
SEO for product known by different names

If you're selling widgets, we all know that having "Bob's Widgets" in the title and the H1 gives you a better ranking in Google when people search for "widgets". But what if, as someone explained to me the other day, their product is known by different names in different parts of the world? In the US, it's called a Widget. In Canada, i...

making joomla search page search engine friendly

Hello, I want to add some seo features to a joomla search component, such as meta and integrated title page. What should i hack in the file ? Thanks joomla verion 1.0.15 ...

SEO issues with identical pages with just slight variation in auxiliary content (shown in different languages)

Are there any issues to be expected if search engines can see the same pages in maybe 2-3 variations, where the main content stays the same but some secondary information differs? Example. Let's imagine a forum thread can be reached at several Urls: http://ww...

ASP MVC Redirect without changing URL(routing)

Hello there, im having a little problem accomplishing this, hopefully someone can help me out. Currently using c#. Goal: I want to be able to type URL: OR Depending on the string I want to route to different actions without changing the URL. So far i have: In: public static void...

SEO : Is h1 tag that's hidden using display:none given prominence by Search engines ?

When content is hidden by CSS (display:none), is that read by Search engines or are sites penalised for that ? In my case, due to some CMS and other reasons, I need to serve alternative content to users and hide the H1 tag on the page using display:none. I wanted to know if the Search Engine will still treat the H1 tag with the same prom...

SEO History and PHP

Someone recently told me, "In the past, Google never indexed PHP pages". I don’t believe that for several reasons. But I’m no SEO expert, or even a novice, so I wonder. Before I file that person under “unreliable”, I thought I’d ask the SO community: Is there anything to that? Thanks. ...

Do hashes in URLs affect SEO?

If I've got 2 (or more) URLs (where the only difference is the hash value) to my homepage will Google divide my page rank between those pages or is it 'safe' to have lots of different hashes in the URL and still keep one page rank? Example: ...

Search Engine Optimization reading material and references request.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) seems to be a topic I'm running into more and more and I would like to know a little more about it. However, it seems to be very difficult to find any solid information about it. The Wikipedia page on SEO has some general information and little bit of history, but nothing really concrete. Googling for a...

Online tool for crawling a website and retriving all meta information for every page

Does anyone know of a free online tool that can crawl any given website and return just the Meta Keywords and Meta Description information? ...

How to customize Last-Modified Header in Joomla?

Even in the latest Joomla 1.5 Last-Modified Header is non-customizable and returns current date, which is imho against seo-basics. Does any one know how (or component) to make Joomla 1.5 return Last-Modified header based on last modified article? ...

Efficient way to add Canonical tags

If the value of the href for Canonical tags is populated via javascript function, would that affect the Search engine indexing (as search engines ignore javascript) ? ...

Java and SEO URLS

I'm building a webapp using spring MVC and am curious as to whether there is any clean way to make SEO urls. For example, instead of and the such, have: ...

Using buttons on web pages. Will Google index their links?

I want to use the look of standard buttons on my page, but I want web crawlers to follow them as if they were links. Will Google and other web-crawlers index a web page that has links that look like this? <form method="get" action="/mylink.html"><input style="font-size:10pt" id="my-link" type="submit" value="Learn More..." /></form> ...

same page, different urls. redirect?

Say that I have an article with multiple pages. Each page has a short title for in the URL (wordpress calls them post slugs). If this title is not given in the URL, the first page is shown, so is the same page as The question is: Should I redirect the former to the latter? And if so...

Display Google Keywords that brought a user to the site

I am looking to display something like: Hello, you've reached this site by looking for [google keyword(s)] I'm pretty sure I've seen this done before but I am having troubles figuring out how to grab the keywords that were used to lead a user to my site. Anyone know the answer? ...

Good name for "URL-friendly title"?

I'm creating a dynamic website with articles. Each article has a title, like "How does one eat a dog and live with it?", but also something I'm now calling "URL Friendly Title", such as "eating-a-dog". I'm looking for a better word for "URL Friendly Title", because it's quite a mouthful. Wordpress calls them "Post Slug" but I dislike th...

What Meta informations should I use ?

Hi, I see a lot of different point of views on internet concerning meta tags. I've been using them for a while, but I'm now wondering if I've been doing it using the current best practices. I know that the description is the most important one... <meta name="description" content="This is not a website" /> But what about other meta t...

SEO title making function ??

I have created a function which will convert any string into tab delimited. What's new in ASP.NET 4.0 Then it will convert above title to following: what-s-new-in-asp-net-4-0 I am using this to make my URL's SEO'd. But I am not sure that it will work fine in all cases or not. Till now I have tested this function on around 1000 rec...

recommended way or plugin to create google sitemaps for ruby on rails app?

Hi, I did a quick Google search and didn't see anything super-great to automate creation and updating of my google sitemap for the ruby on rails app. Any suggestions? ...

How to convert this PHP script into C# ?

I got the following code from this question: $str = strtolower( preg_replace( array('/[^a-z0-9\- ]/i', '/[ \-]+/'), array('', '-'), $urlPart ) ); This code works for me with PHP, its making clean and SEO'd ur...