
How to use selenium to get the CSS value of the test page ???

How to use selenium-rc to get the CSS value of the test page ??? for example: get the color of background or get the border size ?? environment: selenium-rc+vs2008+xp+c# ...

selenium-RC: what is the best way of clearing the browser without restarting it

I'm running many tests (on FF) one after the other and I would like each test to start off with a fresh browser (ie no cookies, no cache,..). One idea is to close the browser and open a fresh one for the new test (this will create a new profile and probably the cleanest environment possible). This is causing too much trouble and taking ...

Selenium RC popup window question

My webpage submits information to a page and the response returns a popup window. Does anyone have an idea about how I can validate the information in the popup window? Popup window doesn't have a WindowId and I'm not able to get hold of the popup window using selenium.GetWindow("popuwindowname"), selenium.GetWindow("title=something") o...

SeleniumRC FF3.5.x-3.6 lock file troubles

With Selenium RC 1.0.1, and FF3.5.x or 3.6 I keep seeing this error when trying to run any test, Failed to start new browser session: Unable to delete file \parent.lock when running the server with either, java -jar selenium-server.jar -multiwindow or java -jar selenium-server.jar Any one found a way to run a selenium RC t...

Selenium-Server: Weird message when using browserReuseSession flag

I get the error message: sel_<NUMBER> resultHolder sel_<NUMBER> unexpected response: OK,.. It seems that the server is stuck after this message occurs. Why is this happening and how to solve/prevent it? I've never seen this message when the browserReuseSession is off. Have you? ...

How do I retrieve the text in a table column using Selenium RC?

I have a table that looks like the following: <table class="theClass"> <tr> <td class="anotherClass"><strong>Label1:</strong></td> <td colspan="3">Value1a<br/>Value1b<br/>Value1c</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="anotherClass"><strong>Label2:</strong></td> <td colspan="3">Value2a<br/>Value2b<br/>Value2c</td> </tr> <tr> <td cla...

Why is Selenium RC so slow?

Hi. For some time I have been investigating Selenium RC in order to do functional testing of my web application. I have now found a test strategy that is so effective, that I do not want to move away from Selenium RC (after spending weeks trying to figure out a good way to validate ASP.NET validation controls). But now that my Selenium...

Checking HTTP Status Code in Selenium

Can I in selenium get the HTTP status code? E.g. so I can test that if the browser requests /user/27 and no user with ID=27 exists, an HTTP 404 is returned? My primary interest is Selenium RC, but if someone knows the answer for "normal" selenium, I can probably easily translate it into RC. /Pete ...

Selenium and HTTPS/SSL

I'm running selenium-rc 1.0.3 on a Mac OS X & Windows 7 and both seem to be giving my the annoying accept cert error in firefox. In reading the docs they say I should be able to just use the *firefox run mode and rc should take care of it for me via a proxy or something, but this appears to not work. The only solution that I was able to ...

Selenium RC Error when running tests

I get this error when running a number of tests in seleniums Bromine, The selenium RC version 1.0.2 outputs this: WARN - GET /selenium-server/driver/?cmd=testComplete&1=&2=&sessionId=1274d41621c64fc08c1e7ea0a58f260b HTTP/1.0 java.lang.IllegalStateException: unexpected command json={command:"open",target:"/Library/Security/Login.aspx?Ret...

seleniumRC: Problems with browser starting on OS X

Hi! I am trying to start simple selenium test on OSX (just downloaded the latest version of RC), with a python client driver. But the browser can't start (it crashes). The error which I see in console is 15:33:32.867 INFO - Preparing Firefox profile... dyld: Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.frame...

How to store '\n' in Selenium IDE for further its using e.g. in forming a text report?

I'm forming a text report about group of links and their paths and I need Selenium to paste each new record or several records from the new line. I was trying to use this code but it works only 1 time, after I close Selenium and then open it again '\n' disappears: <td>storeText</td> <td>\n</td> <td>newline</td> Report forming code (wo...

Run and Kill a Selenium Server Singleton Process for duration of C# DLL lifetime

I have a Selenium Test .DLL that is loaded using NUnit. I run a required Selenium Java Server quietly hidden in a process when a test is run. However I currently start the server when a test is started and Kill() it when the test stops. This results in the selenium server starting/stopping for every test. What I want is for the Sel...

Selenium/NUnit run one test on multiple IP addresses.

I have a test suite DLL written in C# that uses Selenium.This is then loaded into NUnit and tests can be performed on our embedded web server boards. Does anyone know how to run a NUnit Selenium test on multiple IPs in multiple browsers? I have tried creating multiple DefaultSelenium classes but they point to the same Internet Explorer...

How i can enter this input field ??

Hello. I have a problem with fill the input field on my webaplication. When i use selenium ide, and record my steps and next play in slow mode - all works good. But when i try to use that when i build a java script i have a problem. On the selenium ide its looks like that: selenium.type("//div[@id='startPoint']/div/div[2]/div[2]/inpu...

How to run all the classes in a single instance in Selenium RC?

I am using Selenium RC in C#. I have list of .cs files, Is there any way to execute all the files without opening multiple instance. ...

Selenium-rc: is there a way to change the user-agent without changing the Firefox profile

I want to run tests that change the user-agent in the http request sent from the browser (like the FF add-on, user agent switcher does). I saw you can do it by playing with the FF profile ( Is there a way to do it within a test? Something like the function addCustomRequestHeader() that sets ...

Not able to detect a href component in Selenium RC

I have the following link 'Test' in my application. <div class="tabUnselectedText" align="center"> <a href="javascript:renderPage('mainForm:consoleBeanId.3','Test' , 'testdetails.faces');">Test</a> </div> When I tried Selenium IDE it gives me following code. The same code does not work with RC . Please help me out with this selenium...

how to determine xpaths for ajax element.

I need to detemine xpath for element mainForm:queryConfigure:fetchReport. <span id="mainForm:queryConfigure:j_id18"> <table id="mainForm:queryConfigure:j_id19" class="showReportTable" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <input id="mainForm:queryConfigure:fetchReport" type="image" src="images/show_report.gif" name="mainForm:q...

How to use javascript-xpath

I am using Selenium RC with IE 6 and XPath locators are terribly slow. So I am trying to see if javascript-xpath actually speeds up things. But could not find enough/clear documentation on how to use native x- path libraries. I am doing the following: protected void startSelenium (String testServer, String appName, String testInBrowse...