Hello guys,
I have TableCellViewController for managing cells in my UITableView. Each cell has a label na UISwitch (dictTypeSwitch). A want to assign method to switch events so I can save the state of button.
So far I've done this:
assign setState function to object:
[cell.dictTypeSwitch addTarget:self action:@selector(setState:) for...
I am using MyTableGrid to show an Excel like control in my webpage.
The cells are referenced with ids like "mtgIC1_0,2" for table 1, column 0, row 2.
Unfortunately, when I try to use the jquery selector with this id $("#mtgIC1_0,2"), it never works.
I figured it is because of the "," since it works for any other ids in the page withou...
How can I do a SELECT statement and have it returned the data incolumns instead of rows?
| id | name | number |
| 0 | test | 11 |
| 1 | test2 | 12 |
| id | name | number | id | name | number |...
I have the following code
Which works correctly and add the "li" element. Now I want to select the "li" element; it doesn't have any class or ID, but I want to select it just after creating it, so I'm able to use it (for example mynewli.addClass()) as a jquery element.
How can I do that?
I have a homescreen widget with an imagebutton. I have the button working with a pending intent, but I can't seem to figure out how to change the button image when it is pressed.
I tried using a selector and it works in my widget test activity, but not in the remoteview.
How could I implement this functionality in the home screen widg...
hi my dear friends :
I want to check multiview, ActiveViewIndex with Javascript,
but in the below code, MultiView is always null:
document.onkeyup = onkeyupOfDocument;
function onkeyupOfDocument(evt) {
var evt = evt || window.event;
var MultiView = document.getElementById("MultiView1");
How can i f...
How do I get the_tags() to output each tag so that it comes assigned with a unique class selector? So for example: the_tags() currently outputs something like this:
<a href="http://myblog.com/tag/kittens" rel="tag">kittens</a>
However, I'd like to output something like this:
<a href="http://myblog.com/tag/kittens" rel="tag" class="ta...
Is it possible to use a :selector with the following in jQuery?
$('.galler_attr').bind('click', function() {
$(this:first-child).css('color', 'red');
I still get a little confused when it comes to selectors and patterns... Basically, I'm trying to find the parent div of an input item and if a string is found anywhere in its ID, I want to set it to display none.
I've done this before by just doing something like:
if($('div[id*=string]')) { $(this).attr('display','none'); }
Hi all,
I am a little perplexed and I have been working on this for hours and googling without any real leads. I want to create a callback in objective-c for my iPhone app utilizing the @selector.
Class 1:
- (void) someMethod {
// create selector
SEL successCallback = @selector(successMethod);
// call some service with c...
In Paul Irish's blog http://paulirish.com/2009/perf/, in slide 30 it is mentioned:
$('#container').find('div.robotarm') is faster than $('#container div.robotarm')
What's your opinion?
Looking through style sheets from popular & unpopular websites I have found the div selector included in them. The bottom four examples were taken from the style sheets of the popular sites Stack Overflow, Github, Youtube & Twitter:
div.form-item-info{padding:4px 0 4px 4px;width:80%;color:#777;}
.searchFooterBox div span.smallLabel{fo...
How do we call a method which is in classB from @selector tag of classA.??
Can i do it in this way??
[tis_obj authenticate:self action:@selector([classB method]:)
accName:@"BOOK" User:@"User"];
Is there a possibility to call a method of different class form@selector tag?? or should the method be always in same...
If this is the method name which has to be called:
how to call this method from the @selector ??
can i do it in this way??
[tis_obj AuthenticateMobileServer:self action:@selector(AuthenticateUser:::)];
Thank You.
I need to get the id attribute of a class and apply a style based on that id.
So for instance, 3 list items each with the class "typo", one id is "application", another id is "application_osx", and the final id is "application_osx_terminal"
The class "typo" is handled by CSS, but I would need to assign a background image based on the I...
[mobile_Obj AuthenticateMobileServer:self action:@selector(Handler:) AccountNO:@"123" UserName:@"Sun" Password:@"123***"];
In the above method call , can we have two threads running simultaneously??
One thread running: AuthenticateMobileServer method
Second thread runnig: Handler method
Please let me knw is it possible or...
Hi there,
I have a quick question. I'm matching class names of LI elements to turn on and off divs with a matching ID name, as follows:
$("ul#mainnav li").click(function() {
$("#mainpages > div").fadeOut(200);
var navClass = $(this).attr('class');
var targeted='#'+navClass;
$(targeted).fadeIn(200); // thi...
How can I select the popupwindow of the popup-lightbox div?
in jQuery, it's be something like $('div#popup-lightbox #popupwindow'). Unfortunatly, in Prototype, it's not that easy... anyone can help me? thanks!
<div id="popup-lightbox" class="popup">
<div id="popupoverlay"></div>
<div id="popupdiv">
<div id="popupwi...
When the user presses a ListView item (android:state_pressed="true") it flashes a shade of yellow (or you can press and hold).
What drawable is this? I've created my own selector because I want my own ListView item color , but I lose the pressed color.
There's an Android doc about skinning buttons that references #ffff0000, but this p...
I have a UITableViewController with a method called "sectionOpen". In this controller I have a UITableView with custom headers, which are in fact a UIViewController. I have attached a UITapGestureRecognizer to it, it works if I call a selector on the header's View Controller.
The thing is I need to call a selector on the UITableViewCont...