
How to scroll down in a textbox by code in C#

I am using winforms, and I update a text box once in a while (showing messages). however, when the text reaches the end of the box it produces scrollbars and I don't know how to scroll down to the bottom. The only thing I see is ScrollToCaret, but Caret is at the beginning of the text. What is the command to scroll? ...

Big problem with wordpress pages, will not scroll in IE7

Ok guys, this is re-visited, Ive rescued my website from the hackers and now its virus and malware free, thank you to all who pointed me in the right direction to fix it. However my first problem still remains, the page in question is Ive removed the extra quick search at the top including the RS...

Bing image search paging - infinite scroll

When you search for images on the Bing search engine, the result is displayed like this: Notice how you can keep scrolling and scrolling and there is not "normal" paging. My question is: How do they do this? I can see there is some ajax/javascript events happening, but the code is not...

Scroll ListViewItem to be at the top of a ListView

In WPF, I know I can use ListView.ScrollIntoView to scroll a particular item into view, but it will always do the least amount of scrolling so that the item is shown. How can I make it scroll so that the item I want to show is scrolled to the top of the ListView? I've thought about calling ScrollIntoView twice, once for the item I wan...

Scroll UITableView so that the header isn't visible

I've got a UITableView with a UISearchBar as the tableViews.tableHeaderView. Just like the new,, etc. in 3.0. I want to hide the SearchBar until the user drags it in his sight. My attempt only works when there're a couple of items in the tableView, so that the tableView actually wants to scroll. I call this in loadVie...

How to position the horizontal and vertical scrollers of scrollview embedding imageview??

[[self enclosingScrollView] setHorizontalLineScroll:0]; the above api doesnt works. Help Appreciated... ...

Maintain scroll position of a div within a page on postback

I have a div within an aspx page with overflow set to auto. The contents of the div are dynamically created and consists of a list of link buttons. <div id="div1" style="overflow: auto; height: 100%;"> ..... </div> When I scoll down in the div and click on any of the link buttons, the page reload loses the scroll position inside the ...

<div> position:absolute; bottom: 0; not working as expected in IE7

My site, a course catalog tool for universities, has a center pane that contains a dynamically updated list of classes. In Firefox, Opera, and Chrome, the center pane has the intended scrolling behavior: when the class list exceeds the height, the center pane has a scroll bar. IE, however, only shows this bar when the height is explici...

Android SurfaceView scrolling

I'm writing an android application that builds an offscreen bitmap that is (say) 640*480 pixels and displays that in a SurfaceView. Note that the size of the image is larger than the actual display on the handset. The way that the application works is that it initially displays the upper left corner (0,0) of the image and then I would ...

Is UIPageControl Useless By Itself?

Hey guys, I've been looking into using the UIPageControl for a scrolling part of an application, and I was wondering how it works. The docs show methods for changing pages, setting the number of pages etc., but by itself the page control doesn't encompass any kind of scroll view. Are the UIPageControl and UIScrollView classes supposed ...

Javascript image scroller not working with DOCTYPE

Hi there guys. I've been searching the net hard for some javascript code that allows me to automatically scroll images non-stop horizontally on a webpage. After a long time searching, I finally came across something that was close enough. I then customised it as much as possible to make it do exactly what I wanted it to do. This testi...

Current image scroller replacement with JavaScript library

I am currently using javascript to implement a javascript scroller on my webpage. However, this is not compatible with any DOCTYPEs and instead displays a stationary picture. I was wondering if any one had any idea how I would implement this using jQuery, Mootools or any other such library. The sites are detailed below with and without a...

Scroll issues with / CakePHP autocomplete result list

Using the Ajax helper for CakePHP (currently to provide an $ajax->autoComplete list of results, and giving a result list back as the rendered view, if you use the mouse (and even the mouse wheel) to scroll results, all is well. Using the arrow keys, on the other hand, has the nasty effect of awkwardly scrolling the view: if I...

How to Animate scrollpoint?

- (void)mouseDragged:(NSEvent *)theEvent { NSSize dynamicImageSize; dynamicImageSize = [[self image] size]; NSSize contentSize = [(NSScrollView*)[[self superview] superview] contentSize]; if(dynamicImageSize.height > contentSize.height || dynamicImageSize.width > contentSize.width) { float x = startOrigin.x - ...

jQuery advice: How can I improve this function for scrolling elements into view?

I've created a function that scrolls a given child element into view within its parent. It goes as follows: function keepScrolledOver( elem ) { frame = elem.parent(); var scrollPos = frame.scrollTop(); var offset = elem.attr( "offsetTop" ); // If the element is scrolled too high... if( offset < scrollPos ) { frame.scrollTop( ...

Weird UITableView behavior after scrolling and inserting new row

This is really driving me crazy. I have a table view that displays a sorted list of customers. Users can add a new customer, thus I have to add a new row to the table view (by updating the data model and calling insertRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation:). However, since the table view is sorted, this insert can occur off-screen, which is...

iPhone: scroll table view cell to visible above custom keyboard-aligned toolbar?

I've been asking a question or two over the past few days of working on an application that keeps a custom toolbar aligned to the top of the iPhone keyboard. I'm using the method described by Josh in this question; basically, I have the view controller listen for the UIKeyboardWillShowNotification and add the toolbar as necessary. The v...

Blackberry - How to implement ListField Smooth Scrolling?

Overview I'm using a listfield class to display a set of information vertically. Each row of that listfield takes up 2/5th's of the screen height. As such, when scrolling to the next item (especially when displaying an item partially obscured by the constraints of the screen height), the whole scroll/focus action is very jumpy. I would...

Floating Menu to stop before it hits the bottom of the page

I have a floating menu(absolutely positioned) that stays in view as the user scrolls down the page, the problem is i have quite a large footer and if you scroll all the way to the bottom of the page it will clash with the footer. I just want to make it stop say 400px from the bottom of the page.. Does anyone know if this can be done? H...

how to set position of scrollbar in windows form panel (C#)

I have lots of radiobutton in a panel with auto scroll set to true. One of theradiobutton is checked. I want to make sure that that the checked one should be visible i.e. the vertical scrollbar should be moved so that the checked radio button is visible. Is there any way to do it? P.S. I have tried as bellow but it is not working ...