
WCF wrap variable complex types for REST

Hey all, I'm implementing a lo-REST API and looking to return either XML or JSON. Building it in .NET WCF. I like the design of both Flickr and Last FM APIs which wrap their variable complex types in a simple response ala: <lfm status="ok"> <user> <name>RJ</name> <realname>Richard Jones </realname> <country>UK</countr...

Data Import/Export of large data sets with .net

Hi, has anyone experience with import and export of large collections (from a database in this case) with .net. Using the database export itself is not possible because there are multiple database backends supported and i need this for a kind of platform independent export/import. The problem here is that the XmlSerializer or DataCont...

Serializing Entities with RIA Services

I've got a Silverlight application that requires quite a bit of data to operate and it requires it all up-front. It's using RIA Services (and the Entity Framework) to get all that information. It takes 10-15 seconds to get all the data, but the data only changes about once a month. What I'd like to do is toss that data into Isolated Sto...

How to serialize an object of type Object?

I have a class that contains an object of type Object (which is used as a monitor for synchronization). Since Objects are not Serializable, what can I substitute to make serialization work? ...

serialize any data type as vector<uint8_t> - use reinterpret_cast?

I didnt find anything directly related in searching, so please forgive if this is a duplicate. What I am looking to do is serialize data across a network connection. My approach is to convert everything I need to transfer to a std::vector< uint8_t > and on the receiving side unpack the data into the appropriate variables. My approach lo...

Serializing IEnumerator<T> created using yield return

Is there a way to serialize (using BinaryFormatter) the IEnumerator<T> that gets created when I use yield returns? The autogenerated class isn't marked Serializable. ...

How to join in SQL on a PHP serialized primary key

Ok this is weird, I know. I just want ideas about how to deal with it. I want to do a join --- --- A B --- --- id id idB --- --- A standard join would be : SELECT * FROM B JOIN A ON A.idB = WHERE = 3 But here, my idB is not an int foreign key, it is PHP serialized. For example, instead of being 5, it is "i...

Flex API for com.adobe.serializers.xml.XMLSerializationFilter?

I'm running into a problem with a poorly formed response that's causing an xml parsing error. I don't have any control over the response, so I've been trying to subclass the XMLSerializationFilter, and catch the error in my own override deserializeResult. But flex is complaining that I'm not matching the method signature. I can't seem...

Looking for C serialization library

I am writing a server-client application in c and need to send some structures back and forth. From what I have learned, it would be a good idea to use some library to serialize the structures as it then rids them off platform dependency. I read about some xml based and binary based serialization methods, but I am not sure what library...

Is there a method of serialization that is similar to a database.

So far all the serialization examples I have found on the web are related to storing arrays or list in a file. With each class of object having to be serialized into their own file such as a ".bin". The root of my problem is that I want to have the information for my product local stored, but I'm so use to working with sql. It's hard for...

WCF can only serialize parameters on development machine

Hello, I have created a WCF service using Everything works fine on my development machine but when I deployed it it failed with the following error 'There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter' I call a single method on the service and it has a single parameter called 'querys'. This pa...

Rails 2.3.5 and inconsistent JSON/XML ActiveRecord serialization

I'm finding that XML and JSON serialization in Rails 2.3.5 don't seem to work the same. Has anyone encountered this and come up with a workaround? class Record < ActiveRecord::Base ... def my_method { :attribute1 => 'value1', :attribute2 => 'value2' } end ... end @record.to_json(:method => [:my_method]) returns correct JSON...

Spring session-scoped beans (controllers) and references to services, in terms of serialization

a standard case - you have a controller (@Controller) with @Scope("session"). classes put in the session usually are expected to implement Serializable so that they can be stored physically in case the server is restarted, for example If the controller implements Serializable, this means all Services (other spring beans) it is referring...

ActiveRecord object serialization and deserialization to the database

Hello, I would like to deserialize an serialized object. So it's possible to process such as (with JSON): >> l = Yea.create(:title => "foo bar") => #<Yea id: 3, title: "foo bar", created_at: "2010-07-05 21:44:54", updated_at: "2010-07-05 21:44:54"> >> j = l.to_json => "{\"yea\":{\"created_at\":\"2010-07-05T21:44:54Z\",\"title\":\"foo ...

Continuously send mouse position to another machine

What would be the best way to continuously send the mouse position to another computer in C#? So far I use a TCP socket for transportation. I get the ToString() of MousePosition, convert it to byte[] and send that byte array. On the receiving side I append the bytes to a StringBuilder, parse it and construct a new point. At least it wor...

C++ objects serialization for Linux

I'm doing a program that needs send and receive data over the network. I never dealt with object serialization. I readed about some recommendations about Boost and Google Protocol Buffers. For use in Linux which is the best? If you know some other I will appreciate your help. Thanks. ...

XamlWriter/Reader -> multiple constructor calls resulting in duplicate elements

hi there, i'm kind of stuck here. i'm using a dragndrop-library which serializes the dragged UIElements via XamlWriter.Save(). now i'm trying to dragndrop some instances of a class extending Grid. in the constructor i push some elements into the visual tree. the constructor gets called when the object is deserialized and the elements ...

Serializing data in C

Hey all, Please tell me how to serialize data (like binary files) in C. And, how can i send this serialized data over sockets, so that it can be successfully received by the corresponding Java client. Actually i want to convert this binary file into byte array so that it can be send over the sockets. Thanks in advance. ...

Hibernate and Serializable Entities

Does anyone know if there is a framework out there that is able to strip out Hibernate collections from entity classes to make them serializable? I had a look at BeanLib but it only seems to do deep copies of entities while not allowing me to specify implementation mappings for the collection types in my entity classes. BeanLib currently...

Assembly Serialization, Why?

I've read that assembly serialization (sgen.exe) can improve performance. What exactly is providing the improvement? Is it metadata on the Types? I would have thought this would be available through reflection! so why is it required in a separate assembly? ...