
Python's cPickle deserialization from PHP?

Hi! I have to deserialize a dictionary in PHP that was serialized using cPickle in Python. In this specific case I probably could just regexp the wanted information, but is there a better way? Any extensions for PHP that would allow me to deserialize more natively the whole dictionary? Apparently it is serialized in Python like this: ...

What is the meaning of serialization concept in programming languages?

What is the meaning of serialization concept in programming languages? when we use Serializable attribute above a class, what is the meaning? ...

When do we need to use .NET Remoting?

When do we need to use .NET Remoting? What is the Serialization usage in .NET Remoting? ...

Serialize boost array

I would like to serialize a boost::array, containing something that is already serializable. If get this error: error C2039: 'serialize' : is not a member of 'boost::array<T,N>' I have tried to include the serialization/array.hpp header but it did not help. Is there another header to include ? Thanks EDIT: Removed a wrong link ...

Casting Down Data Contract Objects

Hi Guys, I've got an object on my client that derives from a class that is being sent over a WCF contract. I'm hitting problems de-serializing this as it appears to send the class over as it stands, and the deserialization on the server side determines what object to create and populate, and as the object only exists on the client it fa...

How can I send multiple types of objects across Protobuf?

I'm implementing a client-server application, and am looking into various ways to serialize and transmit data. I began working with Xml Serializers, which worked rather well, but generate data slowly, and make large objects, especially when they need to be sent over the net. So I started looking into Protobuf, and protobuf-net. My probl...

Clone LINQ To SQL object Extension Method throws object dispose exception....

Hello all, I have this extension method for cloning my LINQ To SQL objects: public static T CloneObjectGraph<T>(this T obj) where T : class { var serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(T), null, int.MaxValue, false, true, null); using (var ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream()) { serializer.WriteObject(ms, obj)...

How to analyse contents of binary serialization stream?

I'm using binary serialization (BinaryFormatter) as a temporary mechanism to store state information in a file for a relatively complex (game) object structure; the files are coming out much larger than I expect, and my data structure includes recursive references - so I'm wondering whether the BinaryFormatter is actually storing multipl...

How do you save an object to a fooSettings.settings file in Visual Studio?

Can you save an object to a settings.settings file in Visual Studio? If so how? I think you can make your object serializable and it should persist, but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right i.e. when I try to get the object back it is always null. Here is the code: [Serializable()] [XmlRoot(ElementName = "LayerTCA", IsNullable ...

Deserialization on client side in Domain Service

I have 2 classes: Person and Contact. Person class has a property named ContactNumber which returns the Contact type, and this property is marked as a DataMember for serialization. I have marked Contact type as a DataContract. On the client side I am able to get the values, but when I try to insert a value and then do submit, I get the...

Dynamic Object Serialization

Hello everyone, I tried to serialize a DynamicObject class with BinaryFormatter, but: Output file is too big, not exactly wire-friendly Circular References not handled (stuck while serializing) Since serializing a DynamicObject means very little by itself, here's the class I tried to serialize: [Serializable()] class Entity : Dy...

Django: custom serialization options?

I'm working on a Django-based web service and I'm trying to figure out what the best way to do my serialization will be. The tricky requirement, though, is that I'd like to have pretty much full control over format of, and fields contained in, the response. For example, the Django serializers (which, unfortunately, includes the wadofst...

How to ensure consistency of enums in Java serialization?

When I serialize an object, I can use the serialVersionUID mechanism at the class level to ensure the compatibility of the two types. However, what happens when I serialize fields of enum values? Is there a way to ensure that the enum type has not been manipulated between serialization and deserialization? Suppose that I have an enum ...

gwt - Using List<Serializable> in a RPC call?

I have a RPC service with the following method: public List<Serializable> myMethod(TransactionCall call) {...} But I get a warning when this method is analyzed, and then the rpc call fails Analyzing 'my.project.package.myService' for serializable types Analyzing methods: public abstract java.util.List<> myMet...

With Protobuf-net, does it allow deserialization reuse existing instances if they are the same?

I'm using Protobuf-net. Suppose I have a list of Gizmo objects serialized and that each gizmo object reference a Gazoo object. The Gazoo object might be the same object referred by several Gizmo objects. How would deserialization work in this situation? Would I get more than one copies of Gazoos for the same referred one in the gizmo o...

C# - How to implement Pause/Resume semantics?

In an application I'm creating, I've got two components that I want the user to be able to pause/resume. I'm wondering what standard patterns might exist to support pausing and resuming, if any? Both components do a lot of network I/O. It seems like, at a high level, I have to persist the current queue of work that each component has ...

Unserialize data and check it against an id in MySQL

I have a row of IDs in a database that has been serialized. What I'm trying to do is check those serialized IDs against a known ID to see if it should be excluded or not. for example: "SELECT * FROM mydb WHERE id = 4 AND checkID != 'an id in the serialized column' " What's the best way to go about this? ...

Serialize ASP.NET Web Service HTTP POST request results

I am trying to serialize my webmethod output (rename XML element with results), So far [return: System.Xml.Serialization.SoapElementAttribute("results")] before method declaration works fine with soap requests, but I am looking for something that would work the same way with HTTP POST/GET requests as well (right now I get return clas...

grails Sql error

Hi, I was getting issue wen using new Sql method in grails . import groovy.sql.Sql def datasource def organization_config = new Sql(dataSource) def orgs = organization_config.rows("select o.organizationId, from organization o ") session.setAttribute("org_results", orgs); The application is running but getting these...

WCF service The maximum array length quota (16384) has been exceeded

I have a wsf service and a client application. While trying to communicate the client and the service I've gotten the following message: "The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter The InnerException message was 'There was ...