
How to safely let users submit custom themes/plugins for a Rails app

In my rails app I'd like to let users submit custom "themes" to display data in various ways. I think they can get the data in the view using API calls and I can create an authentication mechanism for this. Also an authenticated API to save data. So this is probably safe. But i'm struggling with the best way to let users upload/submi...

Can some hacker steal the cookie from a user and login with that name on a web site?

Reading this question different users get the same cookie value in aspxanonymous and search for a solution, I start thinking, if it is possible for some one to really steal the cookie with some way, and then place it on his browser and login lets say as administrator. Do you know how form authentication can ensure that even if the coo...

Using JavaScript eval to parse JSON

Question: I'm using eval to parse a JSON return value from one of my WebMethods. I prefer not to add jquery-json because the transfer volume is already quite large. So I parse the JSON return value with eval. Now rumors go that this is insecure. Why ? Nobody can modify the JSOn return value unless they hack my server, in which case I...

want to build an alarm app in iphone.

Hi, I want to build an alarm application for iphone. I want to ignore iphone device state and volume buttons state. I want to play sound anyhow in full volume and also want that user cant modify volume using iphone hardware buttons while sound is played. Does anybody know how to implement it? Please post the code here....... Thankx in A...

Securing S3 via your own application

Imagine the following use case: You have a basecamp style application hosting files with S3. Accounts all have their own files, but stored on S3. How, therefore, would a developer go about securing files so users of account 1, couldn't somehow get to files of account 2? We're talking Rails if that's a help. ...

ProtectedData.Unprotect() after Impersonate()

The following code doesn't work: IntPtr token = Win32Dll.LogonUser(“user1”, “mydomain”, “password1”); WindowsIdentity id = new WindowsIdentity(token); WindowsImpersonationContext ic = id.Impersonate(); byte[] unprotectedBytes = ProtectedData.Unprotect(passwordBytes, null, DataProtectionScope.CurrentUser); password = Encoding.Unicode.Get...

How are session identifiers generated?

Most web applications depend on some kind of session with the user (for instance, to retain login status). The session id is kept as a cookie in the user's browser and sent with every request. To make it hard to guess the next user's session these session-ids need to be sparse and somewhat random. The also have to be unique. The quest...

How can I ensure that a Java object (containing cryptographic material) is zeroized?

My concern is that cryptographic keys and secrets that are managed by the garbage collector may be copied and moved around in memory without zeroization. As a possible solution, is it enough to: public class Key { private char[] key; // ... protected void finalize() throws Throwable { try { for(int k = 0; k < key.lengt...

How to create Encryption Key for Encryption Algorithms?

I want to use encryption algorithm available in .Net Security namespace, however I am trying to understand how to generate the key, for example AES algorithm needs 256 bits, that 16 bytes key, and some initialization vector, which is also few bytes. Can I use any combination of values in my Key and IV? e.g. all zeros in Key and IV are...

How to do REST securely and with sensitive data?

Hello, we are implementing a new web service. The web service will be a store of sensitive data and there are multiple users types with different permissions. So some user types can't access(and some can't change, and so on) certain types of data. How would this work in REST? I'm very new to REST, so sorry if this sounds noobish. ...

Does anyone see any downsides of doing the following to prevent CSRF?

I'm wondering if the following method will completely prevent CSRF, and be compatible with all users. Here it is: In the form just include an extra parameter that is: encrypted(user's userID + request time). Server-side just decrypt and make sure it's the right userID and the request time was reasonably recent. Aside from someone sni...

Security comparison between JSP and ASP.Net

Is there any comparison to show why JSP/ASP.Net is better from security point of view? As I think, security depends on the server security, and website architecture and implementation, and only a name like JSP/ASP.Net will not guarantee your website and will not make hackers to run away!! Is there any study or article to show bugs or se...

Can IIS admin change password of Windows Service account

We have a service account defined for anonymous access which is used for several web sites hosted on the web server. This account has access to several network resources like report server, file servers and so on. While deploying a new web site, we used the same service account for anonymous access. IIS takes the username/password for ...

What are the dangers in exposing static resources of your secure web application unsecured?

We are creating typical web applications secured by https. In order to be able to cache static resources, I would like to expose images, javascript files etc. over http. Otherwise they don’t get cahched. Is this advisable from security point of view? What are the risks involved? EDIT: I would like to have static content cached by proxie...

What information should I log if I detect that my site is under attack?

In the code below if I get into the if statement I can safely say my site is under attack. What information is it a good idea to log? Any recommendations on actions that can be taken to minimize the damage at this point? protected void btn_Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(tb_SearchBox.Text.Length > tb_SearchBox.MaxLengt...

Is SecurityManager a full security solution?

Can I avoid third party code from creating new threads, starting new VMs, or leaking data using a customized SecurityManager? ...

What does shutdownHooks RuntimePermission does?

I saw that to show a JOptionPane message dialog I need the shutdownHooks permition. What does it do? And what's the possible risk of give this permission to third party code? ...

showSettings callback in Flex?

I am pretty new to flex, so forgive me if this is an obvious question. Is there a way to open the Security.showSettings (flash.system.Security) with a callback? or at least to detect if it is currently open or not? My flex application is used for streaming audio, and is normally controlled by javascript, so I keep it hidden for normal ...

SecurityManager StackOverflowError

Running the following code, I get a StackOverflowError at the getPackage() line. How can I grant permission just to classes inside package I want, if I can't access the getPackage() to check the package? package; import; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class SimpleSecurityManager extends...

MembershipProvider, IPrincipal, IIdentity?

Hello guys; I have a conceptual question... I am making an Intranet application (Web platform) for a company. I have a SQL Server DB with these tables: Users (userID, userName, userPass, roleID) Roles (roleID, roleName) Pages (pageID, pageURL) RolesXPages(pageID, roleID) How is the best way to create a structure to store all this inf...