the EventList as a FIFO, a bunch of elements are added to the end, then a bunch of elements are sometimes removed from the beginning. When elements are removed, the selection works exactly as I expect: even th...

How to detect if a scrollbar is or is not at the end of a richtextbox (

Hi, my question is as is:How to detect if a scrollbar is at or not at the end of a richtextbox? edit: when I say at the end I mean completely scrolled to the bottom, not anywhere else. ...

C# Implementing Auto-Scroll in a ListView while Drag & Dropping

Hi, How do I implement Auto-Scrolling (e.g. the ListView scrolls when you near the top or bottom) in a Winforms ListView? I've hunted around on google with little luck. I can't believe this doesn't work out of the box! Thanks in advance Dave ...

wxPython: Making a scrollable DC

Hey, I am drawing inside a wx.Window using a PaintDC. I am drawing circles and stuff like that into that window. Problem is, sometimes the circles go outside the scope of the window. I want a scrollbar to automatically appear whenever the drawing gets too big. What do I do? ...

What is the best way to display large files without using large amounts of memory?

Many hex editors, such as Hex Workshop, can even read large-sized files while keeping a relatively small memory footprint, but still manage to keep scrolling smooth. I'm looking for the best way to achieve this, and so I have several related questions. Should I just use FileStream?   - Is its buffering based on the current Seek location?...

Toggle iframe scrolling in javascript?

How can I toggle an iframe's scrolling between on, off and auto in javascript? I tried changing the frame.scrolling attribute to "yes", "no" and "auto", but it doesn't have any effect. ...

Scrolling a listbox with page up/down

I had an ItemsControl, which you could use page up/down buttons to scroll expectedly. I switched it with a ListBox, to apply (thru triggers) a new DataTemplate when an item is selected. Everything works fine, until using pageup or pagedown buttons. Instead of scrolling one page, it scrolls till the end or the beginning. My previous a...

How can I make my image scrollable? [Android Platform]

I have an image that takes up a lot more space than the android screen. I want the image to be presented full size and the user can move in any direction. Like a map. Any suggestions? ...

ASP.NET: Scroll to control

I've got a particularly large form in an page. When the form is validated and a field is invalid, I want to scroll the window to that control. Calling the control's Focus() doesn't seem to do this. I've found a JavaScript workaround to scroll the window to the control, but is there anything built into ASP.NET? ...

Catching the scrolling event in gtk#

Which event from which widget should I catch when I need to run some code when ScrolledWindow is scrolled? Ths widgets tree I am using is: (my widget : Gtk.Container) > Viewport > ScrolledWindow I tried many combinations of ScrollEvent, ScrollChild, etc. event handlers connected to all of them, but the only one that runs anything is an...

Is there a way to specify overflow in CSS?

I have been using a lot of 'position:relative;' in my design, I just find it the easiest way to get everything where I need them to be. However, the more items I add on my site (each one with their individual div) each one ends up further and further at the bottom of my page, so I have to manually position them higher. This leaves a lo...

Slow scrolling in ComboBox

Hi, I have a problem where scrolling in both a toolStripComboBox and regular ComboBox is really slow. This happens both using the arrowkeys and the mouse scrollwheel. However, if I use the scrollbar it behaves as expected. Here's the toolstrip combobox: // // toolStripComboBoxDeild // this.toolStrip...

Implementing zoom controls in MFC

I am working on a 'print preview' facility to show an overview of a slide with rectangular arrays of sample spots on it. The slides typically measure 25 x 75 mm and the spot samples are typically 0.1 mm in diameter. There is usually a 2mm gap around the perimeter of the slide where no spots are printed. The distance between spots (pit...

Is it possible to trigger a "fake" scroll progmatically in WinForms?

Is it possible to trigger a "fake" scroll progmatically in WinForms? The scenario: A form with various drawings on it done with System.Drawing (and no scrollbars). What I would like: Progmatically tell the Form the user has scrolled by 10 pixels to the left. The Form moves the existing drawing 10 pixels to the left. The Form generate...

DOCTYPE problem, jQuery

Scroll.js is used for #bird block, which follows the page scrolling. The main problem - it is working, if I remove the Doctype line, this one: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; and it doesnt work if doctype is on. Here is the html: <!DOCTYPE ...

Please help to fix jQuery scrolling

Page must be scrolled after clicking on link with id (let it be #link). Here is my code, which doesnt work: $(document).ready(function(){ $("#link").click(function () { $(this).animate({ scrollTop: 2000 }, 'slow'); }); }); But this one works, after the page loads it slowly scrolls to the bottom of the page: $(document...