
How to get the selected value in a dropdown using jQuery.

Hi, i have a HTML like this. I need to get the selected value (here Scheduled) using the <select> tag. How to do that using jQuery. <select id="availability" style="display: none;"> <option value="Available">Available</option> <option selected="selected" value="Scheduled">Scheduled</option> <option value="Unavailable">Unavailable...

jQuery: selector question (selecting by onclick attribute)

hi, i'm having this markup: <a href='#' onclick='loadpage(121);'> <a href='#' onclick='loadpage(122);'> <a href='#' onclick='loadpage(123);'> my question: how can i select the 2nd link object by jQuery using the id 122? i've tried something like $("a[onclick=loadpage(122)]") but didn't work. thx ...

Tweaking Firefox 4's orange buttom

I'm working in my version of a solution to remove the ugly orange buttom in Firefox 4 Aero, I think it works very well, except with this configuration: Menu Bar: Off; Navigation Toolbar: Off; Bookmarks Toolbar: On; Tabs on Top: Off. It hides the window buttons because I collapse the formerly orange button when tabs are not on top. It's...

Using Jquery for country, city and location

if australia is selected, it will show only city of australia, if city is selected, will only show location of that city ...

-[ImageScrollView index2]: unrecognized selector sent to instance

- (void)willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)toInterfaceOrientat ion duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration { UIInterfaceOrientation o = self.interfaceOrientation; if ((o == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait) || (o == UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown)) {D = 1;[self setPaging];} if ((o == UIInterfaceOrienta...

iPhone identify button pressed

Hi All! I have a view with several buttons that all have the same target and action. At the moment the action is @selector(doSomething). I need to be able to determine which button is pressed but I'm not sure of the best way to do this. The method doSomething is declared as... -(void)doSomething; Is there a better way to declare th...

Selecting children of an iframe from the parent of said iframe via css

Is there a simple way to do (what any normal person would assume) this does: html{ background-color:orange; } html iframe html { background-color:orange; } without breaking my stylesheet into two? ...

Jquery Get Matched Selector Text From Inside Function

Is there any way to get the text of the selector that invoked some function (if it exists) from within the function? For example $('#foo, .bar').click(function() { // Here I want to figure out if there was a match on #foo, or .bar }); Basically I want to have a compounded selector like the one above (

Recommendations for a 'permanent' Selector in ListView

I'm looking for suggestions on how to go about adding a ListView selector that is 'permanent'. By this, I mean a single row in the ListView is always highlighted; it should move up or down in reponse to any D-pad presses (i.e. like the default selector) but also remain set/highlighted if the user were to scroll the ListView in either di...

What's the easiest way of making links to select a language which takes multilingual text from gettext, po, mo files (Wordpress)?

I've been playing with po and mo files and they are working fine so far. But I want to make links for the user to select the languages. What's the easiest and most efficient way of doing this? Or is there any other way of doing this besides using gettext? (it will be OK too) (I swear I've looked for that for days on Google and never f...

iPhone SDK @selector -> SEL @protocol -> ?

okay so I want to make a public function that will return YES if an object exists, conforms to a protocol and responds to a selector. I know the typedef of @selector is SEL but what is the typedef for @protocol BOOL conforms(id object, ? prototype, SEL action) { return (object != nil } And I want to be able to call this function l...

Jquery - Load dynamically many module box for some input (with many parameters on select option)

Hi. I think title explain what i have to do (or, i hope so) :) As fist thing, I'll ask patience to everybody for my english! So... I have to do this : I've some "modules" with : - some select option (in fact, one for hours with 12 value, one for minuts for 60 values and one for seconds with other 60 values); - some input box; - some ch...

jQuery select options with multiple values

Within a selector, how do I check if a value of an attribute contains 'a', 'b', or 'c' in a single line? Can you do for example: $('input[name]=a|b|c')? Well, I tested that and it didn't work. ...

Silverlight template selector solution works great, but not blend able.

Before I begin here is a reference to how I implemented a template selector with Silverlight. Everything works great. But the solution just doesn't work in blends making things more difficult to visualize overall. Is the correct work flow to ...

JQuery Selector Issue: How to select anything is a child of the current list item.

I'm sure that title is confusing. This is a Wordpress thing. So, I have a list of pages and the structure looks like this: <div id="menu"> <ul> <!--List of pages--> <li class="page-item page-id"> <a href="Page url"> Ham Man </a> <ul class="children"> <li class="page-item page-id"> <a href="...

Passing parameters on button action:@selector

Hi, I want to pass the movie url from my dynamically generated button to MediaPlayer: [button addTarget:self action:@selector(buttonPressed:) withObject:[speakers_mp4 objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]] forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; but action:@selector() withObject: does not work? Is there any other solution? Thanks f...

Custom item states for android selectors.

I see examples of selectors using android states like 'selected' to define style. Here a simplified example: <selector> <item android:state_selected="true" android:drawable="@color/transparent" /> <item android:drawable="@drawable/listitem_normal" /> </selector> So, my question is: Can I define and use my own state instead of...

Getting strange intermittent "unrecognized selector" exceptions in iPhone app

Recently, I've been getting intermittent error reports from my app claiming "unrecognized selector" in areas that could not possibly cause them, and yet they do. For example, this one: Error: NSInvalidArgumentException: *** -[NSCFString didReceiveMemoryWarning]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x541fe0 0 CoreFoundation ...

CSS selector for disabled input type="submit"

Hello! Is there a CSS selector for disabled input type="submit" or "button"? Should I just use input[type="submit"][disabled]? Does that work in IE6? Thank you. ...

Dynamically declare function name?

I am creating a list of bar buttons with its action functions (sFuncName as below), it is dynamically changed. When user clicks on a button, sFuncName will be called. for(int i = 0; i < 3 ; i++){ NSString* sFuncName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"OnFunc_%d:", i ]; barButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarBut...