
Getting strange error when reloading section index?

I am using the iPhone SDK and Objective-C and I get this error message: Assertion failure in -[UITableView _endCellAnimationsWithContext:], /SourceCache/UIKit/UIKit-984.38/UITableView.m:774 2010-01-08 13:24:16.842 MyAPP[628:20b] Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Invalid update: i...

UITableView Custom Section Header, duplicate issue

I am having trouble animating a custom UITableView section header. The goal was to create collapsable sections. When I tap on the custom header the first time it animates as expected, however every time after that it leaves a duplicate in the original location and animates another. Image Example: My Custom Header: - (UIVi...

Core Data Fetched Results Controller and Custom Section Header

I am familiar with the common and basic use of a NSFetchedResultsController managing the rows of a table, but I have an interesting problem. My data is organized as such: Schedule <--->> Day <--->> Route. I currently have a table view that has Schedules with a fetch controller managing the creation and deletion of Schedules. I now wan...

Changing color of section header in UITableview

Hello, i have pretty simple simple question (i hope so). How do i change the section header color in a UITableview from default blue to black transparent? Thanks in advance. ...

UITableView with side section header images

The music app on the iPad has quite a lot of interesting custom UI features, one of which is the table view displayed when looking at the albums of a particular artist. It has images along the side of each section, almost acting in a very similar fashion to section header views. If I scroll down, the top image stays there until the next...