
C++ putting a 2d array of floats into a char*

Hello, I'm trying to take a 2d vector of floats (input) and put them into a char* (output) in c++. void foo(const std::vector<std::vector<float> > &input, char* &output ) { char charBuf[sizeof(output)]; int counter = 0; for(unsigned int i=0; i<input.size(); i++) { for(unsigned int p=0; p<; p++) ...

How to preserve object identity across different VMs

To be specific let me illustrate the question with Spring http-remoting example. Suppose we have such implementation of a simple interface: public SearchServiceImpl implements SearchService { public SearchJdo processSearch(SearchJdo search) { = "a funky name"; return search; } } SearchJdo is itself...

ReflectionTypeLoadException with Silverlight serialization attributes

Hi all, I´m trying to inspect the types in a silverlight 4 assembly from a .NET 3.5 application. I have loaded the silverlight assembly with a Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom sentence. contractsAssembly = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom(contractsAssemblyPath); When the .NET application tries to perform a call to GetTypes(), it throws...

XSLT Transformation of XML File

I've written a simple XML Document that I am trying to transform with an XSLT file, but I get no results when I run the code. Here is my XML document: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Employee xmlns:i="" xmlns="XSLT_MVC.Controllers"> <ID>42</ID> <Name>Russ</Name> </Employee> ...

java: assigning object reference IDs for custom serialization

For various reasons I have a custom serialization where I am dumping some fairly simple objects to a data file. There are maybe 5-10 classes, and the object graphs that result are acyclic and pretty simple (each serialized object has 1 or 2 references to another that are serialized). For example: class Foo { final private long id; ...

Is there an OnDeserialized event or similar so I can determine that a class has been deserialized?

I've got a base class for all my custom entity collections, a simple version of it is this: [Serializable] public class CollectionBase<T> : List<T> where T : IEntity { public bool IsDirty {get;} public new void Add(T item) { this.SetDirty(); base.Add(item); item.MadeDirty += new EventHandler(item_Ma...

XmlSerializer.Deserialize System.Array

reader.MoveToContent(); var xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DerivedTypePackage<ScriptExecutionTask>[])); var packagedTasks = xs.Deserialize(reader.ReadSubtree()) as DerivedTypePackage<ScriptExecutionTask>[]; reader.ReadEndElement(); After calling xs.Deserialize(reader.ReadSubtree()), the reader is pointing...

best practice to persist classes model

My application contains a set of model classes. e.g. Person, Department... The user changes values for instances of these classes in the UI and the classes are persisted to my "project" file. Next time the user can open and edit the project. Next version of my product may change the model classes drastically. It will still need to open...

Serialization of Mouse cursors over network

hi I am working a client/server application in C#. My server Capture current Mouse Cursors and send these to client so that Cursor of the cleint also chage accordingly.I can detect windows Cursors and serialize them over binaryformatter. it works fine but but problem is there are many cursors that can not be detected like mspaint cursors...

Deserializing different named xml nodes

Hi. Is there a way to convert different named xml nodes into one class when deserializing an XML Example XML: <items> <aaa>value</aaa> <bbb>value</bbb> </items> Normaly i would write: [XmlRoot("items")] class Items { [XmlElement("aaa")] public string aaa; [XmlElement("bbb")] public string bbb; } But now i...

cPickle ImportError: No module named multiarray

Hello, I'm using cPickle to save my Database into file. The code looks like that: def Save_DataBase(): import cPickle from scipy import * from numpy import * a=Results.VersionName #filename='D:/results/'+a[a.find('/')+1:-a.find('/')-2]+Results.AssType[:3]+str(random.randint(0,100))+Results.Distribution+".lft" filename='D:/results/pppp...

Using the same CArchive object for archive and un-archive

Following is a sample code: CFile serFile; serFile.Open(_T("Person.ser"), CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite); CArchive writer(&serFile, CArchive::store); me.Serialize(writer); writer.Close(); serFile.Close(); serFile.Open(_T("Person.ser"), CFile::modeRead); CArchive reader(&serFile, CArchive::load); CPerson clone; clone.Serializ...

Strategies for serializing an object for auditing/logging purpose in .NET?

Let's say I have an application that processes messages. Messages are just objects in this case that implements IMessage interface which is just a marker. In this app, if a message fails to process, then I want to log it, first of all for auditing and troubleshooting purposes. Secondly I might want to use it for re-processing. Ideall...

Serialized form fields in Ruby on Rails problem

I'm having a problem making serialized columns in my model persist correctly in forms. If my model validation fails I want to redisplay the "new" page with all my model data still in the forms. Right now, everything except the serialized fields seem to persist (if my Order fails to purchase, on the "new" page the email is still filled in...

Direct boost serialization to char array

Hi all, Boost serialization doc's assert that the way to serialize/deserialize items is using a binary/text archive with a stream on the underlying structure. This works fine if I wan't to use the serialized data as an std::string, but my intention is to convert it directly to a char* buffer. How can I achieve this without creating a te...

Save Workspace - save all variables to a file. Python doesn't have it)

I cannot understand it. Very simple, and obvious functionality: You have a code in any programming language, You run it. In this code You generate variables, than You save them (the values, names, namely everything) to a file, with one command. When it's saved You may open such a file in Your code also with simple command. It works perf...

'ErrorMessageResourceType' property specified was not found. on XmlSerialise

In my ASP.Net MVC app I have a Model layer which uses localised validation annotations on business objects. The code looks like this: [XmlRoot("Item")] public class ItemBo : BusinessObjectBase { [Required(ErrorMessageResourceName = "RequiredField", ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(StringResource))] [HelpPrompt("ItemNumber")] ...

Serialize WPF component using XamlWriter without default constructor

Ive found out that you can serialize a wpf component, in my example a FixedDocument, using the XamlWriter and a MemoryStream: FixedDocument doc = GetDocument(); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); XamlWriter.Save(doc, stream); And then to get it back: stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); FixedDocument result = (FixedDocument)XamlR...

Not knowing a type before deserializing

Is it possible to deserialize (c#) a piece of xml, csv, json (whatever it is), and not know it's type? But be given back an object (which ultimately is the correct type)? ...

C# Serialization Surrogate - Cannot access a disposed object

I have an image class (VisionImage) that is a black box to me. I'm attempting to serialize the image object to file using Serialization Surrogates as explained on this page. Below is my surrogate code. sealed class VisionImageSerializationSurrogate : ISerializationSurrogate { public void GetObjectData(Object obj, SerializationInfo i...