
google search in my website

hello! Is it legal to use the google search results in my own website not using the google custom search that google provides? I have 2 different cases: The first is that I design a search box, with a google logo and provide options so the user selects which type of content (web, images, videos...), and the the results open in a new w...

Android - Loading an external .js file into a webview then accessing it's functions?

I have a JS file that has functions to search a document for substrings. I want to access functions inside this file by passing parameters to it (the search keyword). I know we can use .loadUrl("javascript:~~~~~) but I'm not clear on how to do it using multiple functions. Anyone who can point me in the right direction? Thanks! ...

Sending queries to google using python

Hi, I need a code with which I can send queries to Google and get the results back for some processing. i am mostly interested in retrieving the snippets of the results. It would be nice if I can do this without installing any extra packages for Python. A pre-written api would also do the trick. Thanks ...

Storing Last Search Results

Hi, I'm working on a collaborative project and I'm trying to figure out the best way to store previous search results. Let me quickly explain the scenario. I have a list of search result items and I want these results to be stored as a user clicks on an item and visit's it's landing page. At the top there will be a section listing the l...

Edit dictionary from another dictionary in C#

I have problem to edit from one dictionary to another dictionary. Dictionary<string, string> firstDic = new Dictionary<string, string>(); firstDic.Add("one", "to make link"); firstDic.Add("two", "line break"); firstDic.Add("three", "put returns"); Dictionary<string, string> secondDic= new Dictionary<string, string>(); secondDic.Add("tw...

Search for a key in an array, recursivly

private function find($needle, $haystack) { foreach ($haystack as $name => $file) { if ($needle == $name) { return $file; } else if(is_array($file)) { //is folder return $this->find($needle, $file); //file is the new haystack } } return "did not find"; } Hey, t...

optimize search through large js string array?

if I have a large javascript string array that has over 10,000 elements, how do I quickly search through it? Right now I have a javascript string array that stores the description of a job, and I"m allowing the user to dynamic filter the returned list as they type into an input box. So say I have an string array like so: var descArr = ...

drupal: search results with no pager and no limit

I'm pretty new to Drupal, but I guess I know how things work. I separated the Advanced Search Form from the search page and made a block from it (that was part 1). Woohoo. Part 2 is the pager-from-nowhere in the search results. Drupal search results are paged by tens and I can't seem to find a way to change it. Not a decent way that is....

SQL Query for finding a unique Item in one of many tables

I have the need to search for an item that exists in one of many (~20) tables I can safely assume that the item only exists in one of the tables, all tables contains an index with the same column name and value type. Tables vary in on of their columns, containing one of a few possible value types (int, string, binary. etc.) What would ...

JavaScript search() fails to find "()"

This might seem trivial, but I'm new to JS. I have this piece of code: alert(elementAction); var argumentsBegin ="("); var argumentsEnd =")"); alert(argumentsBegin); elementAction is a string. The problem with the code is it doesn't seem to find the parenthesis. The first alert box shows...

Are there any C# facial recognition libraries that work?

Are there any C# facial recognition libraries that work? I would like to locate people in my data base by having them stare in a camera :-). This is not used for security or authentication just to help with a quick lookup so if it is good enough to narrow down a list of people that would be a win. ...

geting semantically related keywords for a given word

Hi everyone. Is there any open source/free software available that gives you semantically related keywords for a given word. for example the word dog: it should give the keywords like: animal, mammal, ... or for the word France it should give you keywords like: country, Europe ... . basically a set of keywords related to the given word...

Multiple search with multiplefields by default

So, there is a jqGrid, with declaration, smth like: $("#grid").jqGrid({ ... bunch of stuff ... ).searchGrid({ multipleSearch: true }); which is fine, when I click Search button, it brings me modal form with I guess first column and a dropdown of sopts: searchoptions: { sopt: ['eq', 'ne', 'cn']}. Now, i want to be able to display a cou...

Haskell programing: map and fold on search trees

I have a search tree thats defined as data (Ord a) => Stree a = Null | Fork(Stree a) a (Stree a) deriving Show and I have to define two functions, mapStree: mapStree :: (Ord b, Ord a) => (a -> b) -> Stree a -> Stree b and foldStree: foldStree :: (Ord a) => (b -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> Stree a -> b I dont fully understand whats g...

Solr query parser that allows specifying multiple default fields

I would like to use the Dismax query parser because it allows me to specify multiple default search fields (using the 'qf' parameter) as well as other nice features such as field boosting. However, I want a query parser/scoring algorithm that takes the sum of all field scores, rather than just the max. Is there a way to configure D...

Help Adding onKeyListener to Progress Dialog

Hi All I am trying to fix the problem where my progress dialog box disappears when someone presses the search button. I found this posting Where they say to add an on key listener to the progress d...

Problems with binary search function.

Having trouble with the binary_search function listed at the top. not sure where to go with it. I'm not very familiar with binary searching. #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <fstream> using namespace std; void get_input(ifstream& fin, int a[], int size, int & array_size); void binary_search (int a[], int & array_size) ...

Deleting / changing searched text in Vim

When I do an interactive search for some pattern, each time I hit n, I get the next result. How do I delete / change each result that I come to? Ideally, what I'm looking for would work like this: I hit n to get the search result, and then magic command to highlight that result in visual mode, and then I can do d or c to delete or chang...

How does the search command `//` work in Vim?

After searching for something, if you hit //, you seem to get the next result. How is this different from n? How should you use it? What does //e match, and what other options are there for //? ...

Where is the SharePoint Server Search Administration page? (how to reach it)

I need to find this page to modify something in the settings, but I can\t reach it! SP 2007 ...