
Automatic selection of <p></p>-text rendered in browser

Hello who would know of a possibility to automatically select Paragaph text as it gets rendered in a browser, preferably using JavaScript? In my case I have an amount of text in <p></p> tags and would like the page to appear with the text fully selected, just as if someone had done it manually with the mouse. Many thanks for your sugg...

Best way to set the selection of a flex control that hasn't initialized yet

To illustrate the Q. I'll really over-simplify the example (in reality the code is much more convoluted). Say you have a flex control, which underneath contains a datagrid. Something like <mx:DataGrid id="grid" dataProvider="{document.items}"> <mx:columns> <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Column 1" dataField="@name"/> <mx:D...

textRange selection MSIE

Hi I can easily set the selection on 2+ elements programatically in Firefox But have had no success with IE so I hope anyone here can help me with this Thanks in advance, Mulberry ...

Create a new selection object at run time in word vba

I asked this question previously but I don't think I was clear enough. I need to write a Word VBA macro which will prompt the user to select some text by highlighting it after the macro has started running and then to process the new selection. This process will repeat an unknown number of times within the macro. The only problem I hav...

Nested selection loading time in mysql

I have one table packets packets contains 2 fields id and total they are both bigint length 20 and primary keys only id is auto increment in every record total = id i got 10000 records let's say id = 1 - 10000 and total = 1 - 10000 i got 2 almost identical queries 1 results in a very very long loading time and one completes almost...

Preserve listbox item selection

Hi, First the code (sorry if its not 100%) I am no expert and then the question follows. public partial class Window1 : Window { CollectionView cv; public Window1() { InitializeComponent(); List<Person> ppl = new List<Person>(); BitmapImage b = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"http://i.stackoverfl...

Vim duplicate selection

If i have something selected in VIM in visual mode .... how can i duplicate that selection and place it below or above the selection. ...

Selection Path of a JTree

I've loaded a JTree with nodes from an XML Schema file using the XSOM API ( Every time a file is selected I do the folowing: schemaParser = new XSDParser(selectedFile.getAbsolutePath()); TreeModel model = schemaParser.generateTreeModel(); schemaTree.setModel(model); schemaTree.setCellRenderer(new SchemaTreeT...

Viewing JQuery selections

Is it possible to see what items/elements I have selected in a particular jquery selection? I saw someone demoing jquery and they used some form of console that returned an array of items for every selection, they could then mouseover each item and it would highlight it in the browser. Im currently using alert($('div').length); to see...

Is there a workaround to the Flash bug where selection doesn't stop?

Is there any workaround to the issue with Adobe Flash where a Flash Movie does not receive a mouse up event if the mouse is dragged outside of the movie? EDIT: This issue seems to affect Firefox only See: Basically the issue is, I have a Flash movie which contains a text box, and if the user c...

JTable or some other Java table class with advanced cell selection?

Right now I'm using a JTable for what I'm doing. After looking through the Java API and various web resources, I don't think a JTable is going to cut it anymore. What I'm looking for is a table for which I can specify very strict selection procedures. I want to be able to not only select rows and columns, but also select cells in a diago...

Paste from excel to textbox

Hi, I want to copy some data from an excel file to a textbox in a win app. The copy paste works ok if the cells are continuos, but if I select (with CTRL) the first and the third cell, when I paste it to the textbox, it will paste also the 2nd cell. What is the best way to get just the cells i'm interested in? Thank you ...

How to preserve text selection when opening a jQuery dialog

Using jQuery's dialog I came across the following quirk (tested in FF3): User selects text In code, open up a jQuery dialog BUG: the text gets unselected (text could be in a textarea or just an HTML on the page) So, to me it seems like a funny (and annoying) bug or a quirk, but maybe there's a good explanation for that. And what int...

Cross browser way to hide selection display

I am making a browser based javascript game. As such, within the game there is nowhere users need to copy/paste text. However there are many places where the user needs to click and drag to make selections in the game. Within the game there are many cells, internally just normal table cells, with a non breaking space to stop them collap...

ASP.NET Treeview control and Client side javascript - Highlight selected tree view node

How to do following - ASP.NET 2.0 TreeView and Selecting the Selected Node using JavaScript I am trying this by reading this article,but it does not find getTreeNode() property on 2.0 treeview control. ...

how can I get the path of a context menu selection ?

I have a custom entry on the Internet Explorer's context menu. I would like to do something with the selected item, for example, run a program that receives that selection as ARGV[1]. For example, if I right click on a file named that is located on my desktop, the following thing should run : my_binary path\to\desktop\w...

Create rectangular text selection

Hello i trying to figure out if it is possible to do rectangular text selection (like in Jedit) in standard textbox control in c#? ...

Listview selection color

I'm playing around with wpf and I saw the following article: I want to do something similar. I want to put a border around an a listviewitem when it is selected and i want to not change the background color. The reason I want this is I want a color coded lis...

WPF - ListBoxItem selection

I have a ListBox showing items using the following DataTemplate: <DataTemplate x:Key="PersonTemplate" DataType="{x:Type DAL:ResultItem}" > <StackPanel Width="280" > <TextBox BorderThickness="0" IsReadOnly="True" Background="Transparent" Text="{Binding FullName1, Mode=OneWay}"/> ... </StackPanel> </DataTemplate> I am using...

How can the selection of a textarea be determined/manipulated in Safari from JavaScript?

I have some JavaScript code that does two things: retrieves the selected text from a text area adds a prefix and suffix to that selected text The code currently uses the selectionStart and selectionEnd properties of the textarea to figure out where the selection starts/end, extracts the selection text and processes it, and then re-wr...