
How do you activate line-wrapping in emacs?

How do you use line-wrap (autoscrolling?) in emacs? So that the portion that doesn't fit on the screen isn't shown as opposed to shown on the next line? ...

How do I implement a scrolling list view in iPhone programming

I have a view for an inbox. In the view I can currently show 10 sms messages. After 10 sms messages, I need to be able to scroll the messages. In other words, how do I implement a scrolview in iPhone programming like the one in the mail inbox or the SMS application? ...

HScrollBar Control in ASP.Net?

Hello, I was wondering, do you guys know about some replication of the HScrollBar from WinForms to ASP.Net? ...

iPhone UIScrollView - how to get an image title.

Hi, I'm ATTEMPTING to learn UIScrollview using Apple's Docs and their sample code but something SO simple is escaping me. How do you tell what image is currently on the screen, so that if I selected one of the images in the horizontal scrolling view, how would I ...

Is it possible to scroll left and right in Netbeans with a standard mouse?

I was wondering if there was a key combination or some setting to change to allow me to scroll left and right easily in NetBeans. ...

Scrolling table overlaps section header

How can you have a UITableView where the header view remains stationary, but the rows don't overlap the section header? With my table, when scrolling the rows, the header is stationary, but when scrolling, the rows slide under the section name. Is it possible to have the rows scroll without going under the section header? ...

jQuery : how to determine that a div is scrolled down

I have a div with defined height, and overflow:scroll;. Its content is too long so scrollbars appear. Now for the ichy part. Some of its inner HTML strangely appears all the time (to be precise, the footer of a table generated by the tableFilter plugin). I'd like to make this footer disappear when it is not needed (it actually appears o...

VERY weird UITableViewController.tableview behaviour on scrollToRowAtIndexPath

hey all, I'm very confused here, i've been trying to figure this one out. I have a UIViewController, viewControllerBrowse, with two TableViewController, Designations & Types, I call a second UIViewController, viewControllerSelectLibrary, that makes some SOLite operations and fills two arrays from where the first two TableView feed. When...

How to persist scroll position using Master Page?

Hi, I have a site that uses master pages, the only content that changes is a Div in the centre of the page. Is there a way that I can persist the scroll position of the page between postbacks? I'm thinking that it might be possible because all pages are using the same Master Page, if not is there some other way to do this? Thanks ...

How to do smooth scrolling for lists in Swing

On the iPhone scrolling through lists is animated smoothly. Ignoring the inertia effect (though having it would be cool as well) - how would I go about making a Swing listbox scroll smoothly like that? There are other examples as well, like browsers, but those use native controls which I cannot use with Swing. ...

JQuery Slider Control - slider-handle not moving...

Hi! I've got a text scrollbox made with JQuery. It works fine when on its own ( but when I hand it off to be wrapped into a Joomla page, the slider handle doesn't move (here). As far as I can tell, everything else works fine. I've inspected the computed CSS in Chrome Inspector, and it seems that the handle is ... focus lost when scrolling

I have an webapp with a small bug where anytime you click the page scrollbar the focus gets reset to the first control. I'm seeing this problem in IE 7 and 8, only in my app, not on any regular webpage (and not in firefox). It seems that its not just a browser lacking-features issue or an existing IE bug (as it behaves ...

What's the best way of creation of thousands of controls in scrollable area using WPF

Hi guys! I'm using WPF and C#. I have a problem. I need to create a lot of bindable templated controls in scrollable area (they are all of different types). For example 1000 textboxes, 1000 drop down lists, and 1000 checkboxes. The problem is that when they are all created it works really slow. The question is - whether it is possi...

touchpad horizontal scrolling in emacs

Hello: I use on Mac OS X on a MacBook. Most applications on the computer allow me to scroll both vertically and horizontally with a two-finger drag on the trackpad. I would like to use this ability to position the cursor in emacs. Adding the following lines to .emacs allows me to move the cursor vertically: (global-set-ke...

Horizontal scroll winforms listview

Anyone know if its possible to enable horizontal scrolling ONLY in a windows forms listview (viewmode set to large icons). What I want to do is make a listview whose height is sufficient to only show one row of icons, and I don't want to have multiple rows. Just one very long row that a user would have to scroll horizontally to get to ...

how to tell when scroll bar is at bottom of an multiline text box

Hello, I am working on an page and I have a multiline text box that displays some text. I want the user to have to scroll all the way to the bottom before I display a checkbox for them to continue. My question is how can you tell if the scroll bar is at the bottom? ...

ASP.NET how to tell if div is scrolled to the bottom.

I have no idea how to do this and I need assistance please. I am using and I have a div with overflow:auto set. The div shows terms and agreements. I also have a checkbox control with visible set to "false". What I want is a way to make checkbox visible = "true" only after the user scrolls all the way to the bottom. I was...

Simple Javascript question: How do I prevent scrolling with arrow keys but NOT the mouse?

See title. Since I'm using jQuery, any solution via. that would work too. Ideally, I'd like to know both, though. I already have the arrow keys bound to another function on my page (via. jQuery), but having them cause the page to scroll in addition to that causes me problems. I may have known this at one time, but I don't remember it...

What is causing the jumps here?

I have a winforms app that is supposed to display a tiled background and use click-and-drag to pan around. Most of the time it work but there are a few spots where it jumps in the wrong direction (for instance if I click and drag up across the center line of the form, it jumps down by about half a screen). I can't seem to find anything w...

How do you prevent a rich text box from automatic scrolling, when performing syntax highlighting?

Language = C# .NET version = 3.5 When my code performs syntax highlighting the text appears, to the user, to be scrolling automatically. This becomes a severe problem when there is several hundred lines of text in the rich text box. So, how can I programmatically modify the text's color without causing the user to see anything other ...